5 research outputs found

    Rezultati anketnoga istraživanja učenika i nastavnika

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    IN CROATIAN: U poglavlju su prikazani rezultati anketnoga istraživanja učenika i nastavnika koje je provedeno u okviru vanjskoga vrednovanja eksperimentalne provedbe 24 nova strukovna kurikuluma u školskoj godini 2013. / 2014. Rezultati su raspravljeni s obzirom na sljedeće teme: 1. upoznatost nastavnika s novim strukovnim kurikulumima i različitim aspektima njihove provedbe, 2. stručna usavršavanja nastavnika i potpora sustava provedbi novih strukovnih kurikuluma, 3. zadovoljstvo nastavnika i učenika novim strukovnim kurikulumima, 4. usporedba novih strukovnih kurikuluma s programima koji su im prethodili, 5. stavovi nastavnika o uvođenju i provedbi novih strukovnih kurikuluma te 6. obilježja nastave prema novim strukovnim kurikulumima. Poglavlje završava zaključcima i preporukama za obrazovnu politiku. --------------- IN ENGLISH: In this chapter, the results of students’ and teachers’ survey that was conducted as a part of the external evaluation of experimental implementation of 24 new vocational curricula in school year 2013-2014 are presented. The following topics were addressed: 1. teachers’ familiarity with the new vocational curricula and different aspects of their implementation, 2. teachers’ professional development trainings and system’s support in implementation of the new vocational curricula, 3. teachers’ and students’ satisfaction with the new vocational curricula, 4. comparison of the new vocational curricula and previous vocational programs, 5. teachers’ attitudes regarding implementation and administration of the new vocational curricula and 6. characteristics of teaching according the new vocational curricula. The chapter ends with conclusions and recommendations for educational policy

    Development of a new neutron probe for borehole research

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    Neutronska proba za ispitivanje naftnih bušotina razvijena je na Institutu Ruđer Bošković u okviru HRZZ projekta IP-2018-01-4060 \u27\u27Nove primjene 14 MeV neutrona\u27\u27. U ovom istraživanju ispitane su daljnje mogućnosti redukcije šuma u mjerenju C/O omjera metodom pridružene alfa čestice. Mješavina kvarcnog pijeska i grafitnog praha korištena je kao materijal od interesa , dok su plastične bočice ispunjene dizel gorivom korištene kao šum (smetnja) i predstavljaju tekućinu unutar naftne bušotine (npr. nafta). Podjela alfa detektora na četiri jednaka segmenta, omogućila je podjelu volumena oko osi neutronske probe na četiri kvadranta. Materijal od interesa i dizel smješteni su u različite kvadrante i pokazano je da su C/O vrijednosti u slučajevima kad je smetnja prisutna unutar statističke greške u odnosu na slučaj kada smetnje nema.The neutron probe for testing oil wells was developed at the Ruđer Bošković Institute within the HRZZ project IP-2018-01-4060 "New applications of 14 MeV neutrons". In this study, further possibilities of noise reduction in C/O ratio measurement by the associated alpha particle method were investigated. A mixture of quartz sand and graphite powder was used as the material of interest, while plastic bottles filled with diesel fuel were used as noise (interference) and represent the liquid inside the oil well (e.g. oil). Dividing the alpha detector into four equal segments, allowed portioning the volume around the neutron probe axis into four quadrants. The material of interest and diesel were located in different quadrants and it is shown that the C/O values in cases where interference is present are within statistical errors compared to the case where there is no interference

    Snowball sampling method on complex networks

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    Veliki broj vrlo raznorodnih kompleksnih sustava koje proučavanju fizika, kemija, biologija, sociologija, ekonomija, računalne i druge znanosti mogu se prikazati kao kompleksne mreže. Istraživanje strukture i dinamike kompleksnih mreža, kao i dinamike procesa koji se odvijaju na kompleksnim mrežama predstavlja jedno od najpropulzivnijih interdisciplinarnih područja moderne znanosti. U mnogim situacijama je od važnosti uzorkovanjem istraživati populaciju za koju su odnosi medu jedinkama predstavljeni kompleksnom mrežom. Cilj teme diplomskog rada je istražiti svojstva postupka uzorkovanja metodom snježne grude na kompleksnim mrežama te ispitati da li se i pod kojim uvjetima metoda snježne grude može približiti po svojim svojstvima slučajnom uzorkovanju na kompleksnim mrežama. Naime, metoda snježne grude se standardno klasificira kao neprobabilistička metoda uzorkovanja kod koje iz uzorka nije moguće pouzdano zaključivanje o populaciji. S druge strane, uzorkovanje metodom snježne grude je često jedini realistični pristup uzorkovanju ukoliko je ciljanoj populaciji onemogućen ili otezan pristup, pa tako i probabilističke metode uzorkovanja poput slučajnog uzorkovanja. Specifični cilj diplomskog rada je kvantifikacija razlike slučajnog uzorkovanja i uzorkovanja metodom snježne grude na kompleksnim mrežama. Istraživanje će se provoditi simulacijama uzorkovanja na računalno generiranim kompleksnim mrežama.A large number of various complex systems in physics, chemistry, biology, sociology, economics, computer and other sciences can be represented as complex networks. Studies of structure and dynamics of complex networks, as well as dynamics of processes that take place on complex networks represent one of the most propulsive interdisciplinary areas of modern science. In complex systems, where relations and interactions between its constituent units are represented by complex network, there are many situations when sampling of population is of great importance. The goal of this theses is to examine properties of snowball sampling on complex networks and to find out under which conditions (if any) can snowball sampling assessments get close to random sampling on complex networks. Particularly, snowball sampling method is classified as non-probabilistic, meaning it is not possible to reliably conclude about some property distribution in population through snowball sample. On the other hand, snowball sampling is often the only realistic sampling method, particularly when there is limited or no approach to the population of interest. Specific task of this thesis is quantification of difference between random sampling and snowball sampling on complex networks. Research will be conducted by simulations of sampling on computer generated complex networks