1,737 research outputs found

    The Relationship Between Occupational Stress and Instigator Workplace Incivility as Moderated by Personality: A Test of an Occupational Stress and Workplace Incivility Model

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    In the face of competition and competing demands on organizations, employees are taxed to exert more effort with fewer resources. The type of environment can create the recipe for increased levels of occupational stress and an environment of increased workplace incivility.Therefore, it is not surprising that research has begun to look at the interaction between occupational stress and workplace incivility. The current work environment requires employees to exert more effort or face negative consequences from supervisors and peers. All too often, the salary increases, bonus structure, career progression, job security and mobility that might be reasonably expected from producing such extra effort do not align with organizational reality. The vexing situation creates workplace settings in which employees would be more likely to release their frustrations generated by unmet expectations through engaging in uncivil behaviors. Andersson and Pearson (1999) define workplace incivility as a “low-intensity deviant behavior with ambiguous intent to harm the target, in violation of workplace norms for mutual respect” (p. 457). The purpose of this quantitative study was to explore the relationship between occupational stress and instigator workplace incivility, as moderated by personality, to select organizational outcomes (i.e., perceived physical health and intent to turnover). Data were collected from 206 fulltime working adults in the healthcare industry utilizing Amazon MTurk. Moderated hierarchical regressions were conducted to test the possible moderating role of personality on the stress-incivility relationship; the results demonstrated partial support for H1-H4. Hierarchical regression analyses were conducted also to explore the degree stress and incivility predicted the outcome variables of perceived physical health and intentions to turnover; the data indicated support for the notion that greater stress and incivility positively predicted turnover intent. The findings suggest that personality did play a role in the stress-incivility relationship. Conscientiousness and agreeableness dampened the relationship, while neuroticism and extraversion strengthened the relationship. Further, this study found that intent to turnover increased as workplace incivility also increased, even after controlling for stress. Future research was proposed to test the models examined in this study in different settings, with additional moderators, and longitudinally. The practical findings suggest the possible utility of stress reduction training to reduce the likelihood of uncivil behavior

    Computational Analysis of Myxococcus xanthus Gliding Motility with Varying Cellular Growth Rate

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    This project focuses on determining the effects of varying growth rates on bacteria motility. Cell growth has been shown to affect peptidoglycan biosynthesis, interacting indirectly with the motility complex that spans across the bacteria. This complex adheres to the external surface via focal adhesion complexes that exert a mechanical force to push the cell forward. Affecting bacteria growth rate, affects peptidoglycan biosynthesis, & should therefore affect M. xanthus motility. (Independent Research

    Occupational Stress and Instigator Workplace Incivility as Moderated by Personality: A Test of an Occupational Stress and Workplace Incivility Model

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    This research investigates the relationship between occupational stress and instigator workplace incivility, as moderated by personality, to select organizational outcomes (i.e., perceived physical health and intent to turnover). Data were collected from 206 fulltime working adults in the healthcare industry utilizing Amazon MTurk. Moderated hierarchical regressions were conducted to test the possible moderating role of personality on the stress-incivility relationship; the results demonstrated that conscientiousness and agreeableness dampened the stress-incivility relationship and neuroticism and extraversion strengthened the relationship. Hierarchical regression analyses were conducted also to explore the degree stress and incivility predicted the outcome variables of perceived physical health and intentions to turnover; the data indicated support for the notion that greater stress and incivility positively predicted turnover intent

    Occupational Stress: Towards an Integrated Model

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    Occupational stress impacts employees’ physical and mental health, as well as productivity and performance. This literature review provides an overview of occupational stress, highlighting two major models. The relationship between supervisory behavior and occupational stress is explored

    The Relationship between Civic Engagement and Health among Older Adults

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    This paper explores the relationship between civic engagement and health among older adults. As the U.S. population ages and people are living longer in the retirement phase, practitioners need to provide programs of growth and development for this population

    Metropolização, Homicídios e Segurança Pública na Área Metropolitana de Brasília:: o Município de Águas Lindas de Goiás

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    Resumo   Neste artigo se discute o quadro metropolitano dos homicídios em 2010 em um município do Entorno de Brasília, Águas Lindas de Goiás. As externalidades negativas da metropolização de Brasília, em interface com a estrutura e organização da segurança publica  e a fragilidade  das ações da Assistência Social  no município, lançam luz sobre a dinâmica dos homicídios e os fatores estruturais  que  influenciam para  a sua ocorrência. A pesquisa se baseia em dados socioeconômicos secundários e em entrevistas realizadas junto aos atores da Segurança Publica e da Assistência Social. Os resultados apontam para a segregação sócio-espacial e a exclusão social no processo de urbanização do município, o alto grau de interação econômica e social deste último com o Distrito Federal, isto é, a polarização que o DF  exerce  na oferta ao mercado de trabalho e  de serviços básicos de educação e  saúde.  Neste quadro e  em face da alta taxa de  homicídios no município,  o artigo indica a necessidade de políticas cooperadas entre os diferentes entes da federação envolvidos (governo federal, estados e municípios)  na área econômica e social e das políticas de segurança pública. &nbsp

