265 research outputs found

    Monetary Resident Incentives: Effect on Patient Satisfaction in an Academic Emergency Department

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    Patient satisfaction most be a priority in emergency departments (EDs). The care provided by residents forms much of the patient contact in academic EDs

    Chaos and localization in the wavefunctions of complex atoms NdI, PmI and SmI

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    Wavefunctions of complex lanthanide atoms NdI, PmI and SmI, obtained via multi-configuration Dirac-Fock method, are analyzed for density of states in terms of partial densities, strength functions (Fk(E)F_k(E)), number of principal components (ξ2(E)\xi_2(E)) and occupancies (\lan n_\alpha \ran^E) of single particle orbits using embedded Gaussian orthogonal ensemble of one plus two-body random matrix ensembles [EGOE(1+2)]. It is seen that density of states are in general multi-modal, Fk(E)F_k(E)'s exhibit variations as function of the basis states energy and ξ2(E)\xi_2(E)'s show structures arising from localized states. The sources of these departures from EGOE(1+2) are investigated by examining the partial densities, correlations between Fk(E)F_k(E), ξ2(E)\xi_2(E) and \lan n_\alpha \ran^E and also by studying the structure of the Hamiltonian matrices. These studies point out the operation of EGOE(1+2) but at the same time suggest that weak admixing between well separated configurations should be incorporated into EGOE(1+2) for more quantitative description of chaos and localization in NdI, PmI and SmI.Comment: There are 9 figure

    A Holder Continuous Nowhere Improvable Function with Derivative Singular Distribution

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    We present a class of functions K\mathcal{K} in C0(R)C^0(\R) which is variant of the Knopp class of nowhere differentiable functions. We derive estimates which establish \mathcal{K} \sub C^{0,\al}(\R) for 0<\al<1 but no KKK \in \mathcal{K} is pointwise anywhere improvable to C^{0,\be} for any \be>\al. In particular, all KK's are nowhere differentiable with derivatives singular distributions. K\mathcal{K} furnishes explicit realizations of the functional analytic result of Berezhnoi. Recently, the author and simulteously others laid the foundations of Vector-Valued Calculus of Variations in LL^\infty (Katzourakis), of LL^\infty-Extremal Quasiconformal maps (Capogna and Raich, Katzourakis) and of Optimal Lipschitz Extensions of maps (Sheffield and Smart). The "Euler-Lagrange PDE" of Calculus of Variations in LL^\infty is the nonlinear nondivergence form Aronsson PDE with as special case the \infty-Laplacian. Using K\mathcal{K}, we construct singular solutions for these PDEs. In the scalar case, we partially answered the open C1C^1 regularity problem of Viscosity Solutions to Aronsson's PDE (Katzourakis). In the vector case, the solutions can not be rigorously interpreted by existing PDE theories and justify our new theory of Contact solutions for fully nonlinear systems (Katzourakis). Validity of arguments of our new theory and failure of classical approaches both rely on the properties of K\mathcal{K}.Comment: 5 figures, accepted to SeMA Journal (2012), to appea

    Electron recombination with multicharged ions via chaotic many-electron states

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    We show that a dense spectrum of chaotic multiply-excited eigenstates can play a major role in collision processes involving many-electron multicharged ions. A statistical theory based on chaotic properties of the eigenstates enables one to obtain relevant energy-averaged cross sections in terms of sums over single-electron orbitals. Our calculation of the low-energy electron recombination of Au25+^{25+} shows that the resonant process is 200 times more intense than direct radiative recombination, which explains the recent experimental results of Hoffknecht {\em et al.} [J. Phys. B {\bf 31}, 2415 (1998)].Comment: 9 pages, including 1 figure, REVTe

