27 research outputs found

    In Vitro Optimization of Main Elements of the Grapes Reproduction Process

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    New methods for adapting in-vitro grape plants to in vivo conditions were developed. The use of growth regulators (6-BAP, 2iP, kinetin) enhanced rhizogenesis and increased the in-vitro plant reproduction coefficient. Lignohumate had a positive effect on plants and increased the leaf area and plant height 30 days after adaptation (concentration of 1.0 g/l). The use of the developed elements of clonal micro-reproduction and adaptation made it possible to significantly increase the reproduction factor, improve the quality of planting material, reduce costs of plants and increase profitability

    Productivity of Super Intensive Mother Plantations of the Violet Early Variety Under Different Modes of Loading the Bushes with Shoots

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    This paper presents the results of a multi-year study aimed at developing super intensive mother plantations. The effect of different modes of shoot load on grape bushes of the hard-to-root variety Violet Early was shown. A comprehensive study of physiological anatomical changes in the vine under various load conditions was conducted to demonstrate the quality and number of cuttings prepared. The efficiency of the creation of super intensive mother plantations on sandy soils in the Chechen Republic was analyzed. The presence of such mother plants allowed timely harvesting of cuttings to use those of the best quality for reproduction. In the experiments, the net income amounted to 23,717.21 thousand rubles, so it almost doubled; and the profitability attained 140.87%, which was 79% more than that in the control. Keywords: grapes, variety, load of shoots, mother plants, cuttings, seedlings, sandy soils, yiel

    Optimization Studies of Culture Media for In-Vitro Clonal Micropropagation of New Grape Varieties

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    This article describes the effect of Gautheret, White, Heller and Murashige & Skoog mineral salts during in-vitro clonal micropropagation of new grape varieties. The optimal mineral compositions of the culture medium that support the in-vitro regeneration of isolated grape explants were identified. The grapes that were studied were the Bart and Augustine varieties. Primary grape explants were cultivated for 30 days in a nontransplanted culture. Increased regenerative activity was observed in the Murashige & Skoog and White media. Increased haemogenesis occurred and shoots regenerated. The addition of cytokinin 6-BAP to the medium for obtaining aseptic culture led to an increase in the frequency of shoot-bud production by 5 to 6 times, depending on the type of medium. Combining 6-BAP with the auxin NAA provided an additional increase in the frequency of shoot-bud production, but to a lesser extent. Adding growth regulators to the culture medium also reduced the frequency of explant necrosis. Keywords: grapes, mineral salts, culture medium, microclonal propagation, in-vitro, cytokinins, auxin

    Garden Strawberry Plants: From Test-Tubes to Plantations

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    The article discusses the role of strawberry in providing people with vitamin products. It emphasizes the direct dependence of productivity of strawberry plants on the quality of the original planting material. A crucial role of clonal micro-propagation was justified. Features of the in vitro propagation stages were identified and new technical solutions for improving production efficiency were offered. The efficiency of auxin-containing paste for adaptation to the peat-based soil substrate was proved. The use of a 2 % Diazinon solution killed sciaride larvae damaging the roots. Development of an alternative method for adapting microplants to hydroponics made it possible to abandon the use of any substrate and ensure the viability of plants at the level of 95–100 %

    New Agrotechnical Methods Development for Planting Material Production and Transplanting Young Grape Plants

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    The studies aim to evaluate the effect from agrotechnical methods on yield and quality of vegetative young plants that are used with new experimental facility. It provides for different modes in tops and roots zones of the same grafts, which dramatically increases the yield of circular-callus grafts. When using our facility at the end of stratification, when eyes of graft begin to sprout on shoots, they do not stretch out that provides nutrients preservation inside a plant, and grafts are not dried up. The experimental facility is used to grow young plants with a pre-vine trunk in a stratification chamber. A special polymeric-materials support was developed that allows to grow plants in its lower part, to plant them out in a permanent place, to place and hold the sleeves providing by it the yield increase trellis zone. The new method combines previously separated elements of vine-growing technology, starting from growing planting material to using fruit-bearing plantations into a single technological cycle in order to exclude a number of plant care activities, inter alia, protection plants from adverse weather factors, pests and diseases, and mechanical damage [20]