    Modelação da potência radiativa do fogo em savanas tropicais do norte da Australia

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Florestal e dos Recursos Naturais - Instituto Superior de Agronomia - ULNeste trabalho pretende-se modelar a potência radiativa do fogo, que está relacionada com a intensidade do fogo. O trabalho tem um carácter exploratório e pretende explorar a dinâmica espacial e temporal da intensidade do fogo em função de um conjunto de variáveis ambientais, que poderão estar potencialmente relacionadas com a intensidade do fogo. Explorar quais as variáveis que poderão estar associadas a valores baixos e elevados da potência radiativa do fogo poderá apoiar a tomada de decisões num contexto de fogos controlados que poderá permitir responder a questões de quando e onde se deverá queimar. Os dados referem-se ao ano de 2011. Para cumprir o objectivo proposto utilizaram-se árvores de decisão, implementadas no programa CART. As árvores de decisão foram usadas para modelar a potência radiativa do fogo. Através deste método determinou-se quais as variáveis que exibem uma maior influência na intensidade do fogoN/

    The peronist present: “space of experience” and “horizon of expectation” in the populist discourse of Juan Domingo Perón (1946-1955)

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    El presente trabajo se analiza la particular inserción del peronismo argentino (1946-1955) en el régimen de temporalidad moderno concebido por el historiador Reinhart Koselleck a partir de la identificación de disonancias temporales propias del período y que necesitaban ser consideradas en los discursos oficiales para garantizar el mantenimiento de la hegemonía populista del régimen. En un primer momento, se presentará una breve articulación de lo que consideramos los aportes esenciales de la Metafísica del tiempo histórico de Reinhart Koselleck a los estudios temporales, así como la revisión crítica de este pensamiento tradicional desplegado por Stefan Helgesson en el ámbito de la historiografía poscolonial. Desde esta perspectiva, luego, vamos a identificar las “heterocronías”, es decir, las conversiones temporales del discurso populista de Juan Domingo Perón en los documentos oficiales, lo que permitiría desplazamientos puntuales entre el “espacio de la experiencia” y el “horizonte de expectativa” de los argentinos. Como resultado, identificamos una temporalidad en la que se destaca el presente como tiempo de cambios y conquistas sociales, rompiendo con un “antes” oligárquico de exploración y cosmopolitismo y estableciendo un futuro determinado y planificado por el “ahora” peronista. Tal análisis, entonces, nos permite concebir a la Argentina de Perón como un ejemplo de modernidad alternativa.The present work analyzes the particular insertion of Argentine Peronism (1946-1955) in the modern temporality regime conceived by the historian Reinhart Koselleck from the identification of temporal dissonances typical of the period and that needed to be considered in official discourses to guarantee the maintenance of the populist hegemony of the regime. At first, a brief articulation of what we consider to be the essential contributions of Reinhart Koselleck's Metaphysics of Historical Time to temporal studies will be presented, as well as the critical review of this traditional thought deployed by Stefan Helgesson in the scope of postcolonial historiography. From that perspective, then, we will identify the “heterochronies”, that is, the temporal conversions of the populist discourse of Juan Domingo Perón in the official documents, which would allow specific displacements between the “space of experience” and the “horizon of expectation” of argentinian people. As a result, we identified a temporality in which the present is highlighted as the time of changes and social achievements, breaking with an oligarchic “before” of exploration and cosmopolitanism and establishing a future determined and planned by the Peronist “now”. Such analysis, then, allows us to conceive of Argentina under Perón as an example of alternative modernity.O presente trabalho analisa a inserção particular do peronismo argentino (1946-1955) no regime de temporalidade moderno concebido pelo historiador Reinhart Koselleck a partir da identificação de dissonâncias temporais próprias do período e que precisavam ser consideradas nos discursos oficiais para se garantir a manutenção da hegemonia populista do regime. Em um primeiro momento, será apresentada uma breve articulação do que consideramos como as contribuições essenciais da metafísica do tempo histórico de Reinhart Koselleck para os estudos temporais, assim como a revisão crítica desse pensamento tradicional desdobrada por Stefan Helgesson no âmbito da historiografia pós-colonial. Nessa perspectiva, em seguida, identificaremos as “heterocronias”, ou seja, as conversões temporais do discurso populista de Juan Domingo Perón nos documentos oficiais, as quais possibilitariam deslocamentos específicos entre o “espaço de experiência” e o “horizonte de expectativa” dos argentinos. Como resultado, identificamos uma temporalidade na qual o presente é destacado como o tempo das mudanças e das realizações sociais, rompendo com um “antes” oligárquico de exploração e cosmopolitismo e se estabelecendo um futuro determinado e planejado pelo “agora” peronista. Tal análise, então, permite-nos conceber a Argentina sob Perón como um exemplo de modernidade alternativa