22 research outputs found

    PENGARUH STRUKTUR MODAL DAN STRUKTUR KEPEMILIKAN TERHADAP PROFITABILITAS (Studi Kasus Pada Perusahaan Sektor Property dan Real Estate yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2018-2020)

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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh Struktur Modal dan Struktur Kepemilikan Terhadap Profitabilitas secara parsial dan simultan pada perusahaan property dan real estate yang tercatat di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2018-2020. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan data sekunder. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah perusahaan property dan real estate yang tercatat di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2018-2020. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan menggunakan teknik non-probability sampling dengan metode purposive sampling. Analisis statistik yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah asumsi klasik, regresi linier berganda, korelasi dan koefisien determinasi. Sedangkan pengujian hipotesis yang digunakan adalah metode statistik uji t dan uji F. Hasil Penelitian yaitu struktur modal secara parsial berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap profitabilitas dengan kontribusi pengaruh sebesar 27.6%. Struktur kepemilikan secara parsial berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap profitabilitas dengan kontribusi pengaruh sebesar 37.2%. Struktur modal dan struktur kepemilikan secara simultan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap profitabilitas dengan kontribusi pengaruh sebesar 64.8%. Kata Kunci: Struktur Modal, Struktur Kepemilikan, Profitabilita

    Acute abdomen

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    550 cases of acute abdomen have been analysed in detail includ-ing their clinical presentation and operative findings. Males are more frequently affected than females in a ratio of 3: 1. More than 45% of patients presented after 48 hours of onset of symptoms. Intestinal obstruction was the commonest cause of acute abdomen (47.6%). External hernia was responsible for 26% of cases of intestinal obstruction. Perforated peptic ulcer was the commonest cause of peritonitis in the present series (31.7%) while incidence of biliary peritonitis was only 2.4%.. The clinical accuracy rate was 87%. The mortality in operated cases was high (10%) while the over-all mortality rate was 7.5%

    Use of selfie sticks and iPhones to record operative photos and videos in plastic surgery

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    Use of smartphone has become ubiquitous. With smartphone cameras becoming powerful, they are replacing digital cameras and digital SLRs as primary instruments to take photos and record videos. It is natural even for plastic surgeons that smartphones are handy to take still photographs and even record high-definition or 4K videos. Another invention which has become popular with smartphone photography is a selfie stick. We explain the possibility and methodology of using an iPhone and selfie stick to take operative photographs and high-quality videos

    Temporary Extrathoracic Vacuum Therapy Splint in Chest Wall Reconstruction

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    Background Paradoxical respiration is a sinister consequence of bony chest cage defects which can persist even post chest wall reconstruction. It leads to prolonged dependence on mechanical ventilation postoperatively, thereby delaying recovery. Methods Negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) was applied in early postoperative period to a patient with chest wall defect reconstructed with folded prolene mesh and free anterolateral thigh flap. Arterial blood gas (ABG), fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2), peak end expiratory pressure (PEEP), oxygen saturation (SpO2), and blood pressure (BP) readings pre and post NPWT application were compared. Results There was marked improvement in the breathing mechanics and related parameters post NPWT application over the flap. Conclusions Negative extrathoracic pressure in the form of a temporary splint can enable early weaning off the ventilator and a smoother postoperative recovery in reconstructed chest wall defects