4 research outputs found

    Reaching Struggling Introductory Biology Students with a Targeted Peer Tutoring Program

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    Low persistence in STEM majors has long been an area of concern for institutions and educational researchers. The transition from introductory to advanced courses has been identified as a particularly “leaky” point along the STEM pipeline. Students who struggle early in an introductory STEM course rarely show significant improvement over the remainder of the semester. This poor early performance can damage self-efficacy and result in disengagement in the course, negative perceptions of the field, and reduced persistence in the course. This study examined the wide impact of an optional peer tutoring specifically targeted at these students who experience early difficulties in a large- enrollment, introductory biology course. Outcomes were measured using a combination of course performance, course management system data, and self-report surveys. Students who regularly attended peer tutoring were found to have increased engagement in the course, more expert-like perceptions of biology, better exam performance, and increased persistence relative to their peers who were not attending the peer tutoring sessions. Implications of these findings for universities looking to offer targeted academic assistance are discussed

    Stage-specific dynamic reorganization of genome topology shapes transcriptional neighborhoods in developing human retinal organoids

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    Summary: We have generated a high-resolution Hi-C map of developing human retinal organoids to elucidate spatiotemporal dynamics of genomic architecture and its relationship with gene expression patterns. We demonstrate progressive stage-specific alterations in DNA topology and correlate these changes with transcription of cell-type-restricted gene markers during retinal differentiation. Temporal Hi-C reveals a shift toward A compartment for protein-coding genes and B compartment for non-coding RNAs, displaying high and low expression, respectively. Notably, retina-enriched genes are clustered near lost boundaries of topologically associated domains (TADs), and higher-order assemblages (i.e., TAD cliques) localize in active chromatin regions with binding sites for eye-field transcription factors. These genes gain chromatin contacts at their transcription start site as organoid differentiation proceeds. Our study provides a global view of chromatin architecture dynamics associated with diversification of cell types during retinal development and serves as a foundational resource for in-depth functional investigations of retinal developmental traits