    Effect of Climate Variability on Agro-climatic Potential of Landscapes of the Chechen Republic

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    The paper analyzes variability of the agro-climatic parameters of landscapes in the Chechen Republic, which are actively involved in agricultural production. The paper employs statistical and mathematical research methods. Due to climate aridization, agro-climatic conditions were found to deteriorate in 1965–2015 in the plain semi-desert and desert landscapes. Despite the improved thermal and moisture conditions in the plain steppe landscapes, the number of dangerous meteorological phenomena was observed to increase, including those detrimental to agriculture. Owing to the increased period of active vegetation of plants, agro-climatic conditions in the mountain-valley shrub-steppe landscapes of the republic improved compared to those observed in 1931–1960

    CO2 Decomposition in Microwave Discharge Created in Liquid Hydrocarbon

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    The task of CO2 decomposition is one of the components of the problem associated with global warming. One of the promising directions of its solution is the use of low-temperature plasma. For these purposes, different types of discharges are used. Microwave discharge in liquid hydrocarbons has not been studied before for this problem. This paper presents the results of a study of microwave discharge products in liquid Nefras C2 80/120 (petroleum solvent, a mixture of light hydrocarbons with a boiling point from 33 to 205 °C) when CO2 is introduced into the discharge zone, as well as the results of a study of the discharge by optical emission spectroscopy and shadow photography methods. The main gas products are H2, C2H2, C2H4, CH4, CO2, and CO. No oxygen was found in the products. The mechanisms of CO2 decomposition in the discharge are considered. The formation of H2 occurs simultaneously with the decomposition of CO2 in the discharge, with a volumetric rate of up to 475 mL/min and energy consumption of up to 81.4 NL/kWh

    Block-container system for growing strawberry planting material in greenhouses

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    The study aims to develop an effective technological scheme for growing high quality strawberry planting material in a greenhouse, while minimizing the application of growth substrates. Mother plants of Darselect, Asia, Florence, Kimberly, Alba varieties were planted in peat-filled container blocks, which were placed on a special surface of technological tables on which trays with water were installed. The trays were previously covered with a thin water- and breathable synthetic material Agril (density of 17 g/m2), which prevented the stolons from immersing into water. The stolons grew from the mother plants, and rosettes rooted. The efficiency of the process depended on the number of stolons developing from the mother plants and the number of rosettes. Stolons with rosettes were isolated from the mother plants, while extracting the roots that penetrated into the synthetic material. Plants were planted in cassettes with peat and regularly watered using the finely-dispersed method. One week was enough for 100 % survival of plants. On 1 m2 greenhouse area, during the first year, 124.0-139.5 daughter plants were grown. © 2021 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved

    Garden Strawberry Plants: From Test-Tubes to Plantations

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    The article discusses the role of strawberry in providing people with vitamin products. It emphasizes the direct dependence of productivity of strawberry plants on the quality of the original planting material. A crucial role of clonal micro-propagation was justified. Features of the in vitro propagation stages were identified and new technical solutions for improving production efficiency were offered. The efficiency of auxin-containing paste for adaptation to the peat-based soil substrate was proved. The use of a 2 % Diazinon solution killed sciaride larvae damaging the roots. Development of an alternative method for adapting microplants to hydroponics made it possible to abandon the use of any substrate and ensure the viability of plants at the level of 95–100 %

    In Vitro Optimization of Main Elements of the Grapes Reproduction Process

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    New methods for adapting in-vitro grape plants to in vivo conditions were developed. The use of growth regulators (6-BAP, 2iP, kinetin) enhanced rhizogenesis and increased the in-vitro plant reproduction coefficient. Lignohumate had a positive effect on plants and increased the leaf area and plant height 30 days after adaptation (concentration of 1.0 g/l). The use of the developed elements of clonal micro-reproduction and adaptation made it possible to significantly increase the reproduction factor, improve the quality of planting material, reduce costs of plants and increase profitability