2,014 research outputs found

    Thermal expansion within a chain of magnetic colloidal particles

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    We study the thermal expansion of chains formed by self-assembly of magnetic colloidal particles in a magnetic field. Using video-microscopy, complete positional data of all the particles of the chains is obtained. By changing the ionic strength of the solution and the applied magnetic field, the interaction potential can be tuned. We analyze the thermal expansion of the chain using a simple model of a one dimensional anharmonic crystal of finite size.Comment: 5 pages and 3 figure

    A high-sensitivity OH 5-cm line survey in late-type stars

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    We have undertaken a comprehensive search for 5-cm excited OH maser emission from evolved stars representative of various stages of late stellar evolution. Observed sources were selected from known 18-cm OH sources. This survey was conducted with the 100-m Effelsberg telescope to achieve high signal to noise ratio observations and a sensitivity limit of about 0.05 to 0.1 Jy. A total of 64 stellar sources were searched for both main line and satellite line emission. We confirm the previous detection of 5 cm OH in Vy 2-2, do not confirm emission from NML-Cyg and do not report any other new detection within the above sensitivity limit. Implications of these results on the pumping mechanism of the OH radical in circumstellar envelopes are briefly discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, A&A in pres

    Nanorheology : an Investigation of the Boundary Condition at Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Interfaces

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    t has been shown that the flow of a simple liquid over a solid surface can violate the so-called no-slip boundary condition. We investigate the flow of polar liquids, water and glycerol, on a hydrophilic Pyrex surface and a hydrophobic surface made of a Self-Assembled Monolayer of OTS (octadecyltrichlorosilane) on Pyrex. We use a Dynamic Surface Force Apparatus (DSFA) which allows one to study the flow of a liquid film confined between two surfaces with a nanometer resolution. No-slip boundary conditions are found for both fluids on hydrophilic surfaces only. Significant slip is found on the hydrophobic surfaces, with a typical length of one hundred nanometers.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for European Physical Journal E - Sofr Mate

    HCOOCH3 as a probe of temperature and structure of Orion-KL

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    We studied the O-bearing molecule HCOOCH3 to characterize the physical conditions of the different molecular source components in Orion-KL. We identify 28 methyl formate emission peaks throughout the 50" field of observations. The two strongest peaks are in the Compact Ridge (MF1) and in the SouthWest of the Hot Core (MF2). Spectral confusion is still prevailing as half of the expected transitions are blended over the region. Assuming that the transitions are thermalized, we derive the temperature at the five main emission peaks. At the MF1 position we find a temperature of 80K in a 1.8"x0.8" beam size and 120K on a larger scale (3.6" x2.2"), suggesting an external source of heating, whereas the temperature is about 130K at the MF2 position on both scales. Transitions of HCOOCH3 in vt=1 are detected as well and the good agreement of the positions on the rotational diagrams between the vt=0 and the vt=1 transitions suggests a similar temperature. The velocity of the gas is between 7.5 and 8.0km/s depending on the positions and column density peaks vary from 1.6x10^16 to 1.6x10^17cm^-2. A second velocity component is observed around 9-10 km/s in a North-South structure stretching from the Compact Ridge up to the BN object; this component is warmer at the MF1 peak. The two other C2H4O2 isomers are not detected and the derived upper limit for the column density is <3x10^14cm^-2 for glycolaldehyde and <2x10^15cm^-2 for acetic acid. From the 223GHz continuum map, we identify several dust clumps with associated gas masses in the range 0.8 to 5.8Msun. Assuming that the HCOOCH3 is spatially distributed as the dust, we find relative abundances of HCOOCH3 in the range <0.1x10^-8 to 5.2x10^-8. We suggest a relation between the methyl formate distribution and shocks as traced by 2.12 mum H2 emission.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    First evidence of quasi-periodic magnetic intraday activity from SiO emission in the atmosphere of two Mira stars

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    accepté A&A 2008During the phase when stars appear in the Hertzsprung-Russell-Diagram in the upper asymptotic giant branch (AGB), they loose, due to a wind driven by pulsations, at least half of their mass. The inner part of the envelop thus formed, also called extended atmosphere, is expected to bear complex magneto-hydrodynamic phenomena, due to the interaction of the wind with the previously expulsed matter and, possibly, with Jovian or terrestial planets. As in the solar system, fluctuations of the magnetic field ("space weather" about a mean value can be expected, but the observational evidence is still lacking. Here we show that for a narrow range of velocities the circular polarization of SiO masers, tracing the magnetic field in the extended atmosphere of AGB stars, varies in two stars with a period of a few hours. Previous multi-epoch observations of SiO masers were neither polarimetric nor critically sampled to detect such intraday magnetic fluctuations. Because statistically significant fluctuations are seemingly rare and localized in the extended atmosphere, they are expected to be due to a variety of phenomena. Coronal flux loops, magnetic clouds or Jovian magnetospheres provide suitable explanations. Our study opens the way to future observations combining intensive full polarization monitoring of SiO masers, sampling at least once per hour, with high spatial resolution. This will ultimately allow us to distinguish between the proposed scenarios and to investigate the fate of inner planetary systems around solar-type stars entering their AGB phase

