773 research outputs found

    Compared genomics of the strand switch region of Leishmania chromosome 1 reveal a novel genus-specific gene and conserved structural features and sequence motifs

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    BACKGROUND: Trypanosomatids exhibit a unique gene organization into large directional gene clusters (DGCs) in opposite directions. The transcription "strand switch region" (SSR) separating the two large DGCs that constitute chromosome 1 of Leishmania major has been the subject of several studies and speculations. Thus, it has been suspected of being the single replication origin of the chromosome, the transcription initiation site for both DGCs or even a centromere. Here, we have used an inter-species compared genomics approach on this locus in order to try to identify conserved features or motifs indicative of a putative function. RESULTS: We isolated, and compared the structure and nucleotide sequence of, this SSR in 15 widely divergent species of Leishmania and Sauroleishmania. As regards its intrachromosomal position, size and AT content, the general structure of this SSR appears extremely stable among species, which is another demonstration of the remarkable structural stability of these genomes at the evolutionary level. Sequence alignments showed several interesting features. Overall, only 30% of nucleotide positions were conserved in the SSR among the 15 species, versus 74% and 62% in the 5' parts of the adjacent XPP and PAXP genes, respectively. However, nucleotide divergences were not distributed homogeneously along this sequence. Thus, a central fragment of approximately 440 bp exhibited 54% of identity among the 15 species. This fragment actually represents a new Leishmania-specific CDS of unknown function which had been overlooked since the annotation of this chromosome. The encoded protein comprises two trans-membrane domains and is classified in the "structural protein" GO category. We cloned this novel gene and expressed it as a recombinant green fluorescent protein-fused version, which showed its localisation to the endoplasmic reticulum. The whole of these data shorten the actual SSR to an 887-bp segment as compared with the original 1.6 kb. In the rest of the SSR, the percentage of identity was much lower, around 22%. Interestingly, the 72-bp fragment where the putatively single transcription initiation site of chromosome 1 was identified is located in a low-conservation portion of the SSR and is itself highly polymorphic amongst species. Nevertheless, it is highly C-rich and presents a unique poly(C) tract in the same position in all species. CONCLUSION: This inter-specific comparative study, the first of its kind, (a) allowed to reveal a novel genus-specific gene and (b) identified a conserved poly(C) tract in the otherwise highly polymorphic region containing the putative transcription initiation site. This allows hypothesising an intervention of poly(C)-binding proteins known elsewhere to be involved in transcriptional control

    Polymorphisms in FFAR4 (GPR120) gene modulate insulin levels and sensitivity after fish oil supplementation

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    The objective was to test whether FFAR4 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are associated with glycemic control-related traits in humans following fish oil supplementation. A total of 210 participants were given 3 g/day of omega-3 (n-3) fatty acids (FA) (1.9–2.2 g of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and 1.1 g of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)) during six weeks. Biochemical parameters were taken before and after the supplementation. Using the HapMap database and the tagger procedure in Haploview, 12 tagging SNPs in FFAR4 were selected and then genotyped using TaqMan technology. Transcript expression levels were measured for 30 participants in peripheral mononuclear blood cells. DNA methylation levels were measured for 35 participants in leukocytes. In silico analyses were also performed. Four gene–diet interactions on fasting insulin levels and homeostatic model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) index values were found. rs17108973 explained a significant proportion of the variance of insulin levels (3.0%) and HOMA-IR (2.03%) index values. Splice site prediction was different depending on the allele for rs11187527. rs17108973 and rs17484310 had different affinity for transcription factors depending on the allele. n-3 FAs effectively improve insulin-related traits for major allele homozygotes of four FFAR4 SNPs as opposed to carriers of the minor alleles

    Targeting essential pathways in trypanosomatids gives insights into protozoan mechanisms of cell death

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    Apoptosis is a normal component of the development and health of multicellular organisms. However, apoptosis is now considered a prerogative of unicellular organisms, including the trypanosomatids of the genera Trypanosoma spp. and Leishmania spp., causative agents of some of the most important neglected human diseases. Trypanosomatids show typical hallmarks of apoptosis, although they lack some of the key molecules contributing to this process in metazoans, like caspase genes, Bcl-2 family genes and the TNF-related family of receptors. Despite the lack of these molecules, trypanosomatids appear to have the basic machinery to commit suicide. The components of the apoptotic execution machinery of these parasites are slowly coming into light, by targeting essential processes and pathways with different apoptogenic agents and inhibitors. This review will be confined to the events known to drive trypanosomatid parasites to apoptosis

    Novel genetic loci associated with the plasma triglyceride response to an omega-3 fatty acid supplementation

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    A recent genome-wide association study (GWAS) by our group identified 13 loci associated with the plasma triglyceride (TG) response to omega-3 (n-3) fatty acid (FA) supplementation. This study aimed to test whether single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within the IQCJ, NXPH1, PHF17 and MYB genes are associated with the plasma TG response to an n-3 FA supplementation. Methods: A total of 208 subjects followed a 6-week n-3 FA supplementation of 5 g/day of fish oil (1.9-2.2 g of eicosapentaenoic acid and 1.1 g of docosahexaenoic acid). Measurements of plasma lipids were made before and after the supplementation. Sixty-seven tagged SNPs were selected to increase the density of markers near GWAS hits. Results: In a repeated model, independent effects of the genotype and the gene-supplementation interaction were associated with plasma TG. Genotype effects were observed with two SNPs of NXPH1, and gene-diet interactions were observed with ten SNPs of IQCJ, four SNPs of NXPH1 and three SNPs of MYB. Positive and negative responders showed different genotype frequencies with nine SNPs of IQCJ, two SNPs of NXPH1 and two SNPs of MYB. Conclusion: Fine mapping in GWAS-associated loci allowed the identification of SNPs partly explaining the large interindividual variability observed in plasma TG levels in response to an n-3 FA supplementation

    Theoretical Understanding of How Solution Properties Govern Nanofiltration Performances

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    Mechanisms governing transfer of ions through nanofiltration membranes are complex and it is primordial to understand how rejection and selectivity performances depend on the properties of the solution. For this purpose, a knowledge model based on a coupling between equilibrium partitioning induced by steric, electric and dielectric exclusions and transport inside pores by diffusion, convection and electro-migration is proposed to theoretically discuss the influence of solution properties on performances. After detailing the physical description of this model, the influence of ion size on rejection is firstly discussed from simulations obtained in several appropriate cases. Since electrostatic interactions are known to play a role on ion rejection, the influence of ion valence and concentration is then studied and different behaviors are brought to light depending on ions considered. Finally, the influence of confinement within nanopores on water dielectric properties and its consequences for ion separation are also addressed
