801 research outputs found

    Regulatory assembly of the vacuolar proton pump VOV1-ATPase in yeast cells by FLIM-FRET

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    We investigate the reversible disassembly of VOV1-ATPase in life yeast cells by time resolved confocal FRET imaging. VOV1-ATPase in the vacuolar membrane pumps protons from the cytosol into the vacuole. VOV1-ATPase is a rotary biological nanomotor driven by ATP hydrolysis. The emerging proton gradient is used for transport processes as well as for pH and Ca2+ homoeostasis in the cell. Activity of the VOV1-ATPase is regulated through assembly / disassembly processes. During starvation the two parts of VOV1-ATPase start to disassemble. This process is reversed after addition of glucose. The exact mechanisms are unknown. To follow the disassembly / reassembly in vivo we tagged two subunits C and E with different fluorescent proteins. Cellular distributions of C and E were monitored using a duty cycle-optimized alternating laser excitation scheme (DCO-ALEX) for time resolved confocal FRET-FLIM measurements.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Structure industrielle et croissance locale en RĂ©publique Populaire de Chine

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    Using panel data from a sample covering 30 industrial sectors for 29 Chinese provinces (excluding Tibet) over the 1988 to 1997 period, this paper provides empirical evidence on the relation between industrial structure and growth performance. The influence of two types of variables is examined along with traditional production factors: industrial structure (degree of specialization, diversity in the industrial environment and plant size) and the level of regional initial development. Our results show that if the diversity and a limited plant size have a positive influence on local growth, specialization has a negative impact. It appears however different growth impulses from sectors and their localization.panel data, China, growth, Industrial structure

    L'effet des politiques sociales sur l'emploi des nouveaux immigrants à Montréal :une analyse longitudinale et conjoncturelle

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    La question de l'insertion sur le marché du travail des immigrants est aujourd'hui devenue essentielle. Les dispositifs mis en place au Canada cherchent à favoriser la réarticulation entre immigration, marché du travail, protection sociale, formation et cohésion sociale. Cet article étudie l'insertion des immigrés sur le marché du travail québécois à quatre points de leur parcours : après 1, 2, 3 et 10 ans de séjour. Outre les caractéristiques individuelles, nous portons une attention particulière à l'impact de l'environnement macroéconomique et des politiques sociales de redistribution sur la probabilité de sortie d'un épisode de non-emploi de ces immigrants. Nos résultats montrent que les immigrés forment un groupe hétérogène du point de vue de leurs caractéristiques individuelles et de leur employabilité. Certains restent marginalisés sur le marché du travail. C'est le cas notamment des femmes, des migrants âgés et dans un premier temps des moins qualifiés. L'assurance chômage et les prestations sociales jouent négativement sur la sortie de l'épisode de non-emploi. Le taux de chômage local exerce un effet significativement négatif sur la probabilité d'avoir un emploi et touche essentiellement l'emploi des immigrants peu qualifiés

    Migrations et discriminations professionnelles dans la province du Guangdong

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    Cet article étudie l'insertion de ces migrants ruraux sur le marché du travail de la province du Guangdong à partir d'une base de données originales issues d'une enquête sur les paysans-ouvriers (ming gong), réalisée en 2006. A partir de modèles de durée, nous portons une attention particulière aux caractéristiques individuelles, temporelles (évolution de la mobilité dans l'emploi au cours du temps) et spatiales (rôle du lieu d'origine). Nos résultats montrent que les migrants forment un groupe hétérogène du point de vue de leurs caractéristiques individuelles et de leur employabilité dans le delta de la rivière des Perles. L'insertion sur le marché du travail des femmes, des jeunes et des peu qualifiés est facilitée. La proximité géographique du lieu de départ de la migration est également favorable. Nous examinons enfin les déterminants du salaire urbain des paysans-ouvriers qui s'insèrent sur un marché du travail de plus en plus segmenté et fragmenté. / The integration of rural migrants into the urban labor market has become an essential economic issue in today's China. In the context of economic reforms, policies affecting migration in continental China have been redefined, which therefore greatly intensified the internal migration flows. Since the 1980s, the rural depopulation has been essentially linked to the migration of "peasant-workers" (ming gong) who continue to play a key role in the country's transition into a market economy. In this article, we study the integration of these rural migrants into the labor market in the Guangdong province using the original data from a 2006 survey of peasant-workers. Based on duration models estimation, the analysis focuses on the role of different characteristics: personal, temporal (i.e. the course of employment mobility through time) and spatial (i.e. the role of place of origin). Results show that migrants form a heterogeneous group in terms of personal characteristics and employability in the Pearl River delta. Women, the youth and the less qualified are among the advantaged. Geographical proximity also plays a favorable role. Finally, we examine the determinants of the wage in urban areas for peasant-workers who integrated the increasingly segmented and fragmented labor market