    Neural Responses to Heartbeats in the Default Network Encode the Self in Spontaneous Thoughts

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    The default network (DN) has been consistently associated with self-related cognition, but also to bodily state monitoring and autonomic regulation. We hypothesized that these two seemingly disparate functional roles of the DN are functionally coupled, in line with theories proposing that selfhood is grounded in the neural monitoring of internal organs, such as the heart. We measured with magnetoencephalograhy neural responses evoked by heartbeats while human participants freely mind-wandered. When interrupted by a visual stimulus at random intervals, participants scored the self-relatedness of the interrupted thought. They evaluated their involvement as the first-person perspective subject or agent in the thought (“I”), and on another scale to what degree they were thinking about themselves (“Me”). During the interrupted thought, neural responses to heartbeats in two regions of the DN, the ventral precuneus and the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, covaried, respectively, with the “I” and the “Me” dimensions of the self, even at the single-trial level. No covariation between self-relatedness and peripheral autonomic measures (heart rate, heart rate variability, pupil diameter, electrodermal activity, respiration rate, and phase) or alpha power was observed. Our results reveal a direct link between selfhood and neural responses to heartbeats in the DN and thus directly support theories grounding selfhood in the neural monitoring of visceral inputs. More generally, the tight functional coupling between self-related processing and cardiac monitoring observed here implies that, even in the absence of measured changes in peripheral bodily measures, physiological and cognitive functions have to be considered jointly in the DN

    Adaptive Seeding for Gaussian Mixture Models

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    We present new initialization methods for the expectation-maximization algorithm for multivariate Gaussian mixture models. Our methods are adaptions of the well-known KK-means++ initialization and the Gonzalez algorithm. Thereby we aim to close the gap between simple random, e.g. uniform, and complex methods, that crucially depend on the right choice of hyperparameters. Our extensive experiments indicate the usefulness of our methods compared to common techniques and methods, which e.g. apply the original KK-means++ and Gonzalez directly, with respect to artificial as well as real-world data sets.Comment: This is a preprint of a paper that has been accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the 20th Pacific Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD) 2016. The final publication is available at link.springer.com (http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-31750-2 24

    Full-Polarization Observations of OH Masers in Massive Star-Forming Regions: I. Data

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    We present full-polarization VLBA maps of the ground-state, main-line, 2 Pi 3/2, J = 3/2 OH masers in 18 Galactic massive star-forming regions. This is the first large polarization survey of interstellar hydroxyl masers at VLBI resolution. A total of 184 Zeeman pairs are identified, and the corresponding magnetic field strengths are indicated. We also present spectra of the NH3 emission or absorption in these star-forming regions. Analysis of these data will be presented in a companion paper.Comment: 111 pages, including 42 figures and 21 tables, to appear in ApJ

    Expansion of W 3(OH)

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    A direct measurement of the expansion of W 3(OH) is made by comparing Very Large Array images taken about 10 yr apart. The expansion is anisotropic with a typical speed of 3 to 5 km/s, indicating a dynamical age of only 2300 yr. These observations are inconsistent with either the freely expanding shell model or a simple bow shock model. The most favored model is a slowly expanding shell-like HII region, with either a fast rarefied flow or another less massive diffuse ionized region moving towards the observer. There is also a rapidly evolving source near the projected center of emission, perhaps related to the central star.Comment: LaTeX file, 28 pages, includes 8 figures. To appear in ApJ in December 10 (1998) issue. Also available at http://www.submm.caltech.edu/~kawamura/w3oh_pp.p

    Hot gas and dust in a protostellar cluster near W3(OH

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    We used the IRAM Interferometer to obtain sub-arcsecond resolution observations of the high-mass star-forming region W3(OH) and its surroundings at a frequency of 220 GHz. With the improved angular resolution, we distinguish 3 peaks in the thermal dust continuum emission originating from the hot core region about 6 arcsec (0.06 pc) east of W3(OH). The dust emission peaks are coincident with known radio continuum sources, one of which is of non-thermal nature. The latter source is also at the center of expansion of a powerful bipolar outflow observed in water maser emission. We determine the hot core mass to be 15 solar masses based on the integrated dust continuum emission. Simultaneously many molecular lines are detected allowing the analysis of the temperature structure and the distribution of complex organic molecules in the hot core. From HNCO lines, spanning a wide range of excitation, two 200 K temperature peaks are found coincident with dust continuum emission peaks suggesting embedded heating sources within them.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure
