7 research outputs found

    Kesiapan Pembelajaran Klinik Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19

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    Terjadinya Pandemi COVID-19 secara nyata telah berdampak luas terhadap dunia pendidikan secara umum, termasuk dalam pendidikan kedokteran terutama tahap pendidikan profesi. Kemungkinan penularan COVID 19 di rumah sakit telah mengakibatkan terhentinya pembelajaran klinik di hampir semua pusat pendidikan profesi dokter diseluruh dunia. Mengingat masa pandemi yang tidak jelas kapan akan berakhir telah menimbulkan keresahan bagi mahasiswa dan pendidik klinis terkait keberlangsungan progaram pendidikan.  Penelitian survei ini bertujuan mengidentifikas kesiapan mahasiswa, dosen klinik, rumah sakit dan institusi penedidikan profesi kesehatan untuk memulai kembali kegiatan pembelajaran klinik yang sempat terhenti, dan metode yang dianggap paling sesuai dengan situasi pandemi COVID-19. Hasil penelitian berkesimpulan : (1) Pandemi COVID 19 adalah masalah global dan memberikan dampak aktivitas clinical teaching, (2) penundaan aktivitas clinical teaching yang telah berlangsung berbulan-bulan telah memberikan kekhawatiran bagi mahasiswa dan dosen dan merek ingin dapat segera memulai kegiatan tersebut, (3) proses kegiatan clinical teaching  dengan pemanfaatan teknologi dan adopsi kebiasaan baru mungkin bisa diaplisikan pada clinical teaching selama pandemi Covid 19 dan (4) perlu pengkajian dan persiapan sebelum pelaksanaan aktivitas clinical teaching berbasih on-line agar memberikan hasil yang positif  terhadap pendidikan kedoktera

    Role of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) in Developing Public Speaking Skills of Indonesian EFL Learners

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    Digitization Era has contributed in the development of English language learning. Access to English language learning has now been increasingly opened up to the users of internet. Developing of speaking skill may be accelerated through the use of social media and technology (particularly through computer assisted technology). With this assumption, this study attempted to investigate and offer solutions to issues such as the access to media and technology as well as public speaking learning by English language students in Indonesia through computer assisted language learning mode. The study was conducted with quantitative methods through pretest and posttest with assessment rubrics designed in such a way as to produce the best results. Quasi-experimental research design was employed in the study supported with Pretest and Posttest of the Control Group Design. The results revealed that there was a significant effect of CALL learning on the public speaking skill of the participants. That is why the potential use of CALL is recommended for developing Public Speaking skills of the Indonesian learners


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    Bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa internasional meyerap tidak sedikit kosakata dari bahasa asing termasuk dari Bahasa Indonesia. Analisis reflektif terhadap korpus Bahasa Inggris penting dilakukan dalam rangka membantu menginternasionalkan Bahasa Indonesia. Penelitian dilakukan dengan analisis kualitatif secara daring maupun luring terhadap kamu monolingual bahasa Inggris. Terdapat 41 kata dari Bahasa Indonesia yang diserap ke dalam Kamus bahasa Inggris. Hal ini berarti para praktisi linguistik perlu berperan lebih aktif


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    The new curriculum of English language teaching in Indonesia urges students contribute actively to world networking as well as to world civilization. In the curriculum, students are introduced to the genre of text. As film is a representation of narrative text, writing a literary criticism can be one way to promote indonesia culture. This research is a content analysis on batak film Anak Sasada. As a modern literary work, the film contain local wisdom as part of culture that is potential to be introduced to world community and literary criticism in English is a way of promoting it. Martarombo is a local wisdom of Batak that found in the film of Anak Sasada


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    Project-Based Learning (PjBL) has been strongly recommended as one of the approaches to teaching, including the teaching of English in Indonesian contexts at all levels of education. However, despite being stated in the Indonesian educational policy as a recommended approach, PjBL has been implemented in diverse ways and interpretations to meet the policy requirement without following references to its best practices. This study aimed to explore how PjBL is recontextualized in teaching writing in the Indonesian higher education context to search for its best practices. The study followed a qualitative multi-case study involving three lecturers who have been applying PjBL in the classrooms as participants. This study gathered data from classroom observations, interviews, and focus group discussions. The data analysis was conducted by qualitatively condensing and coding the raw data into thematic classification. The meaningful data were coded with references to the theory of PjBL in language teaching including stages and key features. The findings show that PjBL has been recontextualized in the teaching of writing to meet contexts of learners, yielding a potential model of PjBL in practice in a higher educational context. Case 1, Case 2, and Case 3 show some characteristics in stages, organizing meetings, topics, publications, and reflections featuring specific characteristics of the lecturers’ decision in recontextualizing PjBL. The stages of writing in PjBL including outlining, draft writing, reviewing, revising, editing, and publishing. Furthermore this study indicates the support of PjBL on collaborative writing. Some challenges encountered by the lecturers in implementing PjBL were mostly related to having students engage in learning. In conclusion, the best practices in this study constitutes a combination of PjBL with genre-based teaching and writing process approach. Key words: Recontextualizing, PjBL, Teaching of Writing, Higher Educatio

    A Bibliometric Analysis of the Research on Collaborative Writing in English as A Foreign Language (EFL) Context

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    Collaborative writing is an emerging approach in teaching writing. This paper is aimed at using bibliometric analysis tools to examine works on collaborative writing in EFL context. The reviewed papers were Scopus database published between 2007 and 2023. The bibliometric analysis identified the following information: 1. Bibliometric analysis of publications on collaborative writing in EFL Context, 2) The citation analysis, and 3) the demographic analysis. The results showed that there were 86 publications for the search of “collaborative writing in EFL Context”. The most frequently used sources were Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, Asian EFL Journal, Computer Assisted Language Learning, Education and Information Technologies, and System. The annual production of the journals of collaborative writing in EFL context increases in the last four years. From only 10 publications in 2019, it becomes more than 20 in 2022. The top 5 authors are De Vleeschauwer J., Fathi J., McDonough K., Rahimi M., and Roy D.. The most relevant keywords can be categorized into affordance, collaborative problem-solving, group-oriented, gamification, computer-supported, etc. The international partnership involved authors from Asia, Europe, America, and Australia. The top university with publications of collaborative writing in EFL context were Islamic Azad University with four publications. &nbsp