    L’effet des politiques sociales sur l’emploi des nouveaux immigrants à Montréal :une analyse longitudinale et conjoncturelle

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    La question de l’insertion sur le marché du travail des immigrants est aujourd’hui devenue essentielle. Les dispositifs mis en place au Canada cherchent à favoriser la réarticulation entre immigration, marché du travail, protection sociale, formation et cohésion sociale. Cet article étudie l’insertion des immigrés sur le marché du travail québécois à quatre points de leur parcours : après 1, 2, 3 et 10 ans de séjour. Outre les caractéristiques individuelles, nous portons une attention particulière à l’impact de l’environnement macroéconomique et des politiques sociales de redistribution sur la probabilité de sortie d’un épisode de non-emploi de ces immigrants. Nos résultats montrent que les immigrés forment un groupe hétérogène du point de vue de leurs caractéristiques individuelles et de leur employabilité. Certains restent marginalisés sur le marché du travail. C’est le cas notamment des femmes, des migrants âgés et dans un premier temps des moins qualifiés. L’assurance chômage et les prestations sociales jouent négativement sur la sortie de l’épisode de non-emploi. Le taux de chômage local exerce un effet significativement négatif sur la probabilité d’avoir un emploi et touche essentiellement l’emploi des immigrants peu qualifiés.Immigrants, emploi, Politiques sociales, canada

    Protectionism and industry localization in Chinese provinces (?)

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    This paper investigates the determinants of regional specialization between 1992 and 1997 using a panel covering 33 industries across 25 Chinese regions, paying particular attention to the role of regional protectionism. This study is motivated by a double paradox concerning the Chinese economy over the reforms. First some authors evidence reduced regional specialization despite the promotion of liberalization away from the introverted development strategy of the pre-reform period. Moreover, several empirical works find a negative impact of the degree of regional concentration on the performance of industries. These counter-intuitive findings lead us to evaluate whether the localization of industries in Chinese regions is rooted in a market process or on the opposite results from industrial and trade policies disconnected from the logic of comparative advantages. This article investigates in a straightforward manner the role of inter-provincial barriers to trade in shaping regional specialization. China?s economic reforms since 1978 have introduced fiscal decentralization, which provided the local governments with a strong incentive to protect their tax base by shielding local firms and industries from outside competition. We study how the impediments to trade between Chinese provinces impact geographic concentration in production beside other traditional factors such as resource endowment, external economies and increasing returns to scale. Regional protectionism is apprehended through all-inclusive indicators of provincial industry-level trade barriers computed based on inter-provincial trade flows. Regional specialization is measured by a location quotient with respect to output. It is found that the dynamics of comparative advantages and the forces of the new geographic economy are at work in Chinese provinces. It is found that there is greater geographic concentration in industries that enjoy significant knowledge spillovers, specialized suppliers and labor-market pooling. Results however lend strong support to the role of local protectionism on the concentration of activities. The localization of economic activities in Chinese provinces does not exclusively follow the logic of the market. It is also is influenced by interregional trade barriers put in place by local governments. Greater location quotients are found for industries that enjoy high protection from interregional competition. The role of protectionism in regional specialization appears to have increased between 1992 and 1997, especially in the provinces that are the least opened to the international.

    Migrations et discriminations professionnelles dans la province du Guangdong

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    Cet article étudie l’insertion de ces migrants ruraux sur le marché du travail de la province du Guangdong à partir d’une base de données originales issues d’une enquête sur les paysans-ouvriers (ming gong), réalisée en 2006. A partir de modèles de durée, nous portons une attention particulière aux caractéristiques individuelles, temporelles (évolution de la mobilité dans l’emploi au cours du temps) et spatiales (rôle du lieu d’origine). Nos résultats montrent que les migrants forment un groupe hétérogène du point de vue de leurs caractéristiques individuelles et de leur employabilité dans le delta de la rivière des Perles. L’insertion sur le marché du travail des femmes, des jeunes et des peu qualifiés est facilitée. La proximité géographique du lieu de départ de la migration est également favorable. Nous examinons enfin les déterminants du salaire urbain des paysans-ouvriers qui s’insèrent sur un marché du travail de plus en plus segmenté et fragmenté. / The integration of rural migrants into the urban labor market has become an essential economic issue in today’s China. In the context of economic reforms, policies affecting migration in continental China have been redefined, which therefore greatly intensified the internal migration flows. Since the 1980s, the rural depopulation has been essentially linked to the migration of "peasant-workers" (ming gong) who continue to play a key role in the country’s transition into a market economy. In this article, we study the integration of these rural migrants into the labor market in the Guangdong province using the original data from a 2006 survey of peasant-workers. Based on duration models estimation, the analysis focuses on the role of different characteristics: personal, temporal (i.e. the course of employment mobility through time) and spatial (i.e. the role of place of origin). Results show that migrants form a heterogeneous group in terms of personal characteristics and employability in the Pearl River delta. Women, the youth and the less qualified are among the advantaged. Geographical proximity also plays a favorable role. Finally, we examine the determinants of the wage in urban areas for peasant-workers who integrated the increasingly segmented and fragmented labor market.paysans-ouvriers, migration, emploi, villes, Chine / peasant workers, urban employment, wages, China

