158 research outputs found

    Energy efficient operations of warships: perspective of the Indian Navy

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    Spasticity Outcome Tools in Traumatic Complete Spinal Cord Injury

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    Objective: To evaluate spasticity in patients of complete motor complete spinal cord injury using M.A.S ,SCATS and PSFS tools of spasticity and assessing their correlation. Design:  Observational cross-sectional study. Setting:  In-patient rehabilitation ward. Participants: 50 individuals of chronic (≥ 1 year trauma) motor complete SCI were classified into mild (n=16), moderate (n=11), and severe (n=23) spastic groups; based on their lower limb extensor muscle group spasticity score using a Modified Ashworth Scale (M.A.S), Spinal cord assessment tool for spastic reflexes(SCATS) and Penn spasm frequency scale (PSFS).  Main Outcome Measures: The proportion of cases in mild, moderate, severe spastic groups, mean MAS score, mean SCATS Score and PSFS Score were evaluated and were compared between the groups with different grades of spasticity. Results:  The mean M.A.S score among the study group was 3.71±1.60. The mean SCAT ankle clonus score, flexor spasm score and extensor spasm score were 1.55±1.05, 1.36±0.81 and 1.22±0.76 respectively (P<0.001S).The mean PSFS (frequency) score and mean PSFS (severity) score was 1.78±0.84 and 1.56±0.70 respectively( P<0.001S). All the three spasticity  outcome tools were found to be significantly associated with the type of spasticity (P≤0.001).A significant positive correlation was observed between M.A.S score and the mean PSFS (FREQ; r = 0.856) score and PSFS (SEV; r = 0.818) score and the mean SCAT score(r=0.913).  Conclusion: All three spasticity outcome tools M.A.S, PSFS and SCATS are acceptable as well as feasible, inherit good clinical utility and correlate significantly with the severity of spasticity. Significant correlations were observed between SCATS score and PSFS score with the M.A.S score. No single outcome measure can reflect the multidimensional nature of spasticity; hence a battery of tests should be applied to measure spasticity to plan antispasmodic treatment in such patients. Keywords: Spinal cord injury, Spasticity, Modified Ashworth score, Spinal cord assessment tool for spastic reflexes, Penn spasm frequency scale

    Altered Mucins (MUC) trafficking in benign and malignant conditions.

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    Mucins are high molecular weight O-glycoproteins that are predominantly expressed at the apical surface of epithelial cells and have wide range of functions. The functional diversity is attributed to their structure that comprises of a peptide chain with unique domains and multiple carbohydrate moieties added during posttranslational modifications. Tumor cells aberrantly overexpress mucins, and thereby promote proliferation, differentiation, motility, invasion and metastasis. Along with their aberrant expression, accumulating evidence suggest the critical role of altered subcellular localization of mucins under pathological conditions due to altered endocytic processes. The mislocalization of mucins and their interactions result in change in the density and activity of important cell membrane proteins (like, receptor tyrosine kinases) to facilitate various signaling, which help cancer cells to proliferate, survive and progress to more aggressive phenotype. In this review article, we summarize studies on mucins trafficking and provide a perspective on its importance to pathological conditions and to answer critical questions including its use for therapeutic interventions

    A Rare Manifestation of Cysticercosis Infestation

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    There are many causes of urticaria, which may vary from infections to malignancy. Among the infections, infestations by cysticercosis (larval stage of the tapeworm called Taenia solium) is an important cause. The present report is of forty four years old female who presented with urticaria and swelling on face. The swelling was later diagnosed as cysticercosis by noninvasive ultrasonography. The urticaria subsided after the treatment of cysticercosis. We report this case for rarity of its presentation. Key words: cysticercosis, chronic urticaria, Taenia solium, ultrasonograph

    E-Learning: Case Studies in Web-Controlled Devices and Remote Manipulation

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    Chances are that distance learning will transparently extend colleges and institutes of education and could plausibly overtake and turn into a preferred choice of higher education, especially for adult and working students. The main idea in e-learning is to build adequate solutions that can assure educational training over the Internet, without requiring a personal presence at the degree offering institution. The advantages are immediate and of unique importance, to enumerate a few: Education costs can be reduced dramatically, both from a student's perspective and the institution's (no need for room and board, for example); The tedious immigration and naturalization issues common with international students are eliminated; The limited campus facilities, faculty members and course schedules an institution can offer are no longer a boundary; Working adults can consider upgrading skills without changing their lifestyles We are presenting through this material a sequence of projects developed at University of Bridgeport and than can serve well in distance learning education ranging from simple "hobby" style training to professional guidance material. The projects have an engineering / laboratory flavor and are being presented in an arbitrary order, topics ranging from vision and sensing to engineering design, scheduling, remote control and operation

    Techno-economic model-based design space exploration of ‘combined’ ship propulsion systems

