1,654 research outputs found

    Complex Challenges, Comprehensive Responses - Linking Security and Development: 11th International Summer School 2007

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    "The link between international security and development constitutes a nexus that is only beginning to be understood and addressed by the international community and by regional security and development actors. During the International Summer School, participants and renowned speakers examine the complexity of contemporary development and security challenges, such as transnational warfare, terrorism, poor governance and state failure, migration and resource conflicts, as well as the transformation of traditional security and development concepts and policies (human security paradigm etc.). New interfaces between security and development (e.g. the concept of Security Sector Reform) and the need for an integrated approach to address global challenges are discussed. In this light, efforts and strategies of global actors like the EU, US, NATO, UN and OSCE as well as sensitivities and prospects for cooperation are assessed. Case studies on Africa, the Middle East, Asia and the Balkans provide regional insights to the topic." (author's abstract

    10th International Summer School "Global Challenges, Global Actors - Sharing Responsibility for a Secure World in the 21st Century": Berlin, 9-22 July 2006 ; final report

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    "Security challenges in the 21st century have trans-border effects and can no longer be dealt with by nation states alone. To address these challenges a wide spectrum of actors, including international and regional organizations, national and local institutions, as well as NGOs and civil society need to engage in a multilateral and concerted approach. During the International Summer School, participants and renowned speakers examine contemporary security challenges, such as terrorism and homeland security, state failure and democratization, energy security, demography and migration. In this light, prioritites and strategies of global actors like the EU, US, China, NATO, UN and OSCE, but also NGOs and private actors are assessed." (author's abstract

    Ambiguous avant-gardes and their geographies: on blank spots of the postgrowth debate

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    In the following article, the focus is on the transformative potentials created by so-called persistence avant-gardes and prevention innovators. The text extends Blühdorn’s guiding concept of narratives of hope (Blühdorn 2017; Blühdorn and Butzlaff 2019) by considering those groups that are marginalized within debates on socio-ecological transformation. With a closer look at the narratives of prevention and blockade that these actors engage, the ambiguous nature of postgrowth avant-gardes is carved out. Their discursive, argumentative, and effective inhibition of transitory policies is interpreted as a pro-active potential, rather than a mere obstacle to socio-ecological transformation. Adding a geographical perspective, the paper pleads for a more precise theoretical penetration of the ambivalent figure of avant-gardes when analyzing processes of local and regional postgrowth

    Metabolic labelling of DNA in cells by means of the “photoclick” reaction triggered by visible light

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    Two pyrene-tetrazole conjugates were synthesized as photoreactive chromophores that allow for the first time the combination of metabolic labelling of DNA in cells and subsequent bioorthogonal “photoclick” modification triggered by visible light. Two strained alkenes and three alkene-modified nucleosides were used as reactive counterparts and revealed no major differences in their “photoclick” reactivity. This is a significant advantage because it allows 5-vinyl-2â€Č-deoxyuridine to be applied as the smallest possible alkene-modified nucleoside for metabolic labelling of DNA in cells. Both pyrene-tetrazole conjugates show fluorogenicity during the “photoclick” reactions, which is a second advantage for cellular imaging. Living HeLa cells were incubated with 5-vinyl-2â€Č-deoxyuridine for 48 h to ensure one cell division. After fixation, the newly synthesized genomic DNA was successfully labelled by irradiation with visible light at 405 nm and 450 nm. This method is an attractive tool for the visualization of genomic DNA in cells with full spatiotemporal control by the use of visible light as a reaction trigger

    Die sozialpsychologische Bedingtheit des musikalischen Urteils

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    The different judgments on contemporary music of eleven-year-olds form all types of secondary schools serve to show the interdependence of specific patterns of judgment (established by cluster analysis) and social background determinants. It could be proved that judgements on contemporary music differentiated considerably. There was no uniform aesthetic reaction even in this seemingly homogenous group of children of the same age. The variability of the items, chosen from the in any case heterogenous spectrum of contemporary music, resulted not only in interindividual but also in intraindividual variance of judgement. There is no such thing as a common judgement of all eleven-year-olds on contemporary music in general. (DIPF/Orig.

