856 research outputs found

    Exclusive-Or digital logic module Patent

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    Constructing Exclusive-Or digital logic circuit in single modul

    Net Gains from 'Net Purchases? Farmers' Preferences for Online and Local Input Purchases

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    E-commerce represents both threats to and opportunities for rural communities. This study addresses one element of the issue: farmers' willingness to substitute online merchants or national farm input stores for local businesses. Results of a conjoint analysis of contingent choice experiments suggest that farmers are willing to purchase from online or national stores outside their communities if compensated with lower prices or greater services. Results also demonstrate that the context of the input purchase, such as time constraints, was very important not only in valuing these services, but, more broadly, in terms of the farmer's loyalty to a local merchant.e-commerce, farm input purchase, willingness to pay, contingent choice, rural communities, Farm Management, Marketing,

    Lucas numbers that are palindromic concatenations of two distinct repdigits

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    Let {Ln}n≥0 \{L_n\}_{n\geq 0} be the sequence of Lucas numbers. In this paper, we determine all Lucas numbers that are palindromic concatenations of two distinct repdigits.Comment: 12 page

    Seismicity from february 2006 to september 2007 at the Rwenzori Mountains, East African Rift: earthquake distribution, magnitudes and source mechanisms

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    We have analysed the microseismic activity within the Rwenzori Mountains area in the western branch of the East African Rift. Seismogram recordings from a temporary array of up to 27 stations reveal approximately 800 events per month with local magnitudes ranging from –0.5 to 5.1. The earthquake distribution is highly heterogeneous. The majority of located events lie within faults zones to the east and west of the Rwenzoris with the highest seismic activity observed in the northeastern area, where the mountains are in contact with the rift shoulders. The hypocentral depth distribution exhibits a pronounced peak of seismic energy release at 15 km depth. The maximum extent of seismicity ranges from 20 to 32 km and correlates well with Moho depths that were derived from teleseismic receiver functions. We observe two general features: (i) beneath the rift shoulders, seismicity extends from the surface down to ca. 30 km depth; (ii) beneath the rift valley, seismicity is confined to depths greater than 10 km. From the observations there is no indication for a crustal root beneath the Rwenzori Mountains. The magnitude frequency distribution reveals a b-value of 1.1, which is consistent with the hypothesis that part of the seismicity is caused by magmatic processes within the crust. Fault plane solutions of 304 events were derived from P-polarities and SV/P amplitude ratios. More than 70 % of the source mechanisms exhibit pure or predominantly normal faulting. T-axis trends are highly uniform and oriented WNW–ESE, which is perpendicular to the rift axis and in good agreement with kinematic rift models. At the northernmost part of the region we observe a rotation of the T-axis trends to NEN–SWS, which may be indicative of a local perturbation of the regional stress field

    Seismicity at the Rwenzori Mountains, East African Rift: earthquake distribution, magnitudes and source mechanisms

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    We have analysed the microseismic activity within the Rwenzori Mountains area in the western branch of the East African Rift. Seismogram recordings from a temporary array of up to 27 stations reveal approximately 800 events per month with local magnitudes ranging from –0.5 to 5.1. The earthquake distribution is highly heterogeneous. The majority of located events lie within faults zones to the East and West of the Rwenzoris with the highest seismic activity observed in the northeastern area, where the mountains are in contact with the rift shoulders. The hypocentral depth distribution exhibits a pronounced peak of seismic energy release at 15 km depth. The maximum extent of seismicity ranges from 20 to 32 km and correlates well with Moho depths that were derived from teleseismic receiver functions. We observe two general features: (i) beneath the rift shoulders seismicity extends from the surface down to ca. 30 km depth; (ii) beneath the rift valley seismicity is confined to depths greater than 10 km. From the observations there is no indication for a crustal root beneath the Rwenzori Mountains. The magnitude frequency distribution reveals a b-value of 1.1, which is consistent with the hypothesis that part of the seismicity is caused by magmatic processes within the crust. Fault plane solutions of 304 events were derived from P-polarities and SV/P amplitude ratios. More than 70 % of the source mechanisms exhibit pure or predominantly normal faulting. T-axis trends are highly uniform and oriented WNW-ESE, which is perpendicular to the rift axis and in good agreement with kinematic rift models. At the northernmost part of the region we observe a rotation of the T-axis trends to NEN-SWS, which may be indicative of a local perturbation of the regional stress field

