39 research outputs found

    Діалогізм як умова реалізації свободи в іудаїзмі

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    У статті розглядається проблема співвідношення феномена свободи з такою формою реалізації людської екзистенції, як діалог. Для іудаїзму виявами діалогу на рівні розкриття зв'язку "Я" з "абсолютним Ти" є молитва та пророцтво. Автор доводить, що ці форми діалогу у свій власний спосіб виявляють механізми актуалізації індивідуальної та колективної свободи. Метою свободи виступає повнота розкриття призначення існування людини та людства у світі.In the article examines the problem of comparing the phenomenon of freedom with a form of human realization of existence, such as dialog. For Judaism, prayer and prophecy are the opening to the connection of "I" and the absolute "You". These forms of dialog, in their own way, appear to be mechanisms of the actualization of individual and collective freedom. The goal of this freedom appears to be the full understanding of the purpose of man and humanity in the world

    Current and future technical, economic and environmental feasibility of maize and wheat residues supply for biomass energy application:Illustrated for South Africa

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    AbstractThis study assessed the feasibility of mobilising maize and wheat residues for large-scale bioenergy applications in South Africa by establishing sustainable residue removal rates and cost of supply based on different production regions. A key objective was to refine the methodology for estimating crop residue harvesting for bioenergy use, while maintaining soil productivity and avoiding displacement of competing residue uses. At current conditions, the sustainable bioenergy potential from maize and wheat residues was estimated to be about 104 PJ. There is potential to increase the amount of crop residues to 238 PJ through measures such as no till cultivation and adopting improved cropping systems. These estimates were based on minimum residues requirements of 2 t ha−1 for soil erosion control and additional residue amounts to maintain 2% SOC level.At the farm gate, crop residues cost between 0.9 and 1.7 GJ1.About96 GJ−1. About 96% of these residues are available below 1.5 GJ−1. In the improved scenario, up to 85% of the biomass is below 1.3 GJ1.Forbiomassdeliveriesattheconversionplant,about36 GJ−1. For biomass deliveries at the conversion plant, about 36% is below 5 GJ−1 while in the optimised scenario, about 87% is delivered below 5$ GJ−1. Co-firing residues with coal results in lower cost of electricity compared to other renewables and significant GHG (CO2 eq) emissions reduction (up to 0.72 tons MWh−1). Establishing sustainable crop residue supply systems in South Africa could start by utilising the existing agricultural infrastructure to secure supply and develop a functional market. It would then be necessary to incentivise improvements across the value chain

    Пов’язка для лікування гнійно-некротичних ран у хворих на цукровий діабет

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    Разработана и клинически апробирована повязка для лечения гнойно-некротических ран у больных сахарным диабетом. Её использование способствует значительному улучшению результатов лечения и эффективной реабилитации этой категории больных.Developed and clinically tested for the treatment of necrotic wounds in diabetic patients. Its use greatly improve the results of treatment and effective rehabilitation of these patients

    An assessment of the torrefaction of North American pine and life cycle greenhouse gas emissions

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    Bioenergy is increasingly being used to meet EU objectives for renewable energy generation and reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Problems with using biomass however include high moisture contents, lower calorific value and poor grindability when compared to fossil fuels. Torrefaction is a pre-treatment process that aims to address these issues. In this paper four torrefaction treatments of pine were performed and a mass–energy balance calculated. Using experimental data, a pellet production supply chain incorporating torrefaction was modelled and compared to an existing wood pellet system to determine life-cycle GHG emissions. Two utility fuels, wood chips and natural gas, were considered to provide process heat in addition to volatile gases released during torrefaction (torgas). Experimental results show that torrefaction reduces the moisture content and increases the calorific value of the fuels. Increasing torrefaction temperature and residence time results in lower mass and energy yields. GHG emissions reduce with increasing torrefaction severity. Emissions from drying & torrefaction and shipping are the highest GHG contributors to the supply chain. All 4 torrefaction conditions assessed outperformed traditional wood pellet supply chain emissions but more land is required which increases with temperature and residence time. Sensitivity analysis results show that emissions increase significantly where natural gas is used for utility fuel and no torgas is utilised