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    The architecture of a ship propulsion system, developed during early stages of the overall ship design process, has a very large impact on the overall design and performance of the ship. The design space exploration to arrive at the final ship propulsion architecture can be a rather complex process for high-performance 'combined' ship propulsion systems designed to achieve multiple, often conflicting, design objectives. This paper proposes a novel process for the process of design space exploration based on a model-based ‘Techno-economic & Environmental Risk Assessment’ (TERA) approach, executed using a hybrid ‘Multiple-Criteria Decision-Making’ (MCDM) procedure, to select a compromise solution from competing propulsion system architectures populating the design space. The process utilizes a combination of performance data generated from performance simulation of developed models, as well as comparative expert opinions-based metrics for information not available early in the ship design process for selection of a 'compromise solution'. The paper includes an illustrative example of application of the proposed process for design space exploration for a combined propulsion system architecture for a notional destroyer

    Strength, Endocrine, and Body Composition Alterations Across Four Blocks of Training in an Elite 400 M Sprinter

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    The ability to produce force rapidly has the potential to directly influence sprinting performance through changes in stride length and stride frequency. This ability is commonly referred to as the rate of force development (RFD). For this reason, many elite sprinters follow a combined program consisting of resistance training and sprint training. The purpose of this study was to investigate the strength, endocrine and body composition adaptations that occur during distinct phases of a block periodized training cycle in a 400 m Olympic level sprinter. The athlete is an elite level 400 m male sprinter (age 31 years, body mass: 74 kg, years of training: 15 and Personal Best (PB): 45.65 s). This athlete completed four distinct training phases of a block periodized training program (16 weeks) with five testing sessions consisting of testosterone:cortisol (T/C) profiles, body composition, vertical jump, and maximum strength testing. Large fluctuations in T/C were found following high volume training and the taper. Minor changes in body mass were observed with an abrupt decrease following the taper which coincided with a small increase in fat mass percentage. Jump height (5.7%), concentric impulse (9.4%), eccentric impulse (3.4%) and power ratio (18.7%) all increased substantially from T1 to T5. Relative strength increased 6.04% from T1 to T5. Lastly, our results demonstrate the effectiveness of a competitive taper in increasing physiological markers for performance as well as dynamic performance variables. Block periodization training was effective in raising the physical capabilities of an Olympic level 400 m runner which have been shown to directly transfer to sprinting performance

    Prevalence of cough more than two weeks among OPD attendees, and smear microscopy outcome among them

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    Abstract Tuberculosis (TB) is a public health emergency, which challenges the health indicators of India. Delayed diagnosis of TB may result in more extensive disease, more complications, and lead to a higher mortality. It also leads to an increased period of infectivity in the community. Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme (RNTCP) of the country has modified the definition of a pulmonary TB suspect so as to include an additional proportion of people with cough of 2 weeks duration, which will help in reducing the delay in starting treatment. This study was carried out with the objective of estimating the prevalence of cough more than 2 weeks among OPD attendees, and smear microscopy outcome among them and to assess the treatment seeking behavior of patients with cough ≥ 2 weeks. The present cross-sectional study was carried out at Out-Patient Department of GianSagar Medical College and Hospital, Banur, Distt. Patiala , Punjab. All adult chest symptomatics with cough of two weeks or more than two weeks duration attending in OPD were screened for pulmonary tuberculosis by examining the two sputum smears in designated microscopy center as per RNTCP guidelines. A total of 16030 adult patients attended outpatients department (OPD) in the months of May and June 2013. Out of these, 561(3.5%) patients reported cough. Among patients who reported cough, 70(12.5%) patients reported cough ≥ 2 weeks duration.Of those who coughed for two weeks or more, 10 (14.2%) had smear positive PTB .Of the patients who had cough ≥ 2 weeks duration, only 21.4% of patients reported to a health facility for treatment within 1 st week of symptoms and majority (50%) of them preferred going to private practitioners.It may be concluded that reservoir of tuberculosis infection can only be reduced by early detection and prompt and complete treatment of sputum positive cases

    Techno-environmental mission evaluation of combined cycle gas turbines for large container ship propulsion

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    The stringent regulations set by the International Maritime Organization on pollutant emissions combined with the rise in fuel prices have stimulated research on cleaner fuels and new propulsion systems. This study describes a new method for evaluating alternative technologies and cleaner fuels that can be utilised in the marine sector to replace heavy fuel oil and diesel engines, and thus improve their performance while lowering carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions. The proposed techno-environmental technique allows consistent evaluation of simple intercooler/reheat gas and steam combined cycles fuelled by marine diesel fuel and liquefied natural gas, instead of a two-stroke diesel engine fuelled by marine diesel fuel, as a propulsion system of a large container ship. The implementation of the enhanced combined gas and steam cycles, and combined gas and steam cycles, fuelled by liquefied natural gas, increases the engine’s efficiency by 11% as compared with that of two-stroke diesel engines that run on marine diesel oil, while decreasing carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions by 44.7% and 76.3%, respectively. In addition, the advantages of using a gas and steam combined cycle to burn LNG over the gas and steam combined cycle for burning marine diesel oil are demonstrated
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