    The Characterization of the Transcription Factor Msab and Its Role in Staphylococcal Virulence

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    Staphylococcus aureus is a common human pathogen that is responsible for a wide range of infections, ranging from relative minor skin infections to life-threatening disease such as bacteremia, septicemia, and endocarditis. S. aureus possesses many different virulent factors that aid in its ability to cause this wide array of infections. One major virulence factor includes the production of capsular polysaccharide (CP). The production of CP plays a major role in the virulence response during infection specifically by providing S. aureus an antiphagocytic mechanism that allows the pathogen to evade phagocytosis during an infection. S. aureus has developed complex genetic regulatory systems responsible for controlling virulence factors including CP. The production of CP is encoded by a 16-gene operon, which is regulated in response to several environmental stimuli. In detail, CP is produced in the late- and post-exponential growth phases in vitro, but not in the early- or mid-exponential growth phases. Several genetic regulators have been identified to be involved in controlling CP production, but the mechanisms involved in this regulation of cap are still poorly understood. In this work, we describe that the msaABCR operon significantly regulates CP production. We found that a protein product of the msaABCR transcript, MsaB, directly binds to a nucleotide repeat upstream of the promoter region of the cap operon, termed MsaB binding site or (MBS), as a transcriptional activator of CP production. Furthermore, we show that even though MsaB is expressed throughout all four exponential growth phases, it only activates CP production in the late- and post-exponential growth phases. Several other regulators have also been shown to directly bind within the cap promoter region. We examined potential interactions between MsaB and two other nutrient-sensing regulators, CodY and CcpE, binding the cap promoter. From the findings of this work, we have concluded that MsaB (activator) and CodY (repressor) have nutrient-dependent competitive interactions binding to the cap promoter. Findings from this work has led us to explore targeting and inhibiting MsaB transcriptional regulation as a potential novel therapeutic target in combating S. aureus

    Results of the 1991 Ohio Crop Management Survey

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    Farm producers attempt to mitigate risk and uncertainty by utilizing accurate and reliable information. This research attempts to identify sources of information used by Ohio fruit producers and then determine which of these sources are best meeting their information needs. Results are based on a logit analysis of Ohio fruit producers and several factors are shown to influence producers' evaluation of the "adequacy" of their marketing information. Among these factors are age, business size, education, type of enterprise, and types of information sources. Reported findings have implications for marketing efficiency, particularly if producers' evaluation of information as adequate is positively related to its efficient use.Marketing,

    Tractors on eBay: Differences between Internet and In-Person Auctions

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    Internet auction platforms are changing the face of transactions in many business sectors, including agriculture. We provide one of the first systematic examinations of the differences between internet and in-person auctions in agricultural input markets. A hedonic model estimated with used tractor transactions from Midwestern sellers pooled between eBay and in-person auctions reveals statistically distinct price surfaces for the two auction venues and predicts significantly lower prices for comparable equipment sold on eBay, though this difference is attenuated for tractors fully covered by eBay's buyer protection program and is fully absent for the most frequently traded tractor. An endogenous venue-selection model reveals that larger, more-valuable tractors are less likely to be offered on eBay, a choice that should enhance seller revenues. Furthermore, sellers in states with more valuable stocks of machinery, more frequent tractor sales, and a lower propensity to use the internet for agricultural marketing are more likely to offer tractors for sale via in-person auctions than on eBay.auctions, electronic commerce, eBay, farm equipment, hedonic models, Marketing, D44, Q13,

    Microcomputer Software: Selection Considerations

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    Exact date of working paper unknown
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