    Design of Sustainable Biomass Value Chains – Optimising the supply logistics and use of biomass over time

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    Modern bioenergy systems have significant potential to cost-effectively substitute fossil energy carriers with substantial GHG emissions reduction benefits. To mobilise large-scale biomass supplies, large volumes of biomass feedstock need to be secured, and competitive feedstock value chains need to be developed and optimised, based on identification of appropriate combinations of feedstock and conversion technologies. This makes assessments of biomass resource availability a critical part of the biomass value chain. Given the global distribution of biomass production regions and markets as well as the nature of raw biomass, pre-processing biomass plays an important role in improving biomass supply chain economics. Logistics and transport are key costs components in the biomass value chain and major investments in infrastructure and capacity are required to realise large scale biomass supplies. Establishing this infrastructure is gradual and takes time, which also applies to the mobilisation of large volumes of biomass. These two aspects are interrelated and region specific due to the unique settings for biomass feedstock production and local infrastructure. Given this context, there is need for examining the entire biomass supply value chain so as to understand the many elements involved in bioenergy mobilisation. Thus, the main objective of this thesis was to design sustainable biomass energy supply chains to enable competitive mobilisation of large scale biomass supplies for both the short and long term. With regards to resource assessments, the analysis showed that, under strict sustainability criteria, substantial volumes of biomass exist which could – if efficiently mobilized – contribute significantly to renewable energy production. Currently, it is more cost-effective to ship densified solid biomass, e.g pellets, from low cost biomass production regions of the world for final large scale conversion in the major biofuel markets. Early biomass conversion to secondary energy carriers in the supply chain is only cost effective where infrastructure already exists for low cost transport to the market. Thus in the short term, wood pellets are expected to play an important role as the internationally traded solid biomass commodity. In the near future, torrefied pellets may become the dominant and preferred internationally traded solid biomass commodity as the technology is commercialised. Overall, advanced biofuels are attractive against fossil fuels both economically and also in terms of GHG reductions. At current conditions, advanced biofuels can be delivered from about 12.5 $/GJfuel and reduce GHG emissions by at least 60%- the threshold of minimum GHG emission saving set in the EU renewable energy directive for biofuels. However, advanced biofuel technologies are being developed and their successful commercialisation of will depend on overcoming several technical and economic challenges. Increasing operational scale, rapid deployment and technological learning are key to biofuel cost reduction. In addition, a large, stable supply of biomass feedstock needs to be guaranteed. To better understand the biomass resource base and implementation possibilities, more scientific research needs to be conducted in developing countries to improve the quality of biomass resource assessments and investigate implementation business models

    Next generation of liquid biofuel production

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    More than 99% of all currently produced biofuels are classified as “first generation” (i.e. fuels produced primarily from cereals, grains, sugar crops and oil seeds) (IEA, 2008b). “Second generation” or “next generation” biofuels, on the other hand, are produced from lignocellulosic feedstocks such as agricultural and forest residues, as well as purpose-grown energy crops such as vegetative grasses and short rotation forests (SRF). These feedstocks largely consist of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. Conversion to bioethanol fuel is via hydrolysis of the cellulose and hemicellulose to sugar, after which fermentation of sugar is performed. These feedstocks can also be converted to fuel via gasification or pyrolysis to produce synthetic diesel, bio-oil and other fuels. To be competitive with fossil fuels, there is a need to overcome several technical challenges – which is the focus of current R&D. Generally, the advantage of next generation biofuels (over 1st generation biofuels) is their ability to utilise many different types of lignocellulosic materials as feedstock and lower land use impacts. However, the environmental impact of lignocellulosic biofuels depends on the conversion route, the feedstock and site-specific conditions. Moreover, unlike the mature 1st generation biofuels, next generation biofuel technologies are still under devel-opment (pilot and demonstration stages), and commercialisation is anticipated in the next decade. This section analyses the short term and long term technical and economic performance as well as the potential development of next generation biofuel industries in five develop-ing countries under some defined settings

    Design of Sustainable Biomass Value Chains – Optimising the supply logistics and use of biomass over time