    Isotope shift in the electron affinity of chlorine

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    The specific mass shift in the electron affinity between ^{35}Cl and ^{37}Cl has been determined by tunable laser photodetachment spectroscopy to be -0.51(14) GHz. The isotope shift was observed as a difference in the onset of the photodetachment process for the two isotopes. In addition, the electron affinity of Cl was found to be 29138.59(22) cm^{-1}, giving a factor of 2 improvement in the accuracy over earlier measurements. Many-body calculations including lowest-order correlation effects demonstrates the sensitivity of the specific mass shift and show that the inclusion of higher-order correlation effects would be necessary for a quantitative description.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, LaTeX2e, amsmat

    Setting up a Common European Asylum System : Report on the application of existing instruments and proposals for the new system

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    The study assesses firstly the evaluation process of the first generation of asylum instruments while underlining the possibilities to improve it. It analyses secondly the asylum "acquis" regarding distribution of refugees between Member States, the eligibility for protection, the status of protected persons regarding detention and vulnerability, asylum procedures and the external dimension by formulating short-term recommendations of each area. Its last part is devoted to the long term evolution of the Common European Asylum System regarding the legal context including the accession of the EU to the Geneva Convention, the institutional perspectives including the new European Support Office, the jurisdictional perspective, the substantive perspective, the distributive perspective and the external perspective

    Measurement and application of electron stripping of ultrarelativistic 208Pb81+^{208}\textrm{Pb}^{81+}

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    New measurements of the stripping cross-section for ultrarelativistic hydrogen-like lead ions passing through aluminium and silicon have been performed at the Advanced Wakefield experiment at CERN. Agreement with existing measurements and theory has been obtained. Improvements in terms of electron beam quality and ion beam diagnostic capability, as well as further applications of such an electron beam, are discussed


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    Abstract To mitigate electron cloud in particle accelerators a carbon coating with low SEY (Secondary Electron Yield) has been developed. In the case of the SPS (Super Proton Synchrotron), which belongs to the LHC injector chain, testing of the performance of coated beam pipes directly in the accelerator must cope with the schedule of the regular machine operation. For this reason an alternative tool based on RF induced multipacting in a coaxial configuration has been designed for ex-situ characterization of the main bending dipoles of the SPS. In this contribution we report the results obtained before and after coating for two 6.4 meter dipoles with different cross sections of the vacuum chambers. The multipacting is monitored by measuring the pressure rise and the RF reflected power. After coating, the power threshold to induce multipacting is strongly reduced indicating a lower propensity for electron cloud. The impact of the RF coupling on the sensitivity of the technique is discussed. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP A SPS dipole can be transformed into a coaxial resonator by stretching a tungsten wire within its beam pipe. The RF excitation is generated by a Vector Network Analyser, (VNA), amplified and injected through one extremity of the wire while the other extremity is short circuited. By choosing a frequency corresponding to one of the resonances of this system, most of the RF power injected is dissipated in the resonator and only a small fraction reflected. In case of multipacting, a cloud of electrons is generated and the RF power is strongly reflected by the resulting plasma. To determine the power threshold for multipacting we ramp up the RF power while monitoring the ratio between the reflected and input power in the VNA. In the absence of multipacting this ratio remains constant, but rises abruptly when the multiplication of electrons starts. To complement the RF diagnostic, the vacuum is monitored by a total pressure gauge and a Residual Gas Analyser (RGA). More details about the experimental set-up can be found in MEASUREMENT IN THE DIPOLES BEFORE AND AFTER COATING The propensity of the beam pipes to multipact depends on their geometry, the SEY of their internal surfaces and the applied magnetic field. In the SPS the vacuum chambers of the two main types of bending dipoles, MBA and MBB, are made of 316LN stainless steel and have almost rectangular cross sections, but different internal dimensions (see Before coating, the MBB dipole has a lower power threshold for multipacting, (~1 dBW), compared to that of the MBA, (~4 dBW), and a higher maximum of the ratio reflected/input power than the MBA. This higher propensity to multipact of the MBB is attributed to the difference in the geometry and is in agreement with the outcome of electron cloud simulations done by Rumol