90 research outputs found

    Analisis Pengaruh Investasi, PDRB, Jumlah Penduduk, Penerimaan Pembangunan, dan Inflasi terhadap Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) di Kabupaten Lombok Barat

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    Mark sense application autonomousing to expected region gets to give facility to region to even out its own housewifery, also give room opportunity for region to dig up and mendayagunakan is proprietary potency optimal ala. PAD as one of accepting region reflects to increase region independence. The greater PAD therefore points out that region progressively is able to dig up and utilizes source those are at its region. To the effect that wants to be reached in this research is menganalisis affecting investment, PDRB, population, Development acceptance, and inflation to PAD. Observed data in this research is time series's data with runtut time 1980 2007. Estimation model that is utilized is bifilar regression that ditranspormasikan goes to to form logarithm

    Predictors of family burden in families caring for children with special needs

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    Having a child with special needs has a significant impact on family life. While adapting to this new situation, parents often face difficulties related to the care of their children, family relations, and financial situation. The present study examined differences between family burden and spousal support perceived by mothers and fathers of children with special needs and investigated predictors of perceived family burden and spousal support. A total of 394 parents of children with disabilities (197 couples) from a large urban city in Northern Turkey participated in this survey study. Results showed the perceived family burden and spousal support differed significantly between couples. Mothers of children with special needs had significantly higher perceived family burden and significantly lower perceived spousal support in comparison to fathers. Moreover, perceived spousal support significantly predicted family burden perceived by mothers and fathers. Implications in relation to services offered to families of children with disabilities along with the recommendations for future research in this area are discussed

    The Predictive Role of Homophobia and Unconditional Self-Acceptance on Respect of Differences in Psychological Counselor Candidates

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    This research was conducted to investigate the predictive role of homophobia and unconditional self-acceptance on respect of differences in psychological counselor candidates. Participants were 239 psychological counselor candidates. The Respect of Differences Scale, the Homophobia Scale, and the Unconditional Self-Acceptance Scale were used to collect the data. Path analysis was used to determine the influences of variables on respect of differences. The independent sample t-test and one-way ANOVA were used to determine differences between participants in terms of gender and grade. The results of the analysis indicated that homophobia and unconditional self-acceptance are predictors of respect of differences, and place of living and traditionally have an indirect effect on respect of differences. In addition, female participants reported a higher level of respect of differences than male participants. Similarly, first year college students reported a higher level of respect of differences than fourth year college students


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    Sebagai warga Negara Indonesia dan pelaku seni, penulis mencoba mengeksplorasi motif batik untuk menambah keragaman motif batik yang ada. Dalam karya ini penulis membuat stilasi motif batik terinspirasi dari Bunga Pukul Empat yang diterapkan pada outer dengan teknik batik tulis. Bunga pukul empat yang bernama laitn Marbilis Jalapa adalah bunga yang memiliki nilai estetik dilihat dari bentuk bunga yang mempunyai struktur mirip dengan terompet. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh motif batik yang bersumber dari bunga pukul empat pada outer. Penulis menggunakan metode penciptaan karya dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasilnya Penulis menciptakan lima buah outer dengan tiga motif stilasi. Karya satu dan dua menggunakan stilasi A, karya tiga dan empat menggunakan stilasi B, dan karya lima mnggunakan stilasi C. Pada motif yang sering muncul adalah garis lengkung dan titik. Umumnya teknik yang dipakai pada motif adalah reverse dan full half repeat dengan pengulangan repetisi dan transisi. Penulis memakai warna pink, kuning dan biru pada motif menggunakan pewarna naphtol sebagai pencelupan dan remazol untuk pencoletan. Semua penerapan unsur pada motif didasarkan dari hasil kuesioner selera responden. Semoga penciptaan ini dapat menjadi inspirasi untuk selalu mengeksplor motif baru. As Indonesian citizens and artists, the author tries to explore batik motifs to increase the diversity of batik motifs. In this work the author made a batik motif inspired by four o'clock flowers applied outside with batik techniques. Bunga puku lempat called laitn Marbilis Jalapa is a flower that has aesthetic value seen from the shape of a flower that has a trumpet-like structure. The purpose of this study was to obtain batik motifs originating from bunga puku lempat on the outside. The author uses a method of creating works with a qualitative approach. As a result, the author created five outer pieces with three stylish motifs. One and two works use stilation a work three and four using stilation B, and work five using stilation C. Motives that often appear are curved lines and dots. Generally the technique used in the motif is reverse and full half repeat with repetition and transition repetition. The author uses pink, yellow and blue on the motif using naphtol dye as dyeing and remazol for picking. All the application of elements to the motive is based on the results of the respondents taste questionnaire. Hopefully this creation can be an inspiration to always explore new motives

    Implementasi Program Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Rakyat Melalui Program Mamangun Tuntang Mahaga Lewu (Pm2l) (Studi Kasus Di Dua Desa Tertinggal Di Kalimantan Tengah)

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    This study aims to determine the implementation of the program of economic empowerment of the people through the program mamangun Tuntang mahaga Lewu (PM2L). Writing method used is qualitative. This method was chosen because it examines the phenomenon of something in more depth, and more able to understand the phenomenon that until now has not been known. Through this study were obtained in the implementation of key information that PM2L are several stages to go through the stage of coordination, socialization, implementation of the action, coaching, monitoring and evaluation. In general, the stages through which it has not been optimal program implementation in practice, especially in terms of stages of development


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    Once the COVID-19 was declared as a pandemic, most countries temporarily closed schools and shifted to home-based distance education. Each country had its own way of implementing education remotely. Turkey used an enhanced version of the currently existing Education Information Network (EBA) to deliver distance education to all children including those with autism. The rapid shift from face-to-face education to home-based virtual learning created unprecedented challenges and impacted development and learning of children with autism who often need individualized and systematic instruction. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore parental perceptions about effectiveness of distance education practices for children with autism and challenges they faced during visual learning. A total of 208 parents of children with autism participated in quantitative data collection while 18 also attended to individually conducted interviews. Results indicated many families did not use EBA to support their children’s learning and the content of virtual learning opportunities through EBA was not appropriate for the characteristics of children with autism. Implications for future practice and research as well as the limitations of this study were discussed
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