19 research outputs found

    Empowering Leadership and Team Creativity: An Examination of Direct and Indirect Path

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    In this research, we investigated how empowering leadership is related with team level creativity of employees. Integrating theory of group behavior with componential theory of creativity, we found that empowering leadership behavior affects the team level creativity of employees directly and indirectly through the mediation of team learning behavior and team psychological empowerment as team process and team emergent states. For this research we collected data from two sources (Subordinates, and Supervisors) by temporally dividing data collection process into two points in time for independent, dependent, and mediating variables from employees of a bank operating in Pakistan. Preliminary analysis and analysis with mediation and indirect affects performed to check the direct and indirect effects. Mplus 7.0 was used with random model techniques to analyze hypothesized model for employees’ sample (N = 343). Mediation was analyzed using indirect effect of random models and further confirmed the confidence using bootstrapping procedure. Further research findings, implications, and future research directions also discussed in this research. Keywords: Empowering leadership; Team learning behavior; Team psychological empowerment; Team creativit

    Empowering leadership and team creativity: understanding the direct-indirect path

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    This study investigated the relationship between empowering leadership and team creativity by integrating the theory of group behavior with componential theory of creativity. For this study, data was collected from two sources (343 Subordinates, 67 Supervisors) by temporally dividing data collection process into two points in time for independent, dependent, and mediating variables from employees of a bank operating in Pakistan. Random coefficient analysis technique was used with Mplus 7.0 to analyze nested data for preliminary analysis and analysis of mediation and indirect effects. Mediation was analyzed using the indirect effect of random models and further confirmed the confidence using bootstrapping procedure. Through this study, the researchers tried to explore the inconsistent relationship between empowering leadership behavior and team creativity. It was found that empowering leadership behavior affects the team level creativity of employees directly and indirectly through the mediation of team learning behavior and team psychological empowerment as team process and team emergent states respectively. The results indicated that empowering leadership enhances the learning potential of teams and team empowerment perception which in turn enhances team level creativity. Further research findings, implications, and future research directions also discussed in this research

    Intrinsic Motivation and Creativity: The Role of Digital Technology and Knowledge Integration Ability in Facilitating Creativity

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    Creativity is a psychological phenomenon mainly affected by the motivation of employees. Nonetheless conflicting results can be found in the literature for the link between intrinsic motivation creativity relationship. The purpose of this research is to reinvestigate this inconsistent relationship. We took a technological perspective to determine whether technology had an answer to this question. We conducted a laboratory experiment with 119 newly hired bankers of the same batch in four different training sessions to generate creative ideas to solve business problems. Here, intrinsic motivation and digital-technology-use were both manipulated, independently. For field study, data was collected from 467 employees and their respective 41 supervisors working at a software house in Pakistan. Using lab and field data in two studies, we analysed data with Mplus for random coefficient models. We also performed a satorra-bentlerdifference test, using the log-likelihood method with scaling correction factor. Drawing on the motivation-opportunity-ability framework for intrinsic motivation-creativity relationship, we found that knowledge integration ability enhances the potential of employees to generate creative ideas. Based on a lab experiment and a field study, we found that creativity is contingent upon the technological opportunity provided to employees directly and indirectly by affecting their ability to integrate knowledge. Our research suggests that providing employees with relevant technological tools and ensuring utilisation of these technologies will fuel higher levels of employee creativity. Technological initiatives will help struggling economies to boost their creative potential. This research has made a significant contribution by bringing together creativity and digital technology literature

    Remote Sensing Assessment of Small Dam Sites in Swat District, Pakistan: Inferences from Water Resource Scenarios

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    In a world where water is indispensable, Pakistan grapples with the challenge of ensuring its availability. Freshwater demand from domestic, industrial, and agricultural uses has strained the country's reservoirs.  Financial and political barriers have hindered the construction of large dams, making it imperative to seek alternative solutions. However, small dams have the potential to address Pakistan's water security concerns. This study uses advanced technology, engineering expertise, socioeconomic factors, and environmental awareness to find multi-purpose small dam sites in Swat District, Pakistan. Water storage and community and economic development are goals. This study examines criteria using RS and GIS. Dam site selection considers rainfall patterns, slopes, land use, soil types, and drainage density. The study uses Elevation Area Capacity (EAC) curves to view potential reservoirs. The map divides areas into High, Moderate, and Low suitability. This analysis yields some sites where R4 is impressive for its suitability and storage capacity of 358,237 at 2080 m. R1 and R2 are promising with moderate suitability and large storage capacities of 121,346 and 271,964, respectively. These sites are more than numbers on a map they represent local aspirations. Their benefits include electricity, flood protection, irrigation, and drinking water. Small dams are progress catalysts with low maintenance and political support. This study concludes that socioeconomic and environmental factors should be considered when engineering small dams. This small dam can store water and provide essential services to local communities and economies. These multi-purpose small dams advance water security

    Remote Sensing Assessment of Small Dam Sites in Swat District, Pakistan: Inferences from Water Resource Scenarios

