86 research outputs found

    Food, Cooking and Nutrition-Engaging a Wide Audience to Explore Inter-Disciplinary Science Topics

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    Food and cooking have been a central theme in several courses developed recently at the University of West Georgia. In this presentation, the nature of the content and learning outcomes of these courses will be presented. A unique multi-tiered approach will be offered to show how this theme can be effectively used to engage audiences of all ages and capabilities to use the scientific method. Sample activities will show how to engage the young novice elementary student to explore introductory science concepts in a fun environment and challenge the college science major to design an effective experimental design to answer an open-ended research question

    Trafficking of minor girls for commercial sexual exploitation in India: A synthesis of available evidence

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    Understanding factors that place minor girls at risk of being trafficked for commercial sexual exploitation (CSE) and the consequences of trafficking for their health and life-course trajectories is limited by the scattered evidence available on these issues. The role of various stakeholders in trafficking, namely, families, traffickers, and brothel owners, and the role of law enforcement agencies in preventing it are also poorly understood. Further, adequate data consolidating the responses of government and nongovernmental organizations to issues related to CSE of minor girls are lacking. There is a need, therefore, to consolidate this scattered body of evidence and to identify research and program gaps. This report presents a synthesis of available evidence on trafficking of girls for CSE in India. It sheds light on the magnitude of trafficking of minor girls for CSE, their perspectives and experiences, the factors that place them at risk, and the consequences; the perspectives and experiences of traffickers and brothel owners; and the extent to which laws, policies, and programs in India have helped to prevent trafficking of minor girls for CSE

    Research Experience via Active Collaboration with High Schools (REACH)

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    “RESEARCH EXPERIENCE via ACTIVE COLLABORATION with HIGH-SCHOOLS (REACH)” is an outreach program targeted to help high school students develop competitive science fair projects by actively engaging them in a Problem Based Learning (PBL) research experience that uses Peer Led Team Learning (PLTL) and Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL) to learn, discuss, and apply concepts in a real-world context

    Research Experience via Active Collaboration with High Schools (REACH)

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    The nature, activities and outcomes of the REACH program, a symbiotic partnership between UWG and selected high schools in West Georgia, will be presented. REACH provided an enrichment opportunity for high school students and teachers to experience the full spectrum of the scientific enterprise, understand the true nature of how and what scientists do, and explore exciting career opportunities

    More Than Brides Alliance: Baseline report, India

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    The More Than Brides Alliance seeks to improve the lives of adolescent girls and includes activities across multiple domains (reproductive health, education, gender norms, and livelihoods, to name a few). The Population Council conducted surveys of adolescent girls and young women aged 12–19 in nine districts in four states in India to examine girls’ experiences, including education, marriage and relationships, literacy and numeracy, livelihoods, and gender-equitable attitudes. The study found that few girls were currently involved in any programs, despite demonstrated vulnerabilities (e.g., more than half of the sample was currently out of school) suggesting that there is a clear need for interventions to address vulnerabilities in this population. Findings from the baseline study will be used to evaluate changes over time that may be attributable to the MTBA intervention and to inform programmatic staff seeking to understand the populations they are serving

    Gender-biased sex selection in India: A review of the situation and interventions to counter the practice

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    This report on gender-biased sex selection in India is divided into six chapters, including an introduction in Chapter 1. Chapter 2 describes the laws and policies adopted by India to address gender-biased sex selection, as well as those intended to support and empower women and girls. Chapter 3 analyzes the trends and geographic variation in the sex ratio at birth and in the child sex ratio. Chapter 4 briefly describes the socioeconomic differences and factors underlying distorted sex ratios and gender-biased sex selection in India, and the social consequences of these practices. Experiences in implementing the PCPNDT Act, initiatives intended to restrict and monitor the use of technology for prenatal sex-selection, initiatives intended to build gender equality, and advocacy measures are described in Chapter 5. Chapter 6 summarizes the key findings and highlights promising areas for further research

    Exploration of gender norms and socialization among early adolescents : the use of qualitative methods for the global early adolescent study

