688 research outputs found

    Statistics of electric-quadrupole lines in atomic spectra

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    In hot plasmas, a temperature of a few tens of eV is sufficient for producing highly stripped ions where multipole transitions become important. At low density, the transitions from tightly bound inner shells lead to electric-quadrupole (E2) lines which are comparable in strength with electric-dipole ones. In this work, we propose analytical formulas for the estimation of the number of E2 lines in a transition array. Such expressions rely on statistical descriptions of electron states and J-levels. A generalized 'J-file' sum rule for E2 lines and the strength-weighted shift and variance of the line energies of a transition array nl^N+1 \rightarrow nl^Nn'l' of inter-configuration E2 lines are also presented.Comment: submitted to J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phy

    Effect of third- and fourth-order moments on the modeling of Unresolved Transition Arrays

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    The impact of the third (skewness) and fourth (kurtosis) reduced centered moments on the statistical modeling of E1 lines in complex atomic spectra is investigated through the use of Gram-Charlier, Normal Inverse Gaussian and Generalized Gaussian distributions. It is shown that the modeling of unresolved transition arrays with non-Gaussian distributions may reveal more detailed structures, due essentially to the large value of the kurtosis. In the present work, focus is put essentially on the Generalized Gaussian, the power of the argument in the exponential being constrained by the kurtosis value. The relevance of the new statistical line distribution is checked by comparisons with smoothed detailed line-by-line calculations and through the analysis of 2p-3d transitions of recent laser or Z-pinch absorption measurements. The issue of calculating high-order moments is also discussed (Racah algebra, Jucys graphical method, semi-empirical approach ...).Comment: submitted to High Energy Density Physic

    Race, Class or Culture? The Construction of the European in Colonial Malaria Control

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    Der Aufsatz untersucht, auf welche Weise Ärzte im kolonialen Kontext den „Europäer“ dachten. Er nimmt dafür zeitgenössische Debatten über die Disposition bestimmter „Bevölkerungsgruppen“ für Krankheiten wie Malaria und Schlafkrankheit in den Blick sowie die Praxis der Malariabekämpfung in der Kolonie Deutsch-Ostafrika zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts, in der „Europäer“ und „Farbige“ unterschiedlich behandelt wurden. Es wird gezeigt, wie „Europäer“ und „Farbige“ als Phänomene konstruiert wurden und immer wieder argumentativ und praktisch voneinander abgegrenzt werden mussten. Am Beispiel der dabei produzierten „Grenzfälle“ der „Goanesen“ und „Buren“ arbeite ich heraus, dass in der Idee des „Europäers“ das Konzept biologisch definierbarer „Rassen“ auch für Ärzte untrennbar mit Vorstellungen von „Kultur“ sowie mit Klasse verknüpft war

    A consistent approach for mixed detailed and statistical calculation of opacities in hot plasmas

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    Absorption and emission spectra of plasmas with multicharged-ions contain transition arrays with a huge number of coalescent electric-dipole (E1) lines, which are well suited for treatment by the unresolved transition array and derivative methods. But, some transition arrays show detailed features whose description requires diagonalization of the Hamiltonian matrix. We developed a hybrid opacity code, called SCORCG, which combines statistical approaches with fine-structure calculations consistently. Data required for the computation of detailed transition arrays (atomic configurations and atomic radial integrals) are calculated by the super-configuration code SCO (Super-Configuration Opacity), which provides an accurate description of the plasma screening effects on the wave-functions. Level energies as well as position and strength of spectral lines are computed by an adapted RCG routine of R. D. Cowan. The resulting code provides opacities for hot plasmas and can handle mid-Z elements. The code is also a powerful tool for the interpretation of recent laser and Z-pinch experimental spectra, as well as for validation of statistical methods.Comment: submitted to "High Energy Density Physics

    Managing Antimicrobial Resistance from Medical and Veterinary Health Sys-tems Perspectives to Achieving Universal Health Coverage in the African Re-gion

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    Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a threat to global health security and may reverse the gains in preventive medicine. This is worsened by the fact that development of resistance out-paces that of new antimicrobials. The factors driving the development of AMR range from health systems to socio-economic and environmental factors. These include poor antimicrobial stewardship, poor access to quality drugs, prescribing antimicrobials without susceptibility laboratory tests, use of antimicrobials in crop, animal production and aquaculture farming. Others are lack of coordinated medical and veterinary health systems strengthening, poor universal health coverage and practice of one health. The burden of the problem is of public health importance especially in Africa where there is high incidence of poverty, high incidence of out-of-pocket health expenditure, lack of basic social amenities and weak health systems with poor collaboration. The impact of AMR includes increased burden on the healthcare system, hospital admission, cost of patient treatment, poor clinical outcomes and impact on food security, among others. In view of the interplay of various systems and factors in the development and emergence of AMR, there is need for multi-sectoral and interdisciplinary approach at global, regional, national and local levels for its prevention and mitigation. Strengthening of health systems from the medical and veterinary perspectives and universal health coverage are critical in the fight against AMR. The relevant stakeholders include political leaders, community leaders, health professionals, academics, and research institutions, federal and state ministries of health, agriculture, education and Nongovernmental organisations among others. Conflict of interest: None declared &nbsp

    Segmentierung von Kundendienstleistungen auf investiven Maerkten

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    Viele Unternehmen nutzen bestehende Umsatz- und Gewinnmöglichkeiten im Kundendienst bislang nicht konsequent genug aus. Voraussetzung für eine umfassende Ausschöpfung dieser Potentiale ist eine differenzierte und zielgruppengerechte Servicepolitik. Bisher existierten jedoch kaum geeignete Vorschläge zur Segmentierung von Servicemärkten. Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt praktikable Lösungsmöglichkeiten für dieses kundendienstpolitische Defizit auf. Ausgehend von der servicespezifischen Bedürfnissituation von Unternehmen wird ein zweistufiges Segmentierungsmodell für investive Kundendienstmärkte entwickelt. Auf Grundlage einer empirischen Studie im Markt für kommerzielle Personal Computer werden u.a. praxisrelevante Normstrategien für eine zielgruppengerechte Bearbeitung von Kundendienstmärkten abgeleitet

    Monetary Resident Incentives: Effect on Patient Satisfaction in an Academic Emergency Department

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    Patient satisfaction most be a priority in emergency departments (EDs). The care provided by residents forms much of the patient contact in academic EDs
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