20 research outputs found


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    Autorima rada cilj je prikazati osnutak Zavoda za patologiju Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. U radu se analiziraju prve godine Zavoda za patologiju, odnosno razdoblje od 1918. do 1922. Naglasak je na izgradnji Zavoda i poteškoćama na koje se pritom nailazilo. U tekstu će biti govora i o osobama koje su bile ključne za pokretanje Zavoda za patologiju. U literaturi se do sada uglavnom navodilo kako je ključna osoba za pokretanje Zavoda za patologiju bio Sergej Saltykow, patolog ruskog podrijetla. Iako je Saltykowljeva uloga neupitna, cilj je rada prikazati još neke koji su u većoj ili manjoj mjeri pridonijeli osnutku Zavoda. Tako će ovdje više riječi biti o Vaclavu Neumannu, Đorđu Joanoviću, Walteru Berlingeru i drugima. Dan je i kraći kontekst s naglaskom na osnutak Medicinskog fakulteta i patologiju u Zagrebu prije osnutka Zavoda za patologiju. Svakako treba istaknuti Prosekturu javnih zdravstvenih zavoda grada Zagreba i zemaljskog zavoda u Stenjevcu te Ljudevita Juraka kao prvog predstojnika. Prosektura je imala ključnu ulogu za razvoj sudske medicine i patologije u Hrvatskoj. Osim dostupne literature, rad je većim dijelom napisan na temelju arhivske građe koja se pretežno nalazi u arhivu Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.The authors of the paper aim to present the foundation of the Department of Pathology at the University of Zagreb. The first years of the Department of Pathology, from 1918 to 1922, will be analysed in the paper. The emphasis is on the construction of the Department and the difficulties encountered at the same time. Also, persons who were crucial for the establishment of the Department of Pathology will be discussed. So far, the literature has mostly stated that the initiator of the Department of Pathology was Sergej Saltykow, a pathologist of Russian descent. Although Saltykow’s role is unquestionable, the aim is to present more persons who have more or less contributed to the establishment of the Department. Thus, more will be said about Vaclav Neumann, Đorđe Joanović, Walter Berlinger and others. Besides, the paper will provide a brief context focusing on the establishment of the School of Medicine and pathology in Zagreb before the foundation of the Department of Pathology. The Pathoanatomic Service of The Public Health Divisions in the City of Zagreb and Ljudevit Jurak, the first head of this institution, should certainly be pointed out. The Pathoanatomic Service played a key role in the development of forensic medicine and pathology in Croatia. In addition to available literature, the paper is based on archival materials found in the School of Medicine University of Zagreb archive

    Pleomorphic liposarcoma of the foot: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Liposarcomas are among the most common sarcomas of adult life. Pleomorphic liposarcoma, characterized by pleomorphic lipoblasts, is the rarest subtype. To our knowledge only three cases of pleomorphic liposarcoma of the foot or ankle have been reported so far.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 71-year-old female presented with a large growing mass on the dorsum of her right foot. Computed tomography showed invasive tumorous mass. Excision biopsy revealed the mass to be a pleomorphic liposarcoma, and below the knee amputation was performed.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Although the incidence of pleomorphic liposarcoma in the foot is very low, it is essential to perform thorough histological analysis of all soft tissue masses, regardless of their benign appearance, because only prompt radical surgery can result in a good prognosis for the patient.</p


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    Sinovijalna hondromatoza jest rijetka, benigna proliferativna bolest sinovijalne ovojnice zgloba, tetive ili burze koja u konačnici rezultira novostvorenim slobodnim tijelima. Za nju je tipično da zahvaća samo jednu lokalizaciju kod pojedinog bolesnika, a do danas su opisane 33 različite lokalizacije sinovijalne hondromatoze. U ovom je preglednom članku dan pregled literature o sinovijalnoj hondromatozi, a osobito su naglašene najnovije spoznaje o etiologiji, dijagnostici, diferencijalnoj dijagnostici i liječenju te bolesti. U radu se upozorava i na mogućnost maligne transformacije sinovijalne hondromatoze u sinovijalni hondrosarkom za koju je karakteristično da se javlja nakon višegodišnjeg tijeka bolesti obilježenog brojnim lokalnim recidivima. Na kraju se detaljnije osvrće na osobitosti češćih lokalizacija sinovijalne hondromatoze (rame, lakat, kuk, koljeno i gležanj) te se za svaku od tih lokalizacija iznose smjernice za izbor kirurškog liječenja.Synovial chondromatosis is an uncommon benign disorder of the synovial membrane of joints, tendon sheaths, or bursae characterized by the formation of multiple cartilaginous nodules or osseus loose bodies. It is usually a monoarticular disease, and 33 different localizations have been described until now. The aim of this review article is to present the newest knowledge on the etiology, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, and management of synovial chondromatosis. Malignant transformation to chondrosarcoma is an unusual but possible complication. It is closely connected with recurrence rate and usually occurs many years after surgical treatment. More specific details related to surgical treatment of most often affected joints, i.e. shoulder, elbow, hip, knee, and ankle are reported as well at the end of this review article

