3 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Alat Tes Kemampuan Menyimak (Comprèhension Orale) DELF Tingkat A1 Berbasis Web di Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Prancis Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan alat tes kemampuan menyimak DELF tingkat A1 berbasis web untuk mahasiswa/i semester dua, di Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Prancis Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, tahun ajaran 2013/2014. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan. Produk penelitian ini adalah tes berbasis web. Validasi tes dilakukan oleh ahli materi DELF dan validasi web dilakukan oleh ahli media. Proses pengembangan CO DELF tingkat A1 berbasis web terdiri atas dua tahap, yaitu tahap pengembangan tes dan pengembangan web. Tahap pengembangan tes diawali dengan penyusunan kisi-kisi, menyusun butir-butir soal dan ditelaah butir tes oleh ahli serta direvisi, uji coba tes, dan analisis butir tes. Selanjutnya tahap pengembangan web diawali dengan mendesain flowchart dan storyboard serta pembuatan produk, kemudian produk divalidasi oleh ahli media, direvisi dan diuji coba lapangan. Penelitian ini telah menghasilkan tes evaluasi hasil belajar kemampuan menyimak (Comprèhension Orale) DELF tingkat A1 yang baik dari segi isi tes baik dan memiliki koefisien reliabilitas tes 0.671 dengan kategori sedang. Hasil penilaian dari aspek sistem web adalah skor rerata 11,02 berkategori sangat baik. Hasil penilaian dari aspek tampilan web adalah skor rerata 8,64. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa hasil uji coba lapangan yang diperoleh adalah jumlah (total aspek sistem dan aspek tampilan) 945 dengan rerata 4,82. Dari hasil tersebut tes CO DELF A1 berbasis web ini memiliki kriteria sangan baik (SB) dan layak digunakan sebagai sistem ujian online di Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Prancis, FBS UNY

    Tourism Business Sustainability Analysis in the Post-Pandemic Era: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Tourism is one of the areas that has undergone a recovery during the post-pandemic period. However, numerous factors must be considered before this industry can recover from the epidemic that has led tourism to decline globally. This is a crucial question for tourist stakeholders in post-pandemic times. Post-pandemic tourism faced several obstacles in practically all nations, and local governments handled them in different ways. Many experts began writing about tourism's sustainability during and after the pandemic. Based on this, a literature evaluation is required that carefully filters and examines the post-pandemic sustainability of tourism. The results of the review can answer the research questions: whether the right and feasible policies or strategies are implemented in the post-pandemic period for tourism industry players; and what technology is most suitable for tourism sustainability in the post-pandemic period. To answer these questions, a literature review on the topic of tourist sustainability in the post-pandemic period was conducted. The PRISMA approach was used in this study's literature review to attain this purpose. The initial selection was made using Scopus, Proquest, Emerald and Semantic Scholar databases resulting in a total of 386 articles since 2020 based on articles that have been applied filtering and screening processes; they can be categorized into four article topics, namely: Case Study, Conceptual, Strategy and Technology. The findings of the article review that PRISMA can be utilized. For the first question about policies and strategies, synergy and cooperation between components within the penta helix are required before defining tourism-related policies. To ensure tourist sustainability after the crisis phase, it is vital to generate optimism and excitement among tourism industry participants and local residents. Concerning the second research subject, the filtering study lacks research using methods other than those in the trend, such as MCDM or candlestick charts. Future studies can utilise past research. So the distance between research results and actual market conditions can be overcome; if the gap is crossed, the study's conclusions can be employed empirically in stock trading, not just on paper

    Potential Identification of Community-Based Tourism Product Development in Santong Tourism Village, North Lombok Regency, Indonesia

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    Purpose: This community service activity is carried out with the main objective of identifying the potential for developing tourism products in Santong Tourism Village which originates from the economic, social and cultural potential of the community in the context of developing quality and competitive tourism products in Santong Tourism Village. Method: The community service employs (1) field survey to identify current conditions and the need for intervention in the development of tourist village with data collection techniques ranging from direct observation, in-depth interview, to documentation, and (2) workshop which includes short lectures, guided group discussions, demonstrations, and simulations. The data obtained are all primary data obtained directly from Pokdarwis, other tourism actors, as well as Santong’s local community. Result: The 2 (two) main outputs of this community service activity are (1) tour package and culinary product prototypes that integrate various natural potentials and local community wisdom, as well as (2) needs identification for homestay development in Santong Tourism Village. Contribution: Providing new insights and skills to the local community in developing integrated and quality tourism products that can provide broader economic impact the people of Santong Tourism Village