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    In a world where water is indispensable, Pakistan grapples with the challenge of ensuring its availability. Freshwater demand from domestic, industrial, and agricultural uses has strained the country's reservoirs.  Financial and political barriers have hindered the construction of large dams, making it imperative to seek alternative solutions. However, small dams have the potential to address Pakistan's water security concerns. This study uses advanced technology, engineering expertise, socioeconomic factors, and environmental awareness to find multi-purpose small dam sites in Swat District, Pakistan. Water storage and community and economic development are goals. This study examines criteria using RS and GIS. Dam site selection considers rainfall patterns, slopes, land use, soil types, and drainage density. The study uses Elevation Area Capacity (EAC) curves to view potential reservoirs. The map divides areas into High, Moderate, and Low suitability. This analysis yields some sites where R4 is impressive for its suitability and storage capacity of 358,237 at 2080 m. R1 and R2 are promising with moderate suitability and large storage capacities of 121,346 and 271,964, respectively. These sites are more than numbers on a map they represent local aspirations. Their benefits include electricity, flood protection, irrigation, and drinking water. Small dams are progress catalysts with low maintenance and political support. This study concludes that socioeconomic and environmental factors should be considered when engineering small dams. This small dam can store water and provide essential services to local communities and economies. These multi-purpose small dams advance water security


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    Background and Aim: The COVID-19 pandemic was a global and major health crisis with terrible implications worldwide. The current study's aim was to investigate the relationship between death anxiety and life satisfaction among doctors and psychologists during Covid-19, with the role of optimism as a moderator. Method: The current research was based on a cross-sectional survey research method. Data from 200 medical doctors and psychologists were collected by using the Purposive Sampling Technique by using measures of the Death anxiety scale, satisfaction with life scale, and life orientation test revised for optimism. Findings: The results indicated that the reliability of the three scales used in the present research with descriptive analysis. The results also indicated that death anxiety has a significant (p = .01) but negative correlation with life satisfaction (r = -.37, p < .01) and optimism (r = - .42, p < .01). It was found that the direction of the relationship between death anxiety and life satisfaction become negative for optimism. There was significant gender difference and professional difference in death anxiety, life satisfaction, and optimism. Conclusion: Death anxiety is inversely but significantly associated with life satisfaction and optimism among health workers during COVID-19. Whereas health workers with high levels of optimism showed higher levels of life satisfaction. Optimism was also found significant moderator between death anxiety and life satisfaction among health workers. Female health worker was found to have more prevalent death anxiety as compared to male health workers. Still, male health workers showed a higher level of life satisfaction and optimism as compared to female health workers. The contrast between doctors and psychologists revealed a significant in death anxiety, life satisfaction, and optimism during COVID-19. Doctors reported higher levels of death anxiety and psychologist reported a higher level of life satisfaction and optimism

    Prevalence of unplanned pregnancies and factors leading to it among married females visiting tertiary care hospital

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    Background:Pregnancy and its good outcome effect the health of mother and child. The unintended or unplanned pregnancy may lead to poor outcome of mother and child health. Although there is increase in acceptance of family planning but the prevalence of unintended pregnancy is increasing among pregnant females with or without marriage. In Pakistan certain studies have been done that also shows that the unintended pregnancy is more among pregnant females in their marital life. There are different causes that lead to unplanned pregnancy that depends upon geographical distribution, sociodemographic and Methodology:&nbsp; A cross sectional study was conducted in tertiary care hospital of Quetta during the months of June 2019 to May 2020. All the pregnant married females who were fulfilling the inclusion criteria were selected through convenient sample technique. Sociodemographic information was collected after the informed consent. The translated London measure of unintended pregnancy (LMUP) tool was used to access the unplanned pregnancy through scoring technique. Females whose score was between 0 to 3 were considered as having unplanned pregnancy.&nbsp; Data analysis was done on SPSS 21, where frequency of continues variables was determined and mean and standard deviation was calculated.&nbsp

    The frequency of occult cervical metastasis in oral squamous cell carcinoma patients - A cross sectional study

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    Objective: To determine the frequency of occult cervical metastasis in oral squamous cell carcinoma patients. Methods: This cross sectional study was conducted in the department of maxillofacial surgery, Mayo Hospital, Lahore from July 31st, 2015 to January 31st, 2016 on 100 patients of oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) having clinically and radiologically negative nodes. Prophylactic functional neck dissection was done in each patient and was sent to the pathology lab for evaluation of any occult metastasis. Results: Overall frequency of occult cervical metastasis was found to be 27%. In 41(41 %) specimens of SCC of tongue, 13(31.7%) had occult metastasis. In Alveolar mucosa occult metastasis was found in 4(20 %) out of 20(20 %) patients. In SCC of buccal mucosa occult metastasis was found in 10(29.4%) out of 34(34 %) patients. In SCC of lip no occult metastasis was detected. Conclusion: Within the boundaries of the present study, it is concluded that occult cervical metastasis was most frequent in cases of SCC tongue, whereas no occult cervical metastasis detected in SCC of lip. Key Words: Squamous cell carcinoma, cervical lymph nodes, prophylactic neck dissection, occult cervical metastasis. Continuous..