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    Purpose: The Global Early Adolescent Study (GEAS) was launched in 2014 with the primary goal of understanding the factors in early adolescence that predispose young people to subsequent sexual risks, and conversely, those that promote healthy sexuality across different cultural contexts. The present article describes the methodology that was used for the first phase of GEAS, which consisted of conducting qualitative research to understand the gendered transitions into adolescence and the role that gender norms play within the key relationships of adolescents. Researchers from each of the sites that had completed data collection were also elicited for their feedback on the key strengths, challenges, and lessons learned from conducting research among 11- to 14-year-old adolescents. The purpose of this article is to present the description of each of the methods that were used in GEAS, as well as the researchers' perspectives of using the methods among early adolescents in their sites. Methods: The GEAS is being implemented through a collaboration of university and nongovernmental institutions from 15 cities: Assiut (Egypt) Baltimore (U.S.), Blantyre (Malawi), Cape Town (South Africa), Cochabomba (Bolivia), Cuenca (Ecuador), Edinburgh (Scotland), Ghent (Belgium), Hanoi (Vietnam), Ile-Ife (Nigeria), Kinshasa (DRC), Nairobi (Kenya), New Delhi (India), Ouaga-dougou (Burkina Faso), and Shanghai (China). Approximately 30 in-depth interviews among adolescents and 30 in-depth interviews with their parent/guardian were conducted at each site, with adults and adolescents interviewed separately. To build trust and increase engagement among the adolescent participants, we used two different visual research methods: (1) timeline exercise which was small group based and (2) the Venn diagram exercise which was conducted individually and used at the start of the in-depth interview. Results: The visual aspects of both the timeline and the Venn diagrams not only helped to produce data for the purposes of the study, but also were a successful way of engaging the adolescent participants across sites. While the narrative interviews produced extremely rich data, researchers did notice that there were a few challenges among the younger adolescents. Challenges were related to the length of the interview, comprehension of questions, as some of the questions were either too abstract or asked adolescents about an experience they had not yet had and therefore could not address or articulate. Conclusions: Conducting the first phase of GEAS revealed important insights for research with participants who are in this developmental phase of early adolescence. Methods that involve greater engagement and those that are visual were shown to work well irrespective of the cultural setting

    Marching to a different drummer : a cross-cultural comparison of young adolescents who challenge gender norms

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    Purpose: Little is known about how gender norms regulate adolescents' lives across different cultural settings. This study aims to illustrate what is considered as violating gender norms for boys and girls in four urban poor sites as well as the consequences that follow the challenging of gender norms. Methods: Data were collected as part of the Global Early Adolescent Study, a 15-country collaboration to explore gender norms and health in early adolescence. The current study analyzed narrative and in-depth interviews conducted in urban poor sites in two middle-income (Shanghai, China; and New Delhi, India) and two high-income countries (Baltimore, U.S.; and Ghent, Belgium). A total of 238 participants, 59 boys and 70 girls aged 11-13 years old and 109 of their parents/guardians (28 male adults and 81 female adults), were interviewed. A thematic analysis was conducted across sites using Atlas. Ti 7.5 software. Results: Findings revealed that although most perceptions and expressions about gender were regulated by stereotypical norms, there was a growing acceptability for girls to wear boyish clothes and engage in stereotypical masculine activities such as playing soccer/football. However, there was no comparable acceptance of boys engaging in traditional feminine behaviors. Across all sites, challenging gender norms was often found to lead to verbal, physical, and/or psychological retribution. Conclusions: While it is sometimes acceptable for young adolescents to cross gender boundaries, once it becomes clear that a behavior is socially defined as typical for the other sex, and the adolescent will face more resistance. Researchers, programmers, and clinicians working in the field of adolescent health need not only attend to those who are facing the consequences of challenging prevailing gender norms, but also to address the environment that fosters exclusion and underscores differences

    Addressing gender-biased sex selection in Haryana, India: Promising approaches

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    Persistently adverse sex ratios remain a challenge in India despite the enforcement of the PCPNDT (Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques) Act in 1994. Nevertheless, over the decade 2001–2011, positive shifts from very adverse to less adverse levels have occurred in a few states. Two districts in Haryana state—Kurukshetra and Sonipat—whose sex ratios displayed some and no improvement, respectively, are compared in an attempt to find promising programme directions to counter gender-biased sex selection. Comparisons are drawn from the attitudes and experiences of surveyed women and interviews with service providers and programme implementers, about sex-selection technology. Also addressed are differences in the implementation of three initiatives known to influence improvements in the sex ratio at birth
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