47 research outputs found

    Effects of the Focused Ion Beam Parameters on Nanopore Milling in Solid State Membranes

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    AbstractThis work describes a reliable nanofabrication technology of solid state nanopore arrays. The geometric parameters of pores are achieved and optimized according to the requirements of bioanalytical applications regarding conformation and size of the characteristic proteins in clinical diagnostics. Different structural configurations and material compositions of the nanopore structures were developed and characterised according to the variable biofunctionalisation strategies. The geometry of the fabricated pores were analysed as the statistical function of the focused ion beam milling parameters

    A view of the implanted SiC damage by Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy, spectroscopic ellipsometry, and transmission electron microscopy

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    4H-SiC single crystalline substrates were implanted at room temperature with 150 keV Al+ ions using fluences of 4 1014, 1 1015, and 2 1015 cm−2 with current density of 2.5 A cm−2. The samples were subsequently annealed at 1100 °C in N2 for 1 h in order to analyze their structural recovery. The disorder induced in both sublattices by the Al+ ions was studied by backscattering spectrometry in channeling geometry with a 3.5 MeV He2+ beam. The results were compared with the optical properties of the samples measured by spectroscopic ellipsometry. In a previous work, we concluded that during the postimplantation annealing of a highly damaged SiC crystalline material the short distance order can be recovered, while the long distance disorder remains. We also presented the possibility to have grains of different polytypes oriented faraway from the original direction. Now, this alternative is confirmed by the cross-sectional transmission and high resolution electron microscopy studies, carried out to obtain information about the crystal structure.Ministerio de Cienncias y Tecnología español-MAT2002-02843 (70% de fondos FEDER)Acuerdo de Colaboración Científica Húngaro-Españo-lE27 / 2001Fondo de Investigaciones Científicas de Hungría (OTKA)-T032029, T047011, T043704 y K6172

    Electron microscopy study on the influence of B-implantation on Ni induced lateral crystallization in amorphous Si

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    Nickel Metal Induced Lateral Crystallization (Ni-MILC) emerged as a viable technique for crystallization of a-Si films decreasing the crystallization temperature. Boron (B) implantation on a-Si films significantly enhances the crystallization rate of the Ni-MILC process. The structural characteristics of the implanted by Boron and subsequently crystallized by MILC a-Si films are studied by Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and they are compared to intrinsic a-Si films which were deposited on top, as well as beside the boron implanted a-Si film. During the annealing, spontaneous nucleation occurs in the B-doped films far from the a-c interface, revealing a shorter incubation period in the B-doped films

    The impact on materials science of ion beam analysis with electrostatic accelerators

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    8th European Conference on Accelerators in Applied Research and Technology, Natl Museum Folk Arts & Tradit, Paris, FRANCE, SEP 20-24, 2004International audienceThe specific aspects of IBA for near surface and thin film analysis are discussed. In a number of cases IBA is the only analytical tool that may provide the information sought, in other cases it provides the most accessible or practical technique to be applied. While IBA is insensitive to the chemical state of the atoms analysed, it is unique in particular for determining with high accuracy and sensitivity absolute atomic quantities or concentrations, for studying with channeling techniques the atomic structure of crystalline thin films or materials near the surface, for isotopic tracing experiments with stable isotopes using nuclear reactions or resonances. Its advantages and drawbacks with respect to SIMS will be especially outlined. Due to these unique characteristics IBA has a long history of application, in combination with other characterisation methods, to a number of problems encountered in materials science, solid state and surface physics, solid state electrochemistry, thin film deposition or growth studies, trace and contamination determinations, etc. Representative applications will be presented that could not be obtained without IBA. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved