215 research outputs found

    Alien Registration- Bastille, Bernadette (Biddeford, York County)

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    Facteurs prédictifs de la santé psychologique au travail des gestionnaires du réseau de la santé et des services sociaux en contexte de gestion multisite

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    « Cette étude s'intéresse à la situation des cadres du réseau de la santé et des services sociaux (RSSS) québécois ; corps d'emploi qui a été grandement affecté par les changements imposés par la mise en application de la Loi 10 (Loi modifiant l'organisation et la gouvernance du réseau de la santé et des services sociaux). Parmi ces changements figure l'augmentation importante de cadres exerçant en contexte de gestion multisite, c'est-à-dire avec des employés à charge répartis dans plusieurs installations. Cette recherche vise à déterminer les facteurs prédictifs de la (SPT) des cadres du secteur de la santé et des services sociaux qui exercent en contexte multisite. Les hypothèses de recherche soutiennent que chacune des variables indépendantes (le sens du travail, la justice organisationnelle et le soutien organisationnel perçu) entretiennent une relation positive et significative avec le bien-être psychologique au travail (BEPT) et inversement entretiennent une relation négative significative avec la détresse psychologique au travail (DPT). Pour répondre aux hypothèses émises, une recherche de nature quantitative a été privilégiée avec un devis de recherche corrélationnel confirmatoire utilisant les échelles de mesure de Gilbert et al. (2011), de Colquitt (2001), de Quenneville et al. (2010) ainsi que l'adaptation française de l'échelle de May et al. (2004). Au total, 241 participants ont répondu à un questionnaire électronique sécurisé, de façon confidentielle. Les données recueillies ont été analysées à l'aide du logiciel SPSS pour valider la présence de corrélations et effectuer des régressions linéaires multiples permettant d'identifier les facteurs prédictifs de la santé psychologique au travail. Ces analyses ont permis d'établir une relation positive significative entre le BEPT et chacune des variables indépendantes soit le sens du travail, la justice organisationnelle et le soutien organisationnel perçu. Ces mêmes relations étaient présentes, de façon négative, avec la DPT. À la lumière des analyses effectuées, le sens du travail et la justice distributive semblent être les facteurs les plus susceptibles de prédire le BEPT. De simples mesures comme : valoriser l'utilité sociale du travail, augmenter le ratio contribution/rétribution via des remerciements, etc. ; pourraient permettre aux dirigeants du RSSS d'agir positivement sur la SPT des cadres.-- Mot(s) clé(s) en français : santé psychologique au travail, bien-être psychologique au travail, détresse psychologique au travail, sens du travail, justice organisationnelle, soutien organisationnel perçu, gestionnaires, gestion multisite, réseau de la santé et des services sociaux. »-- « This study focuses on the situation of managers in Quebec's health and social services network (RSSS); a job category that has been greatly affected by the changes imposed by the application of Bill 10 (an Act to amend the organization and governance of the health and social services network). These changes include a significant increase in the number of managers working in multisite management, with dependent employees spread across several facilities. The aim of this research is to determine the predictive factors of the psychological health at work of managers in the health and social services sector who work in a multisite context. The research hypotheses support that each of the independent variables (meaning of work, organizational justice and perceived organizational support) have a positive and significant relationship with psychological well-being at work and conversely have a significant negative relationship with psychological distress at work. To respond to the hypotheses put forward, quantitative research was preferred with a confirmatory correlational research design using the measurement scales of Gilbert et al. (2011), Colquitt (2001), Quenneville et al. (2010) and the french adaptation of the May et al (2004) scale. A total of 241 participants completed a secure, confidential electronic questionnaire. The data collected was analyzed using SPSS software to validate the presence of correlations and to perform multiple linear regressions in order to identify the predictive factors of psychological health at work. These analyzes established a significant positive relationship between psychological well-being at work and each of the independent variables, meaning of work, organizational justice and perceived organizational support. These same relationships were present, negatively, with psychological distress at work. In light of the analyses performed, meaning of work and distributive justice appear to be the factors most likely to predict psychological well-being at work. Simple measures such as: enhancing the social usefulness of the work, increasing the contribution/retribution ratio through acknowledgements, etc., could enable RSSS managers to have a positive impact on the psychological health at work of managers.-- Mot(s) clé(s) en anglais : psychological health at work, psychological well-being at work, psychological distress at work, meaning of work, organizational justice, perceived organizational support, administrator, multisite management, health and social services network. »-

    Stratégies d'approvisionnement d'un omnivore : l'ours noir oriente-t-il sa recherche de nourriture vers les jeunes cervidés?

