44 research outputs found

    On Implementing IPTV Platform with IPv4 and IPv6 Devices, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2011, nr 2

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    The end of IPv4 addresses is now a reality. Providers not updated to IPv6 will have to hurry up the IPv6 start in its own network. Introduction of IPv6 means not only change of main routers but also change of mentality in operators, applications’ programmers besides end users. Even when for the last years the core network is prepared for transferring IPv6 traffic, other built-in parts of the Internet limit the IPv6 start. Examples of these limitations we find in not IPv6-awareness of many applications and services. For instance, voice over IP service, which uses session initiation protocol (SIP) needs to implement IPv6 aware SIP proxies and IPv6 aware AAA (authentication, authorization and accounting) servers as well as adapting application programming interfaces to IPv6. Internet protocol television (IPTV) system includes many different hardware devices, which not always are IPv6 compatible. In this paper, we propose a global solution for integrating all the devices, these one working on IPv4 and these one working on IPv6, under the same IPTV platform. This solution allows end users to receive IPTV stream irrespective of IP protocol used. The proposed solution is particularly relevant for small IPTV systems, which, step by step, are adapting into IPv

    On Testing IPv6 in Small ISP’s Networks, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2011, nr 2

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    Testing process allows to detect potential faults of implementation of IPv6 in the phase preceding migration, thus minimizing the risk of problems in IPv6 deployment. In general the IPv6 tests should be performed by all network providers, however the test range should fit their needs. It causes that test range for small network operators (offering basic set of services) could be limited in comparison to larger ISPs. In this paper, we propose an approach to IPv6 tests with regard to IPv6 deployment by small operators. We present tools and specifications for IPv6 tests and propose a test platform optimized to small ISP’s needs. The test platform is a dedicated LiveCD distribution based on FreeBSD operating system with IPv6 test environment and set of pre-defined tests. An advantage of this solution is the ability to launch the test tool software on any computer equipped with an Ethernet card and CD-ROM/DVD-ROM drive. LiveCD test tool allows users to execute tests and analyze the results in graphical environment.We believe that this approach will help to simplify and shorten the IPv6 testing process in small ISP’s networks

    Impact of Signaling System Performance on QoE in Next Generation Networks, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2009, nr 4

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    The first experience of quality by multimedia applications’ users takes place during the setup phase of a new connection. If the setup phase is not accepted or “slowly accepted”, the confidence of the user decreases. The user becomes more sensitive when he/she pays the connections with assured quality of service (QoS). In this case, the process of call request should be also accomplished with QoS guarantees. This paper presents the signaling sub-system implemented within the EuQoS system. The EuQoS signaling process follows main assumptions of next generation networks (NGN) architecture and performs tasks related with codec agreement between multimedia end users, admission control and resource reservation functions. In this paper, we present analytical, simulation and experimental results showing the impact of signaling system performance on quality of experience (QoE) for the potential users of multi-layer EuQoS system. In particular, the presented approach aims at ensuring user QoE of the connection setup phase by ensuring QoS for transferring signaling messages by the network

    ID Layer for Internet of Things Based on Name-Oriented Networking, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2013, nr 2

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    Object and service identification is considered as one of the main challenges in the field of Internet of Things (IoT), which can be solved by the introduction of the so called ID (IDentifier) layer. The objective of this layer is to expose IoT objects and services offered by them, to users. Common approach for ID layer is to create it in overlay manner, on the top of existing network. This paper presents a novel architecture of the ID layer, which is characterized by embedding ID layer functionality into the network plane. Moreover, this approach takes advantage of the Name-Oriented Networking (NON) paradigm. To gain easy access to the IoT objects and services, as well as native support for multicast service, human readable ID-based unified addressing with hierarchical structure was exploited. Additionally, in-network caching of forwarded IoT data, inherited from the NON, helps to reduce total network load and supports applications during collaboration with energy-constrained sensors. Such sensors may enter sleep mode to save energy and then the network nodes can serve requests for sensing data, arrived from applications, by using data stored in nodes’ cache. The paper shows the concept of NON-based ID layer and describes functional architecture of network node paying attention on modules and mechanisms related with ID layer functionality. Primary ID layer processes, i.e., object/service registration, resolution and data forwarding are explained in detail. Moreover, the ID-aware network node was implemented on Linux-based platform and tested to check its forwarding characteristics. The tests showed the performance of the of ID network node in data plane operations, which are the more sensitive for scalability issues

    Instytut Łączności wobec wyzwań związanych z wdrażaniem sieci 5G w Polsce, Telekomunikacja i Techniki Informacyjne, 2018, nr 1-2

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    W artykule zaprezentowano korzyści gospodarcze płynące z wdrożenia nowej generacji sieci mobilnych, tzw. sieci 5G, oraz omówiono wynikające z nich efekty społeczne, w tym spodziewany wpływ na rozwój społeczeństwa informacyjnego. Następnie przedstawiono wyzwania związane z wdrażaniem 5G w Polsce. W głównej mierze wynikają one z obecności barier o charakterze technicznym, ekonomicznym i prawnym, które mogą spowolnić proces wdrażania 5G w Polsce. W artykule przedstawiono również inicjatywy mające na celu identyfikację barier wdrażania sieci 5G oraz potencjalne sposoby ich likwidacji. W tym kontekście przedstawiono działania Instytutu Łączności na rzecz wdrażania 5G w Polsce, w tym poprzez organizację prac w kierowanym przez Ministra Cyfryzacji Porozumieniu na rzecz Strategii „5G dla Polski” oraz uczestnictwo w projekcie 5G@PL realizowanym w ramach strategicznego programu badań naukowych i prac rozwojowych „Społeczny i gospodarczy rozwój Polski w warunkach globalizujących się rynków – Gospostrateg”

    On Dimensioning and Routing in the IP QoS System, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2011, nr 3

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    This article presents dimensioning and routing solutions in IP QoS System designed during the implementation of the PBZ project: “Next Generation Services and Networks – technical, application and market aspects: Traffic management – IP QoS System”. The paper presents the functional architecture together to the description of the functions and methods implemented in the system

    On Providing Cloud-awareness to Client's DASH Application by Using DASH over HTTP/2, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2015, nr 4

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    Mobile Cloud Networks group together mobile users and clouds containing content servers. Hence, they are an ideal framework for media content delivery. Streams witching adaptive video players cope well with some limitations of Mobile Cloud Networks as low bandwidth and bandwidth variability in access network. Nonetheless, other limitations, as cloud congestion, are difficult to be managed by the video players. This paper presents a system for discovering fault situations at the cloud (e.g., cloud congestion) and notifying to the video player, which will take appropriate actions for saving the quality of media transmission. In proposed implementation the video application is DASH-capable and adaptation action may be both stream rate adaptation and content server adaptation. The communication between client and server uses \bidirectional" communication feature of HTTP/2 thanks to the new deployed modules running DASH over HTTP/2 in both client's and server's applications

    The IP QoS System, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2011, nr 3

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    This paper shortly describes the IP QoS System which offers strict quality of service (QoS) guarantees in IP-based networks and supports a number of, so called, classes of services. Such solution requires to implement in the network a set of QoS mechanisms and algorithm working on packet, connection request and provisioning levels. Furthermore, we require signaling system for informing the network about new connection request and network resource allocation capabilities for providing required resources to given connection. The IP QoS System is based on the next generation networks (NGN) and differentiated services (DiffServ) architectures and, at least for now, it is designed for single domainonly