3 research outputs found

    Most frequent dermatoses at a vulvar pathology outpatient clinic

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    Made available in DSpace on 2019-09-11T20:58:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2018Abstract: The vulva corresponds to the external female genitalia. Special features of this region favor a wide range of diseases, whose knowledge allows for better clinical management, impacting on the quality of life. This is a cross-sectional and descriptive study carried out at a vulvar pathology outpatient clinic, between May and December/ 2015. Data obtained from a standard form included demographic parameters, habits, and vulvar dermatosis and allowed to identify the epidemiological profile of patients with vulvar dermatosis treated in this outpatient clinic and to determine the most prevalent dermatoses. Our results, partially concordant with the literature, provide original data that should stimulate further studies[Ferreira, FlĂĄvia Regina] Universidade de TaubatĂ©, BrazilBatista, ValĂ©ria Holmo] Universidade de TaubatĂ©, BrazilFerreira, FlĂĄvia Regina] Universidade de TaubatĂ©, BrazilWicher, Rafaela Tricca] Universidade de TaubatĂ©, BrazilSartori, Gabriella Cerazi] NĂșcleo de Atendimento Unimed TatuapĂ©, Brazi

    Microablative fractional radiofrequency as a therapeutic option for vulvar lichen sclerosus: a pilot study

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    OBJECTIVES: To assess the clinical response to and the histomorphometric effects of microablative fractional radiofrequency (MFR) in women with symptomatic vulvar lichen sclerosus (VLS). METHODS: This was a pilot study on the use of MFR for the treatment of VLS. Upon recruitment and at each treatment session, all participants were examined and each of their symptoms were rated on a visual analog scale. After the procedure, the participants completed a satisfaction questionnaire. We compared the morphometric findings of vulvar biopsies performed at enrollment and after the last treatment session. The participants were divided into three groups according to previous treatment with corticosteroids: G1, no previous treatment; G2, treated for up to 5 years; and G3, treated for 45 years. RESULTS: This study included 26 women. After two to three sessions, most participants in all groups became either ‘‘asymptomatic’’ or ‘‘much better’’ than before treatment and were ‘‘very satisfied’’ or ‘‘satisfied’’ with the intervention. Pruritus and burning sensation were the most frequently reported symptoms. Nearly 40% of the participants in all groups reported complete remission of symptoms. The improvement was rated as moderate or higher by 80%, 76%, and 66% of the women in groups 1, 2, and 3, respectively. The improvement of symptoms persisted for 11 months (range, 7–16 months), on average, after the treatment. Type III collagen concentration significantly increased and was associated with important symptom improvement. Tissue trophism and vascularization also increased but did not reach statistical significance, probably because of the small number of cases. CONCLUSIONS: MFR may be an effective and safe treatment for symptomatic VLS

    InfecçÔes humanas causadas por poxvirus relacionados ao vírus vaccinia no Brasil Human infections caused by vaccinia-like poxviruses in Brazil

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    A partir de 1999, infecçÔes humanas por Orthopoxvirus vem sendo observadas em pelo menos oito estados no paĂ­s, com a formação de vesĂ­culas as quais evoluem para pĂșstulas e crostas, principalmente nos membros superiores e face, apĂłs contacto com bovinos apresentando lesĂ”es semelhantes no Ășbere. Alem das lesĂ”es na pele, foram descritas nos pacientes reaçÔes ganglionares axilares por vezes dolorosas, febre, cefalĂ©ia, fadiga, desidratação, anorexia, sudorese, artralgia e mialgia, evoluindo o quadro por trĂȘs a quatro semanas. LesĂŁo vulvar bem como transmissĂŁo intrafamiliar foram igualmente descritas. Estudos moleculares demonstraram que os poxvirus identificados sĂŁo geneticamente relacionados a amostras do vĂ­rus vaccinia utilizadas no passado, nas campanhas de vacinação. Especimens clĂ­nicos de 80 infecçÔes humanas foram estudados no laboratĂłrio e a infecção por orthopoxvirus confirmada em 68 casos. SĂŁo apresentadas lesĂ”es observadas em pacientes bem como discutidas as implicaçÔes desta zoonose no Brasil.<br>Since 1999, human infection caused by Orthopoxvirus has been observed in at least eight Brazilian states, with the presence of vesicles that evolve to pustules and crusts, especially on the hands, arms and face, after contact with cows showing comparable lesions on the udder. In addition to the skin lesions, there have been descriptions of patients with axillary ganglionic reactions that are sometimes painful, along with fever, headache, fatigue, dehydration, anorexia, sudoresis, arthralgia and muscle pain. The condition evolves over a three to four-week period. Vulvar lesions and transmission within families have also been described. Molecular studies have shown that the poxviruses identified are genetically related to vaccinia virus samples that were used in vaccination campaigns in the past. Clinical specimens from 80 human infections were studied in the laboratory, and orthopoxvirus infections were confirmed in 68 cases. The lesions observed in these patients are presented and the implications of this zoonosis in Brazil are discussed