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    L'objectif principal de cette étude était d'évaluer comment la sélection d'habitat et les stratégies d'approvisionnement de l'ours noir, un prédateur reconnu des jeunes cervidés, peuvent expliquer sa probabilité de rencontre avec ceux-ci. Nous avons premièrement démontré que l'interprétation de diverses analyses de sélection d'habitat dépend des stratégies d'utilisation des ressources de l'espèce étudiée. Nous mettons en évidence que l'utilisation conjointe de différentes approches méthodologiques permet d'identifier la sélection des ressources des animaux, en plus de clarifier les stratégies comportementales aboutissant à cette sélection. Nous avons appliqué ces approches pour comprendre le comportement d'approvisionnement de l'ours noir durant la période de vulnérabilité des jeunes cervidés. Nos résultats démontrent que l'ours recherche la végétation au printemps en se déplaçant fréquemment et préférentiellement entre les endroits riches en végétation. Ces nombreux déplacements de l'ours devraient augmenter les opportunités de rencontres avec les jeunes cervidés, même si celui-ci ne les recherche pas activement

    L'importance des cours de sexualité dans la formation des cégépiens québécois : (connaissances, comportements, opinions)

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    Cette étude vérifie l'impact des cours de sexualité sur les connaissances, comportements et opinions. Les cours "Biologie de la sexualité" et "Psychologie du comportement sexuel" offerts respectivement par les cégeps Garneau et Sainte-Foy sont investigués. Les sujets sont répartis à l'intérieur de quatre groupes: absence de cours de sexualité, cours de biologie, cours de psychologie et deux cours de sexualité. Au post-test, les sujets des groupes expérimentaux ont augmenté leurs connaissances sexuelles, les comportements n'ont pas changé et les opinions se libéralisent sauf parmi le groupe de biologie. Un effet de l'âge est trouvé sur les connaissances. Ces dernières sont négativement reliées à la désirabilité sociale, ainsi qu'à la fréquentation de l'église. Au niveau comportemental, une influence de la scolarité est trouvée. Les opinions corrèlent négativement avec la fréquentation de l'église. Une relation est établie entre connaissances, comportements et opinions sexuelles

    The determinant formula in the inverse scattering procedure for steplike potentials

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    Thesis (M.S.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 20111. Introduction -- 1.1. Notation -- 2. The direct scattering problem for the Schrödinger equation -- 2.1. Description of the spectrum of the Schrödinger equation -- 2.2. Weyl solutions of the Schrödinger equation -- 2.3. Scattering solutions for the potentials q₊, q -- 3. The Titchmarsh-Weyl m-function -- 4. Properties of the transmission and reflection coefficents -- 5. Inverse scattering procedure and trace class integral operators -- 5.1. Classical Faddeev-Marchenko inverse scattering -- 5.2. The Marchenko kernal for a potential supported on IR_ -- 5.3. A trace class operator -- 6. The determinant formula -- 6.1. The main result -- 6.2. Conclusions -- Bibliography

    Examination of the technical and cultural effect of the evolving service contracting models on Government and Industry

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    Evaluation enable the Government to effectively and efficiently fulfill its mission. The current transition to Performance Based Service Acquisition (PBSA) and Multiple Award Contracts (MACs) have profound impact on program cubes, and many organizations are venturing concurrently into these strategies for the first time. The intent of PBSA is to maximize performance, innovation, and competition often at a savings." MACs are intended to benefit Government and industry by helping to ensure healthy competition and fair and reasonable contract prices. This thesis will examine the impact of PBSA and MAC contracting strategies on the Government program offices, along with the inherent cultural effects on both Government and industry.http://archive.org/details/examinationoftec109451959Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Exploring a behavioural therapy for insomnia in shift workers