    Zur Alltags- und Lebenswelt musikalischer Begabung. Mit Bundes- und Landessiegern "Jugend musiziert" im narrativen GesprÀch

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    Über lebensgeschichtliche ErzĂ€hlungen (strukturierte Narrationen) instrumentaler Talente (Bundes- und LandespreistrĂ€ger JM = pragmatische Definition von musikalischer Begabung) werden biographische Textmaterialien unter Strukturvorgaben (Fragestellungen) in etwa 3-4stĂŒndigen GesprĂ€chen mit den Jugendlichen (und getrennt davon mit Eltern) ermittelt und ausgewertet. (DIPF/Orig.

    Ein neuer Ansatz des Zufriedenheitsmanagements - Wie begeistern Sie Ihre Online-Kunden?

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    FĂŒr Unternehmen wird es heute immer wichtiger, mit ihren Produkten oder Dienstleistungen eine hohe Kundenzufriedenheit zu erzeugen. Dies gilt insbesondere fĂŒr Anbieter von Dienstleistungen im Internet. Die Schaffung von hoher Kundenzufriedenheit setzt allerdings die genaue Kenntnis der relevanten EinflussgrĂ¶ĂŸen voraus. Nicht jede QualitĂ€tsverbesserung fĂŒhrt zu einer Steigerung der Kundenzufriedenheit. Aus diesem Grund mĂŒssen QualitĂ€tsmerkmale von elektronischen Dienstleistungen auf ihre FĂ€higkeit hin untersucht werden, (möglichst ĂŒberproportionale) Zufriedenheitssteigerungen zu erzeugen. Wir prĂ€sentieren einen Ansatz, der es ermöglicht, den genauen Zusammenhang zwischen DienstleistungsqualitĂ€t und Kundenzufriedenheit fĂŒr verschiedene Merkmale zu untersuchen. ZunĂ€chst wird das klassische VerstĂ€ndnis der Kundenzufriedenheit diskutiert. Nach einer differenzierten Betrachtung des Entstehungsprozesses von Kundenzufriedenheit und der zugrunde liegenden Theorien, beschĂ€ftigt sich die Arbeit ausfĂŒhrlich mit der Mehr-Faktoren-Struktur von Kundenzufriedenheit. Wir stellen mit dem Kano-Modell eine Möglichkeit vor, sog. Minimum-, Zusatz- und Begeisterungsfaktoren im Internet zu identifizieren. Diese zeichnen sich durch unterschiedliche Zufriedenheitseffekte aus. Es wird gezeigt, dass nicht alle Leistungsverbesserungen zu entsprechenden ZufriedenheitszuwĂ€chsen fĂŒhren. In der empirischen Studie im Internet-Banking werden mehrere Varianten der Kano-Methode angewandt. Diese kommen zu Ă€hnlichen Ergebnissen, so dass die Methode zuverlĂ€ssig in der Lage ist, die Zufriedenheitstreiber im Internet zu identifizieren. Wir zeigen, welche Faktoren Kunden begeistern und welche Faktoren bestenfalls Unzufriedenheit vermeiden

    Jubilatio et lamentatio. 25 Jahre musikpÀdagogische Forschung im AMPF

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    MusikpĂ€dagogik hat sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten mit wachsender Neigung auf sich selbst besonnen, ist als Wissenschaft selbstbewußt gereift, und auch der AMPF hat mit seinem ForschungsaktivitĂ€ten einen wichtigen Beitrag zu dieser Entwicklung geleistet. Kritische Fragen zum SelbstverstĂ€ndnis des AMPF und zu Forschungsperspektiven sind zum silbernen JubilĂ€um sinnvoll. (DIPF/Orig.
