39 research outputs found

    The Combinatorics of Iterated Loop Spaces

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    It is well known since Stasheff's work that 1-fold loop spaces can be described in terms of the existence of higher homotopies for associativity (coherence conditions) or equivalently as algebras of contractible non-symmetric operads. The combinatorics of these higher homotopies is well understood and is extremely useful. For n≥2n \ge 2 the theory of symmetric operads encapsulated the corresponding higher homotopies, yet hid the combinatorics and it has remain a mystery for almost 40 years. However, the recent developments in many fields ranging from algebraic topology and algebraic geometry to mathematical physics and category theory show that this combinatorics in higher dimensions will be even more important than the one dimensional case. In this paper we are going to show that there exists a conceptual way to make these combinatorics explicit using the so called higher nonsymmetric nn-operads.Comment: 23 page

    Algebras of higher operads as enriched categories

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    Centers and homotopy centers in enriched monoidal categories

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    We consider a theory of centers and homotopy centers of monoids in monoidal categories which themselves are enriched in duoidal categories. Duoidal categories (introduced by Aguillar and Mahajan under the name 2-monoidal categories) are categories with two monoidal structures which are related by some, not necessary invertible, coherence morphisms. Centers of monoids in this sense include many examples which are not `classical.' In particular, the 2-category of categories is an example of a center in our sense. Examples of homotopy center (analogue of the classical Hochschild complex) include the Gray-category Gray of 2-categories, 2-functors and pseudonatural transformations and Tamarkin's homotopy 2-category of dg-categories, dg-functors and coherent dg-transformations.Comment: 52 page

    Regular patterns, substitudes, Feynman categories and operads

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    We show that the regular patterns of Getzler (2009) form a 2-category biequivalent to the 2-category of substitudes of Day and Street (2003), and that the Feynman categories of Kaufmann and Ward (2013) form a 2-category biequivalent to the 2-category of coloured operads (with invertible 2-cells). These biequivalences induce equivalences between the corresponding categories of algebras. There are three main ingredients in establishing these biequivalences. The first is a strictification theorem (exploiting Power's General Coherence Result) which allows to reduce to the case where the structure maps are identity-on-objects functors and strict monoidal. Second, we subsume the Getzler and Kaufmann-Ward hereditary axioms into the notion of Guitart exactness, a general condition ensuring compatibility between certain left Kan extensions and a given monad, in this case the free-symmetric-monoidal-category monad. Finally we set up a biadjunction between substitudes and what we call pinned symmetric monoidal categories, from which the results follow as a consequence of the fact that the hereditary map is precisely the counit of this biadjunction

    Symmetrisation of nn-operads and compactification of real configuration spaces

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    It is well known that the forgetful functor from symmetric operads to nonsymmetric operads has a left adjoint Sym1Sym_1 given by product with the symmetric group operad. It is also well known that this functor does not affect the category of algebras of the operad. From the point of view of the author's theory of higher operads, the nonsymmmetric operads are 1-operads and Sym1Sym_1 is the first term of the infinite series of left adjoint functors Symn,Sym_n, called symmetrisation functors, from nn-operads to symmetric operads with the property that the category of one object, one arrow, . . ., one (n−1)(n-1)-arrow algebras of an nn-operad AA is isomorphic to the category of algebras of Symn(A)Sym_n(A). In this paper we consider some geometrical and homotopical aspects of the symmetrisation of nn-operads. We construct an nn-operadic analogue of Fulton-Macpherson operad and show that its symmetrisation is exactly the operad of Fulton and Macpherson. This implies that a space XX with an action of a ontractible nn-operad has a natural structure of an algebra over an operad weakly equivalent to the little nn-disks operad. A similar result holds for chain operads. These results generalise the classical Eckman-Hilton argument to arbitrary dimension. Finally, we apply the techniques to the Swiss Cheese type operads introduced by Voronov and get analogous results in this case.Comment: 48 page

    Operadic categories and duoidal Deligne's conjecture

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    Locally constant n-operads as higher braided operads

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    We introduce a category of locally constant nn-operads which can be considered as the category of higher braided operads. For n=1,2,∞n=1,2,\infty the homotopy category of locally constant nn-operads is equivalent to the homotopy category of classical nonsymmetric, braided and symmetric operads correspondingly.Comment: to appear in "Noncommutative Geometry

    Crossed interval groups and operations on the Hochschild cohomology

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    We prove that the operad B of natural operations on the Hochschild cohomology has the homotopy type of the operad of singular chains on the little disks operad. To achieve this goal, we introduce crossed interval groups and show that B is a certain crossed interval extension of an operad T whose homotopy type is known. This completes the investigation of the algebraic structure on the Hochschild cochain complex that has lasted for several decades