469 research outputs found

    High-frequency gate manipulation of a bilayer graphene quantum dot

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    We report transport data obtained for a double-gated bilayer graphene quantum dot. In Coulomb blockade measurements, the gate dielectric Cytop(TM) is found to provide remarkable electronic stability even at cryogenic temperatures. Moreover, we demonstrate gate manipulation with square shaped voltage pulses at frequencies up to 100 MHz and show that the signal amplitude is not affected by the presence of the capacitively coupled back gate

    Anomalous Fermi Liquid Behavior of Overdoped High-Tc Superconductors

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    According to a generic temperature vs. carrier-doping (T-p) phase diagram of high-temperature superconductors it has been proposed that as doping increases to the overdoped region they approach gradually a conventional (canonical) Fermi Liquid. However, Hall effect measurements in several systems reported by different authors show a still strong \emph{T}-dependence in overdoped samples. We report here electrical transport measurements of Y_{1-x}Ca_{x}Ba_{2}Cu_{3}O_{7-delta} thin films presenting a temperature dependence of the Hall constant, R_H, which does not present a gradual transition towards the T-independent behavior of a canonical Fermi Liquid. Instead, the T-dependence passes by a minimum near optimal doping and then increases again in the overdoped region. We discuss the theoretical predictions from two representative Fermi Liquid models and show that they can not give a satisfactory explanation to our data. We conclude that this region of the phase diagram in YBCO, as in most HTSC, is not a canonical Fermi Liquid, therefore we call it Anomalous Fermi Liquid.Comment: 9 pages, 12 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    MgB2 single crystals substituted with Li and with Li-C: Structural and superconducting properties

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    The effect of Li substitution for Mg and of Li-C co-substitution on the superconducting properties and crystal structure of MgB2 single crystals has been investigated. It has been found that hole doping with Li decreases the superconducting transition temperature Tc, but at a slower rate than electron doping with C or Al. Tc of MgB2 crystals with simultaneously substituted Li for Mg and C for B decreases more than in the case where C is substituted alone. This means that holes introduced by Li cannot counterbalance the effect of decrease of Tc caused by introduction of electrons coming from C. The possible reason of it can be that holes coming from Li occupy the pi band while electrons coming from C fill the sigma band. The temperature dependences of the upper critical field Hc2 for Al and Li substituted crystals with the same Tc show a similar dHc2/dT slope at Tc and a similar Hc2(T) behavior, despite of much different substitution level. This indicates that the mechanism controlling Hc2 and Tc is similar in both hole and electron doped crystals. Electrical transport measurements show an increase of resistivity both in Li substituted crystals and in Li and C co-substituted crystals. This indicates enhanced scattering due to defects introduced by substitutions including distortion of the lattice. The observed behavior can be explained as a result of two effects, influencing both Tc and Hc2. The first one is doping related to the changes in the carrier concentration, which may lead to the decrease or to the increase of Tc. The second one is related to the introduction of new scattering centers leading to the modification of the interband and/or intraband scattering and therefore, to changes in the superconducting gaps and to the reduction of Tc.Comment: 22 pages, 17 figures, submitted to PR

    Lattice Study of Anisotropic QED-3

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    We present results from a Monte Carlo simulation of non-compact lattice QED in 3 dimensions on a 16316^3 lattice in which an explicit anisotropy between xx and yy hopping terms has been introduced into the action. This formulation is inspired by recent formulations of anisotropic QED3_3 as an effective theory of the non-superconducting portion of the cuprate phase diagram, with relativistic fermion degrees of freedom defined near the nodes of the gap function on the Fermi surface, and massless photon degrees of freedom reproducing the dynamics of the phase disorder of the superconducting order parameter. Using a parameter set corresponding to broken chiral symmetry in the isotropic limit, our results show that the renormalised anisotropy, defined in terms of the ratio of correlation lengths of gauge invariant bound states in the xx and yy directions, exceeds the explicit anisotropy κ\kappa introduced in the lattice action, implying in contrast to recent analytic results that anisotropy is a relevant deformation of QED3_3. There also appears to be a chiral symmetry restoring phase transition at κc4.5\kappa_c\simeq4.5, implying that the pseudogap phase persists down to T=0 in the cuprate phase diagram.Comment: 24 pages, 9 figures, 3 tables. This (the published version) has the following alterations: i) An expanded discussion of the empirical aspects of HT superconductivity, ii) An updated version of Figure 4, iii) The removal of the consistency check in section 3.3.1 for reasons of brevit

    Evidence of Water-related Discrete Trap State Formation in Pentacene Single Crystal Field-Effect Transistors

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    We report on the generation of a discrete trap state during negative gate bias stress in pentacene single crystal "flip-crystal" field-effect transistors with a SiO2 gate dielectric. Trap densities of up to 2*10^12 cm^-2 were created in the experiments. Trap formation and trap relaxation are distinctly different above and below ~280 K. In devices in which a self-assembled monolayer on top of the SiO2 provides a hydrophobic insulator surface we do not observe trap formation. These results indicate the microscopic cause of the trap state to be water adsorbed on the SiO2 surface.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Applied Physics Letter

    Interaction-induced singular Fermi surface in a high-temperature oxypnictide superconductor

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    In the family of iron-based superconductors, LaFeAsO-type materials possess the simplest electronic structure due to their pronounced two-dimensionality. And yet they host superconductivity with the highest transition temperature Tc=55K. Early theoretical predictions of their electronic structure revealed multiple large circular portions of the Fermi surface with a very good geometrical overlap (nesting), believed to enhance the pairing interaction and thus superconductivity. The prevalence of such large circular features in the Fermi surface has since been associated with many other iron-based compounds and has grown to be generally accepted in the field. In this work we show that a prototypical compound of the 1111-type, SmFe0.92Co0.08AsO, is at odds with this description and possesses a distinctly different Fermi surface, which consists of two singular constructs formed by the edges of several bands, pulled to the Fermi level from the depths of the theoretically predicted band structure by strong electronic interactions. Such singularities dramatically affect the low-energy electronic properties of the material, including superconductivity. We further argue that occurrence of these singularities correlates with the maximum superconducting transition temperature attainable in each material class over the entire family of iron-based superconductors.Comment: Open access article available online at http://www.nature.com/srep/2015/150521/srep10392/full/srep10392.htm