5 research outputs found

    Acute Schistosomiasis In Brazilian Traveler: The Importance Of Tourism In The Epidemiology Of Neglected Parasitic Diseases.

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    Parasitic infectious diseases acquired in tourist areas may pose a challenge to physicians and to travel medicine practitioners. Acute schistosomiasis may be seen in returning travelers and migrants after primary infection. This form of schistosomiasis is frequently misdiagnosed due to its temporal delay and its nonspecific presentation and might occur even in countries where the disease is endemic, such as in Brazil. The patient developed the acute phase of schistosomiasis with severe clinical manifestations. The quantitative analysis revealed the presence of 240 eggs per gram of stool. The treatment was administered with oxamniquine, and the control of cure of the patient was monitored and was favorable. The present paper aims to emphasize the importance of a detailed clinical history including information regarding travel history.201265092

    Anthelmintic of etanolic extracts from the leaves of different fruit trees species against Strongyloides venezuelensis in vitro

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    Orientador: Silmara Marques AllegrettiDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de BiologiaResumo: O Strongyloides stercoralis é uma das principais espécies de nematódeos com alta prevalência entre os humanos, com uma estimativa de 100 milhões de pessoas infectadas em todo mundo. Atualmente os fármacos de escolha para o tratamento desta doença são o tiabendazol, albendazol e ivermectina, porém comumente associados a casos de recidivas, baixa eficácia e a ocorrência de resistência e tolerância a fármacos. Diante da necessidade de medicamentos mais eficazes, menos tóxicos, as plantas medicinais são uma alternativa. Neste trabalho foi avaliado o efeito anti-helmíntico dos extratos etanólicos das folhas de 25 espécies de árvores frutíferas sobre fêmeas adultas parasitas de Strongyloides venezuelensis in vitro. As observações foram feitas em 3 concentrações diferentes por um período de 72 horas. A atividade anti-helmíntica foi observada em 68% dos extratos testados em pelo menos uma das concentrações testadas durante o período de observação, com exceção dos extratos etanólicos de Litchi chinensis, Aceima smeithii, Eugenia involucrata e Butia capitata, a fração orgânica de Pouteria caimito que não apresentaram atividade contra o parasita. Os extratos etanólicos que apresentaram maior eficácia foram Spondias lutea (Cajá) e Pouteria caimito (Caimito), com 100% de mortalidade em todas as concentrações testadas apresentando DL50 < 0,05 mg/mL. Estes extratos sofreram um processo de partição com 2 frações, aquosa e orgânica. O Spondias lutea mostrou eficiência anti-helmíntica nas 2 frações testadas enquanto que o Pouteria caimito apresentou atividade apenas com a fração aquosa. Para todos os extratos testados, foi considerado significativo (p < 0,0001) o efeito do tempo em relação à motilidade dos vermes, e o efeito do extrato e da concentração em relação ao tempo, assim como o efeito do extrato e da concentração na motilidade dos vermesAbstract: Strongyloides stercoralis is one of the main nematode specie with high prevalence among humans, with a rating of 100 million infected people in the role world. Nowadays the chosen drugs for the treatment of this disease are the thiabendazole, albendazole and ivermectin, but generally associated with recurrence cases, low efficiency, resistance occurrence and drugs tolerance. Given the need for more efficient drugs, with less toxicity, the medicinal plants are the alternative. The present work were evaluated the antihelminthic effect from the ethanolic extracts from the leaves of 25 fruit trees species over adult parasite females of Strogyloides venezuelensis in vitro. Observations were made in 3 different concentrations during 72 hours. 68% from the tested extracts presented antihelminthic activity in at least one tested concentration during the observation period, with an exception of the ethanolic extracts of Litchi chinensis, Aceima smeithii, Eugenia involucrata, Butia capitata and an organic fraction of Pouteria caimito that did not showed any activity against the parasite. The ethanolic extracts which presented major efficiency were Spondias lutea (Cajá) and Pouteria caimito (Caimito), with a mortality of 100% in all tested doses and with DL50 < 0,05 mg/mL. These extracts suffered a partition process, obtaining 2 fractions, aqueous and organic. The Spondias lutea showed antihelminthic efficiency in two tested fractions while Pouteria caimito showed activity only with the aqueous fraction. For all the tested extracts, were considered significative (p < 0,0001) the effect from the time in relation to the worms motility, and the extract effect and dose in relation to the time, as well as the extract effect and the dose related to the worms motilityMestradoParasitologiaMestre em Parasitologi

    Alunos do ensino médio de escolas da rede pública de Campinas-SP atuando como produtores de conhecimento sobre parasitoses: Uma experiência do laboratório de helmintologia (UNICAMP) no programa “ciência e arte nas férias”

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    The extension program called “Science and Art in the School Vacations” has been developed for 12 years by the State University of Campinas” (UNICAMP – Campinas/SP), during the months of summer school vacations. This proposal aims to make students, high school students from public schools of Campinas-SP and surrounding region, have experiences inside the university environment and research laboratories. Over nine years, the projects developed in the Helminthology Laboratory promoted individual researches and group activities (workshops). The goal was to create awareness and to encourage students to be multipliers of these informations about Parasitosis/helminthes in the school environment and society. Thus, this article is an experience report from the Helminthology Laboratory and it detach the very important role of “Science and Art in the School Vacation” extension program since it can combines information and awareness of the students with the dissemination of this knowledge in the society.O programa extensionista “Ciência e Arte nas Férias” vem acontecendo há 12 anos na Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP – Campinas/SP), durante os meses de férias escolares de verão. A proposta visa promover a vivência de alunos do ensino médio da rede pública de ensino de Campinas-SP e região com o ambiente universitário e laboratórios de pesquisa. Ao longo de nove anos, os projetos desenvolvidos no laboratório de helmintologia promoveram atividades de pesquisa individuais e em grupo (oficinas) com os estudantes, com o objetivo de conscientizar e incentivar os alunos a serem disseminadores de informações sobre parasitoses/helmintíases no ambiente escolar e fora dele. Este artigo, portanto, se trata de um relato de experiência do laboratório, ressaltando a importância do programa extensionista no tratamento de parasitoses, uma vez que o “Ciência e Arte nas Férias” aliou a informação e conscientização dos alunos à disseminação desses conhecimentos para a sociedade

    Acute Schistosomiasis in Brazilian Traveler: The Importance of Tourism in The Epidemiology of Neglected Parasitic Diseases

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    Parasitic infectious diseases acquired in tourist areas may pose a challenge to physicians and to travel medicine practitioners. Acute schistosomiasis may be seen in returning travelers and migrants after primary infection. This form of schistosomiasis is frequently misdiagnosed due to its temporal delay and its nonspecific presentation and might occur even in countries where the disease is endemic, such as in Brazil. The patient developed the acute phase of schistosomiasis with severe clinical manifestations. The quantitative analysis revealed the presence of 240 eggs per gram of stool. The treatment was administered with oxamniquine, and the control of cure of the patient was monitored and was favorable. The present paper aims to emphasize the importance of a detailed clinical history including information regarding travel history