    Intratumoral heterogeneity

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    Intratumoral heterogeneity has become the main obstacle in treatment of malignant diseases. Although it has been known for decades, that several morphologically different sub-populations of tumor cells do exist within an individual malignant tumor, the interest in this issue has been limited for a long time. Now-a-days, the interest in this field is raising again with the emergence of need for a more detailed analysis of tumor cell characteristics. It is essential to integrate and extend our knowledge of intratumoral heterogeneity and to sufficiently elucidate this fact because intratumoral heterogeneity is considered one of the main reasons for drug resistance and development of progressive metastases. New light has been shed on the significance of discovering new methods for determining intratumoral heterogeneity. These should assist to presume cancer progression including invasion, metastasis, drug resistance, disease relapse and to administer the most adequate treatment. Although no doubt exists that intratumoral heterogeneity is evident in several, if not most malignant tumors, its origin has not been confirmed, and still remains to be discussed. So far, two theories have been proposed that try to explain the development of intratumoral heterogeneity: the idea of ​​‘cancer stem cells’ and the idea of ongoing cancer cell mutations that implement different cell clones. Both theories are discussed as mutually restricted hypotheses in the literature; however, they play an essential role in explaining the occurrence of tumor cell heterogeneity

    An extremely rare primary sarcoma of the lung with peritoneal and small bowel metastases: a case report

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    Background: Primary sarcoma of the lung is a very rare malignant tumor accounting for less than 0.5% of all lung tumors and presenting diagnostic and treatment challenge. We describe a case of a patient diagnosed with primary lung undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma developing subsequent peritoneal and small bowel metastases, which stand for highly unusual disease presentation. Case presentation: A 57-year-old male presented with extensive partially necrotic tumor in the left upper lobe (LUL) of the lung that involved LUL bronchus and extended to the visceral pleura. There was no evidence of nodal or visceral dissemination. After initial presentation, the patient was admitted to the hospital’s pulmonology department for further workup. The most likely diagnosis based on biopsy specimen was poorly differentiated sarcoma. Left pneumonectomy with mediastinal lymph node dissection was performed. The final pathohistological diagnosis (PHD) was undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma (UPS). Three months after lung surgery, a follow-up CT scan was done which showed a 60-mm obstructive metastatic intraabdominal lesion with small bowel infiltration and further separate peritoneal deposits. Unfortunately, an urgent surgery had to be performed as the patient developed signs of acute abdomen due to bowel perforation. Only 2 months later, the patient passed away at home. Conclusions: Treatment options of UPS are based on algorithms used in treatment of extremity lesions with wellestablished role of surgery. However, the role of perioperative chemotherapy remains equivocal with no strong evidence-based data due to the rarity of the disease. Small bowel is an unexpected metastatic site, but of significant clinical relevanc

    The efficacy of a novel SWEEPS laser-activated irrigation compared to ultrasonic activation in the removal of pulp tissue from an isthmus area in the apical third of the root canal

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    This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of Shock Wave Enhanced Emission Photoacoustic Streaming (SWEEPS) in the removal of remaining pulp tissue from the root canal isthmus area in lower molars and compare it with ultrasonically activated irrigation (UAI) and conventional needle irrigation (NI). Forty-one lower molars with isthmuses between mesial canals were included in the study. The teeth were randomly distributed into experimental groups (n = 12/each) based on the final irrigation protocol (SWEEPS, UAI, or NI) and a control group (C) (n = 5). The traditional access cavity of the mesial part of each tooth was made in all samples. The mesial root canals in the experimental groups were instrumented with a Wave One Gold Primary (25/.07) file using 3% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) while the distal canal served as a control for the presence of pulp tissue. No treatment was performed in the C group. Sections from the isthmus region were processed for histopathology to measure the remaining pulp tissue (RPT). The results were analyzed using analysis of variance and the Kruskal-Wallis test (& alpha; = 0.05). There were no significant differences in the relative surface area of root canals and isthmus among the groups (p > 0.05). Samples in the SWEEPS group had significantly less RPT than UAI, NI, and C (p = 0.003, 0.014, 0.003, respectively). There were no significant differences between the UAI and NI (p = 0.583). SWEEPS was the most efficient in debridement of the root canal isthmus area. UAI and NI showed similar but lower efficiency