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    Modern bioenergy systems have significant potential to cost-effectively substitute fossil energy carriers with substantial GHG emissions reduction benefits. To mobilise large-scale biomass supplies, large volumes of biomass feedstock need to be secured, and competitive feedstock value chains need to be developed and optimised, based on identification of appropriate combinations of feedstock and conversion technologies. This makes assessments of biomass resource availability a critical part of the biomass value chain. Given the global distribution of biomass production regions and markets as well as the nature of raw biomass, pre-processing biomass plays an important role in improving biomass supply chain economics. Logistics and transport are key costs components in the biomass value chain and major investments in infrastructure and capacity are required to realise large scale biomass supplies. Establishing this infrastructure is gradual and takes time, which also applies to the mobilisation of large volumes of biomass. These two aspects are interrelated and region specific due to the unique settings for biomass feedstock production and local infrastructure. Given this context, there is need for examining the entire biomass supply value chain so as to understand the many elements involved in bioenergy mobilisation. Thus, the main objective of this thesis was to design sustainable biomass energy supply chains to enable competitive mobilisation of large scale biomass supplies for both the short and long term. With regards to resource assessments, the analysis showed that, under strict sustainability criteria, substantial volumes of biomass exist which could – if efficiently mobilized – contribute significantly to renewable energy production. Currently, it is more cost-effective to ship densified solid biomass, e.g pellets, from low cost biomass production regions of the world for final large scale conversion in the major biofuel markets. Early biomass conversion to secondary energy carriers in the supply chain is only cost effective where infrastructure already exists for low cost transport to the market. Thus in the short term, wood pellets are expected to play an important role as the internationally traded solid biomass commodity. In the near future, torrefied pellets may become the dominant and preferred internationally traded solid biomass commodity as the technology is commercialised. Overall, advanced biofuels are attractive against fossil fuels both economically and also in terms of GHG reductions. At current conditions, advanced biofuels can be delivered from about 12.5 $/GJfuel and reduce GHG emissions by at least 60%- the threshold of minimum GHG emission saving set in the EU renewable energy directive for biofuels. However, advanced biofuel technologies are being developed and their successful commercialisation of will depend on overcoming several technical and economic challenges. Increasing operational scale, rapid deployment and technological learning are key to biofuel cost reduction. In addition, a large, stable supply of biomass feedstock needs to be guaranteed. To better understand the biomass resource base and implementation possibilities, more scientific research needs to be conducted in developing countries to improve the quality of biomass resource assessments and investigate implementation business models

    Harmonising bioenergy resource potentials - Methodological lessons from review of state of the art bioenergy potential asessments

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    Published estimates of the potential of bioenergy vary widely, mainly due to the heterogeneity of methodologies, assumptions and datasets employed. These discrepancies are confusing for policy and it is thus important to have scientific clarity on the basis of the assessment outcomes. Such clear insights can enable harmonisation of the different assessments. This review explores current state of the art approaches and methodologies used in bioenergy assessments, and identifies key elements that are critical determinants of bioenergy potentials. We apply the lessons learnt from the review exercise to compare and harmonise a selected set of country based bioenergy potential studies, and provide recommendations for conducting more comprehensive assessments. Depending on scenario assumptions, the harmonised technical biomass potential estimates up to 2030 in the selected countries range from 5.2 to 27.3 EJ in China, 1.1 to 18.8 EJ in India, 2.0 to 10.9 EJ in Indonesia, 1.6 to 7.0 EJ in Mozambique and 9.3 to 23.5 EJ in the US. From the review, we observed that generally, current studies do not cover all the basic (sustainability) elements expected in an ideal bioenergy assessment and there are marked differences in the level of parametric detail and methodological transparency between studies. Land availability and suitability lack spatial detail and especially degraded and marginal lands are poorly evaluated. Competition for water resources is hardly taken into account and biomass yields are based mostly on crude ecological zoning criteria. A few studies take into account improvements in management of agricultural and forestry production systems, but the underlying assumptions are hardly discussed. Competition for biomass resources among the various applications is crudely analysed in most studies and key assumptions such as demographic dynamics, biodiversity protection criteria, etc. are not explicitly discussed. To facilitate more comprehensive bioenergy assessments, we recommend an integrated analytical framework that includes all the key factors, employs high resolution geo-referenced datasets and accounts for potential feedback effects