608 research outputs found


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    Residential, commercial, and industrial building sectors in the United States were responsible for 42% of the nation’s consumption of 100.2 quadrillion BTUs of energy in 2019 [1]. 80% of the nation’s energy is sourced from fossil fuels, including coal, natural gas, and petroleum. Fossil fuels are known contributors to carbon emissions and climate change, making energy reduction vital. Consequently, New Jersey Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (NJDMAVA) is tasked with evaluating energy consumption and efficiency in all New Jersey Army National Guard (NJARNG) facilities, as mandated by TAG Policy Letter 18-5, Executive Order 13990, and the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007. This research investigates three building energy consumption modeling (BEM) approaches for colder weather: eQUEST, degree-day modeling, and resistance-capacitance (RC) modeling. Each method has distinct advantages and limitations, but BEM holds promise in identifying cost-effective energy-saving measures, aligning with the goals of government entities like NJDMAVA. Specifically, eQUEST proves valuable for experienced users in energy modeling. Degree-day modeling excels at detecting operational shifts and benchmarking similar facilities. The RC model was able to accurately predict energy savings as a result of changes to thermostat setting

    Embossed audio tag activated by touch

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    This disclosure describes techniques to affix an embossed pattern on an object such that when the pattern is scratched over by a hard object such a coin, pencil, or fingernail, a distinctive sonic signature is emitted. The sonic signature can be used, e.g., by a virtual assistant application, a smart speaker, or other device, to identify the object

    DNA Elements Tetris: A Strategy for Gene Correction

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    Transposable elements (TEs) are mobile genetic sequences that are able to move in the genome from one location to another. TEs were first regarded as junk or selfish DNA, as they comprise the largest molecular class within most metazoan genomes having no genomic function. It was necessary to wait until whole genome sequencing to provide new insights about the origin, diversity, and impact of TEs on the genome function. Thus, due to advances in molecular technology, TEs have been shown to create new regulatory sequence networks. Although nowadays most TEs present in the human genome are silenced, particularly DNA transposons, it does not mean that these sequences are dead. In this review, we detail how DNA transposons could be emphasized to create a new tool for gene correction. DNA-based transposon vectors are derived from three models: Sleeping Beauty, piggyBac, and Tol2, which all work via a “cut-and-paste” mechanism where transposase enzyme is alone able to catalyze the transposition process, which means integrating the genes of interest in chromosomal DNA. Limitations and improvements of the systems are discussed, particularly the latest way to target a specific integration site, showing that the DNA transposon-derived system and its engineering, are powerful tools for gene correction

    Real time in situ hard X-ray texture evolution during the annealing of rolled CuNi tapes

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    A new real time in-situ scattering method to study texture evolution kinetics is detailed. The technique is adapted from an existing set up used at the Institut Laue-Langevin neutron facility to check monochromators. It uses a white hard X-ray beam and works in transmission geometry. A 2D detector allows following of the recrystallization phenomena. A study of the annealing behavior of copper-nickel alloy rolled tapes, used as a substrate for high temperature superconductors, is presented

    Prospero and Caliban: Destruction of the native

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    This paper explores colonialism and post-colonial theory in Shakespeare's The Tempest. The actions of the play signify four steps in the development of the colonial relationship: formation, usurpation, rebellion, and departure. Through analysis of Montaigne and close readings of several critical passages in the text, not only does the colonial pattern repeat itself in Shakespeare's play, but the relationship between the colonizer and colonizer comes to light. Prospero and Caliban's dialogue signifies the colonial dynamic. The destruction of the native and his culture takes place by looking at the actions and reactions of Caliban. Although Caliban inevitably remains subservient to Prospero's rule, other societies in the 1960s see admirable attributes and connecting factors between their story and that of Caliban's. The Tempest then acts as an example of colonial thought and the colonial dynamic during Shakespearean times

    Potential social benefits of Catalonian independence: Immigrants and their integration

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    Catalonia is a region in the broader context of Spain on the cusp of independence. Within this region, there is not only the Spanish identity but the Catalonian identity as well. For immigrants, this dual identity poses a particularly complex barrier for integration into Catalonia and to become integrated members of society. And with positive political policy and incongruent social implementation, the simplification of their community is crucial. One method of simplification is independence. In this paper, I explore the ramifications of this dual identity for immigrants and the potential benefits of independence for Catalonia

    Fyn phosphorylates AMPK to inhibit AMPK activity and AMP-dependent activation of autophagy

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    We previously demonstrated that proto-oncogene Fyn decreased energy expenditure and increased metabolic phenotypes. Also Fyn decreased autophagy-mediated muscle mass by directly inhibiting LKB1 and stimulating STAT3 activities, respectively. AMPK, a downstream target of LKB1, was recently identified as a key molecule controlling autophagy. Here we identified that Fyn phosphorylates the α subunit of AMPK on Y436 and inhibits AMPK enzymatic activity without altering the assembly state of the AMPK heterotrimeric complex. As pro-inflammatory mediators are reported modulators of the autophagy processes, treatment with the pro-inflammatory cytokine TNFα resulted in 1) increased Fyn activity 2) stimulated Fyn-dependent AMPKα tyrosine phosphorylation and 3) decreased AICAR-dependent AMPK activation. Importantly, TNFα induced inhibition of autophagy was not observed when AMPKα was mutated on Y436. 4) These data demonstrate that Fyn plays an important role in relaying the effects of TNFα on autophagy and apoptosis via phosphorylation and inhibition of AMPK
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