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    About 30% of Canadian workers are on shift work schedules, and 8% to 32% of them suffer from Shift Work Disorder (SWD). Only a few behavioural treatments exist to treat this population. This study explores the efficacy and feasibility of sleep restriction therapy for insomnia in a group of night shift workers. Six participants (3 women) meeting SWD criteria were recruited. Mean age was 45.7 years old (SD=8.2). A multiple baseline design was used. After baseline, each participant received six to eight weekly treatment sessions. They completed several self reported questionnaires and a daily sleep diary throughout the study. For each sleep period, sleep variables were calculated from the sleep diary. Two participants had a high treatment response and all others participants had a moderate response. Moreover, all participants presented at least two significant clinical improvements. Five participants presented a decreased in both sleepiness scores. The study suggests that sleep restriction therapy is effective, feasible, and reliable. Sleep restriction therapy for insomnia could improve sleep and diminish sleepiness in shift workers suffering from SWD. The present study opens new possibilities of treatment for shift workers that deserve greater attention in the future

    Elephants rest more when the poaching risk is high and do not recover the lost time within a diel cycle

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    Poaching for ivory has caused disturbances in the behaviour of elephants. The nature and magnitude of such disturbance are not yet fully understood. Here, we studied the daily activity cycles of 10 elephants tracked for a minimum of two years each in the Samburu ecosystem in Kenya. The elephants were tracked over a spatial or temporal gradient of poaching risk in their distribution area. Laikipia Samburu landscape is shared with humans and is a mosaic of land ownership and management practices, all of which lead to varied levels of illegal killing. Using movement data of elephants tracked on various dates between 2002 and 2016, we studied the daily activity cycle when they were in their different core areas. Using Generalized Additive Models, we found that elephants moved less around midday in high poaching areas. Despite the adaptive shift in activity times, elephants were moving for fewer hours per day in areas with higher risk, reducing total movement daily in risky areas or times. The elephants lost one hour daily from their usual movement time when they went into high-risk areas, which they did not compensate for despite increased activity at dawn and dusk. The level of illegal killing was the best explanatory variable for altering the activity cycle. We infer that such risk avoidance behaviour culminates in the potential reduction of foraging efforts in a risky area. A deficit in their activity time may have consequences for their social life, reproduction, or overall foraging success, aspects of elephant ecology that are not fully understood yet. We discuss the results in light of the increasing need for more fine-scale temporal analyses of the influence of risk on the diel activity of elephants for sites that achieve both movement data and verified records of causes of elephant deaths

    Social network analysis of white-tailed deer scraping behavior: Implications for disease transmission

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    Host contact structure affects pathogen transmission in host populations, but many measures of host contact do not distinguish contacts that are relevant to pathogen transmission from those that are not. Scrapes are sites for chemical communication by white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) during the breeding season and potential sites of transmission of prions, the causative agent of chronic wasting disease (CWD). Scrape-related behaviors vary in their probability of transmitting prions to or from the environment, suggesting that behavior be combined with contact structure to better reflect potential heterogeneity in prion transmission at scrapes. We recorded visits and behaviors by deer at scrapes throughout DeSoto National Wildlife Refuge, Nebraska in 2005 and 2006. We recorded 2013 interactions by 169 unique identifiable males and 75 females. Adult males performed the most scrape-related behaviors and spent the most time at scrapes, especially smelling the overhanging branch (70%), smelling the scrape (59%), licking/grasping the overhanging branch (44%), and scraping (36%). We used social network analysis to test the effect of behavior on indirect contact networks among deer at scrapes. By weighting edges based on the frequency and duration of behaviors, we produced networks representing sources of variation in scrape use and compared these networks to evaluate the effects of behavior on network contact structure. Social networks based on scrape-related behavior were highly connected and dependent upon the frequency, duration, and type of behavior exhibited at scrapes (e.g., scraping, interacting with a scrape or overhanging branch, rub-urinating, grazing) as well as the age of the deer. Accounting for contact frequency produced networks with lower variation in contact, but higher ability to facilitate contact among disparate groups. Including behavior when defining edges did not preserve the network properties of simpler measures (i.e., unweighted networks) suggesting that heterogeneity in behaviors that affect transmission probability is important for inferring transmission networks from contact networks. High connectivity through indirect contacts suggests that scrapes may be effective targets for management. Adult male deer had the highest connectivity, suggesting that management strategies focused on reducing their interaction with scrapes through density reduction or behavioral modification could reduce the connectivity of indirect contact networks