    Inégalités socioéconomiques et effets cardiovasculaires des expositions aux émissions industrielles au Québec, Canada

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    Les populations sont exposées quotidiennement à mélange complexe de polluants de l’air, comme les particules fines, le dioxyde de soufre et le dioxyde d’azote, qui ont été associés à de nombreux effets de santé, notamment d’ordre respiratoire et cardiovasculaire. La répartition des sources émettrices, les caractéristiques du paysage (c.-à-d. le cadre bâti, la topographie) et par conséquent ce mélange et l’exposition des populations varient de manière spatio-temporelle. L’objectif de ce mémoire était de documenter les inégalités sociales d’exposition aux émissions industrielles de polluants de l’air et les effets cardiovasculaires aigus de l’exposition journalière à ces polluants chez des populations vulnérables résidant à proximité de ces sources. Ainsi, à l’aide d’une étude écologique, nous avons analysé les corrélations entre le niveau de défavorisation (quatre indicateurs) de 2189 écoles primaires et secondaires québécoises et leur exposition aux émissions industrielles dans des rayons de 2,5 à 7,5 km. Nos résultats suggèrent des inégalités d’exposition des populations infantiles aux émissions industrielles à l’école, cependant elles n’étaient pas constantes pour les quatre indicateurs. En outre, nous avons analysé, utilisant une étude cas-croisés, le lien entre l’exposition aux polluants industriels estimés à l’aide des émissions et des concentrations de ces polluants, et les décès pour maladies cardiovasculaires chez des personnes âgées résidant dans un rayon de 7,5 km d’une industrie. Aucune association convaincante n’a été notée ; nos résultats étaient très variables ; cela était probablement dû aux limites associées à l’estimation de l’exposition de notre étude. De futures études avec de meilleures estimations d’exposition seront nécessaires pour soutenir ces résultats.On a daily basis, populations are exposed to a complex mixture of air pollutants such as fine particulate matters, sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide that have been associated with a range of health effects namely respiratory and cardiovascular effects. Emitting sources’ distribution, landscape characteristics (i.e. infrastructure, topography) and thus the complex mixture of air pollutants and populations’ exposure vary greatly in space and time. This thesis aimed to document social inequalities in exposure to industrial air emissions of pollutants and associations between daily exposure to these pollutants and cardiovascular mortality in vulnerable populations living near these sources. Thus, using an ecological design, we analyzed Pearson’s correlations between deprivation level (using four indicators) of 2,189 primary and secondary Quebec schools and their exposure to industrial emissions in a radius of 2.5 to 7.5 km. Our results suggest inequalities in exposure to industrial air emissions at school in children. These associations were not consistent among all four indicators of deprivation. Besides, using a case-crossover design, we evaluated the associations between exposure to industrial air pollutants using both emission exposure estimates and sensor levels and deaths from cardiovascular diseases in the elderly living near industrial sources (<7.5 km). We found no convincing evidence of association. Our results varied greatly which could be caused by the limits of our study related to estimating exposure. Further studies using improved exposure estimates are necessary to support our findings

    The Location of Manufacturing Industry and Spacial Imbalance

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    Opening up and economic development are usually accompanied by geographical concentration and increased specialisation of activities. What is the situation in China? Peking's accession to the World Trade Organisation (WTO) has had several effects. In particular, trade liberalisation has mainly benefited the coastal provinces, which have a diversified industrial infrastructure, and is likely to increase the already significant disparities between the coast and the interior, where activity is more concentrated on a few major traditional sectors. In order to better understand the changes to come, this article describes the evolution in the location of industrial activities and of specialisation in the Chinese provinces from the end of the 1980s

    Foreign Direct Investment across China: what should we learn from spatial dependences?

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    The paper investigates the importance of spatial dependences on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) localization across Chinese provinces over the 1992-2009. Based on exploratory spatial data analysis, spatial sigma-convergence and spatial Durbin specifications, we present a much clearer picture of FDI dispersion and spatial convergence across China by highlighting the spillover effects of FDI localization in Chinese provinces and regions. Our results are threefold. First, FDI convergence is more pronounced compared to the Central region, whereas the dispersion is greater when the Coastal and the Western regions are taken as reference points. Second, at the province level, FDI localization seems to present a substitutable configuration. Third, when controlling for the spatial distribution of FDI at the level of regions, it seems, conversely, that the FDI localization presents a complementary configuration. The finding resulting from the opposing configurations of the FDI localizations observed at the region and province levels seems to argue in favor of promoting FDI attractiveness policies based on regional complementarities
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