138 research outputs found

    Analyse des précipitations annuelles à la station de Yaoundé de 1895 à 2006

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    Dans le cadre des changements climatiques nous nous proposons pour la station mĂ©tĂ©orologique de YaoundĂ©, situĂ©e dans la rĂ©gion du climat Ă©quatorial classique, d’étudier le comportement des pluies interannuelles. A ce jour, cette station est confrontĂ©e Ă  diverses perturbations pluviomĂ©triques : Sur le plan de la pluviomĂ©trie mensuelle, les mois de dĂ©cembre, de janvier et de fĂ©vrier certes appartenant Ă  la grande saison sĂšche n’enregistrent parfois aucune pluie. Or cette situation n’est pas normale entre 1926 et 2006 avec des moyennes de 21,4 mm pour le mois de janvier, 51 mm pour le mois de fĂ©vrier et 135.7 mm pour le mois de mars. Certains de ces mois enregistrent des prĂ©cipitations largement supĂ©rieures Ă  la normale. C’est le cas de janvier 1975 avec 98 mm ; de fĂ©vrier 1969 avec 125,9 mm et de dĂ©cembre 1964 avec 97,5 mm. Sur le plan saisonnier, les rĂ©pits pluviomĂ©triques des grandes saisons sĂšches s’érigent dans la plupart des cas Ă  de vĂ©ritables sĂ©cheresses. C’est le cas de 1987 qui a enregistrĂ© que 24,6 mm de prĂ©cipitations durant les mois de dĂ©cembre, janvier et fĂ©vrier au lieu de 94,1mm en moyenne au total. Dans le mĂȘme ordre, nous notons une modification dans la distribution des prĂ©cipitations saisonniĂšres. En outre, la petite saison sĂšche semble enregistrer de plus en plus des prĂ©cipitations que jadis. Quant aux prĂ©cipitations interannuelles, il ressort qu’il y a non seulement une diminution, mais aussi un prolongement des annĂ©es sĂšches et, un dĂ©phasage entre l’arrivĂ©e des premiĂšres et la fin des derniĂšres pluies.Mots-clĂ©s: YaoundĂ©, prĂ©cipitations, saisons, sĂ©cheresse, El Niño. Analysis of the annual rainfalls in the Yaounde station from 1895 to 2006In the context of climate change, we propose for the Yaounde weather station, in the area of the classic equatorial climate, to study the behavior of interannual rainfalls. It follows a variety rainfall interference. In terms of monthly rainfall, the months of December, January and February certainly belonging to the long dry season, sometimes recorded no rain. But this situation is not normal between 1926 and 2006 with averages of 21.4 mm for the month of January, 51 mm for the month of February and 135.7 mm for the month of March. Some of these months are above normal precipitations. This is the case of January 1975 with 98 mm; February 1969 with 125.9 mm and December 1964 with 97.5 mm. At the seasonal level, rainfall respites large dry seasons are erected in most cases to real drought. This was the case from 1987 which recorded 24.6 mm rainfall during the months of December, January and February instead of average total 94,1mm. Similarly, we note a change in the distribution of seasonal rainfall. In addition, the short dry season record seems more rainfall than before. As for interannual rainfall, it is apparent that there has not only reduced but also an extension between the arrival of the first and the end of the last rains.Keywords: Yaounde, rainfalls, seasons, drought, El Niño

    Genetic engineering of apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) for resistance to fungal diseases using g2ps1 gene from Gerbera hybrida (Asteraceae)

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    In the present study, g2ps1 gene from Gerbera hybrida coding for 2-pyrone synthase which contribute for fungal and insect resistance was used. The aim was to work out an efficient approach of genetic transformation for apple cvs. ‘Golden Delicious’, ‘Royal Gala’ and ‘MM111’, ‘M26’ rootstocks for improving their fungal resistance using genetic engineering techniques. Adventitious shoot formation from leaf pieces of apples studied was achieved using middle leaf segments taken from the youngest leaves from in vitro-grown plants.Optimum conditions for ‚direct’ shoot organogenesis resulted in high regeneration efficiency of  0%, 95%, 92%, 94% in the studied apples respectively. Putative transgenic shoots could be obtained on MS media with B5 Vitamins, 5.0 mg l-1 BAP, or 2.0 mg l-1 TDZ with 0.2 mg l-1 NAA in the presence of the selection agent “PPT” at 3.0-5.0 mgl-1. Shoot multiplication of transgenic shoots was achieved on: MS + B5 vitamins + 1.0 mg l-1 BAP + 0.3 mg l-1 IBA, 0.2 mg l-1 GA3+1.0 g/l MES+ 30 g/l sucrose + 7.0 g/l Agar, with the selection agent PPT at 5.0 mg l-1 and were subcultured every 4 weeks in order to get sufficient material to confirm transformation of the putative shoots obtained. Six, seven, one and six transgenic clones of the apples studied respectively have been obtained and confirmed by selection on the media containing the selection agent “PPT” and by PCR analysis using the suitable primers in all clones obtained for the presence of the selection” bar gene (447 bp) and the gene-of- interest “g2PS1” (1244 bp), with transformation efficiency of 0.4%, 0.6%, 0.1% and 0.3% respectively. These transgenic clones were multiplied further in vitro in the presence of the selection agent ‘PPT’ and rooted in vitro. Rooted transgenic plantlets were successfully acclimatized and are being kept under-containment conditions according to the biosafety by-law in Syria to evaluate their performance for fungal resistance

    Genetic engineering of apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) for resistance to fungal diseases using g2ps1 gene from Gerbera hybrida (Asteraceae)

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    In the present study, g2ps1 gene from Gerbera hybrida coding for 2-pyrone synthase which contribute for fungal and insectresistance was used. The aim was to work out an efficient approach of genetic transformation for apple cvs. ‘Golden Delicious’, ‘Royal Gala’and ‘MM111’, ‘M26’ rootstocks for improving their fungal resistance using genetic engineering techniques. Adventitious shoot formationfrom leaf pieces of apples studied was achieved using middle leaf segments taken from the youngest leaves from in vitro-grown plants.Optimum conditions for ‚direct’ shoot organogenesis resulted in high regeneration efficiency of 90%,95%,92%,94% in the studied applesrespectively. Putative transgenic shoots could be obtained on MS media with B5 Vitamins, 5.0 mg l-1 BAP, or 2.0 mg l-1 TDZ with 0.2 mg l-1NAA in the presence of the selection agent “PPT” at 3.0-5.0 mgl-1. Shoot multiplication of transgenic shoots was achieved on: MS + B5vitamins + 1.0 mg l-1 BAP + 0.3 mg l-1 IBA, 0.2 mg l-1 GA3+1.0 g/l MES+ 30 g/l sucrose + 7.0 g/l Agar, with the selection agent PPT at 5.0mg l-1 and were subcultured every 4 weeks in order to get sufficient material to confirm transformation of the putative shoots obtained. Six,seven, one and six transgenic clones of the apples studied respectively have been obtained and confirmed by selection on the media containingthe selection agent “PPT” and by PCR analysis using the suitable primers in all clones obtained for the presence of the selection” bar gene(447 bp) and the gene-of- interest “g2PS1” (1244 bp), with transformation efficiency of 0.4%, 0.6%, 0.1% and 0.3% respectively. Thesetransgenic clones were multiplied further in vitro in the presence of the selection agent ‘PPT’ and rooted in vitro. Rooted transgenic plantletswere successfully acclimatized and are being kept under-containment conditions according to the biosafety by-law in Syria to evaluate theirperformance for fungal resistance
