22 research outputs found

    Clash of Kingdoms: How Do Bacterial Contaminants Thrive in and Interact with Yeasts during Ethanol Production?

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    Brazilian fuel ethanol production from sugarcane is one of the largest industrial biotechnological processes in the world. However, in view of the complex chemical nature of this feedstock, as well as the non-aseptic conditions of the process, various stress conditions are imposed to the fermenting yeast. In this chapter, we deemed to elaborate a brief overview of the ethanol production process, and to dissect the chemical nature of sugarcane-based worts, as well as their physiological effects on the fermenting yeasts. Finally, the interplay between yeast and lactic acid bacteria, the two main players in the ethanol fermentation process, is generally discussed

    Production of acetic acid, ethanol and optical isomers of lactic acid by Lactobacillus strains isolated from industrial ethanol fermentations

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    Avaliaram-se no presente trabalho, as produções de etanol e dos ácidos acético e lático, bem como das proporções dos isômeros óticos D(-) e L(+) desse último, por 17 linhagens de Lactobacillus isoladas de fermentações industriais de produção de etanol. As linhagens foram crescidas a 32ºC por 24 horas, em meio contendo 1% de glucose, 1% de frutose, 1% de extrato de levedura, sais nutrientes (K, Mg e Mn) e tampão fosfato. Foram estimados os teores de ácido lático, ácido acético e etanol mediante cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência, assim como dos isômeros óticos D(-) e L(+) do ácido lático mediante espectrofotometria ao ultra-violeta, empregando desidrogenases láticas estereoespecíficas. O crescimento bacteriano foi inferido pela absorvância a 600 nm. Os resultados obtidos mostraram, pelos perfis de excreção dos metabólitos, a presença de 8 linhagens homofermentativas obrigatórias (produzindo unicamente ácido lático), 8 linhagens heterofermentativas obrigatórias (com produções de ácidos lático, acético e etanol) e 1 linhagem supostamente heterofermentativa facultativa. Observou-se também, em relação à formação dos estereoisômeros, que 12 linhagens foram incluídas no grupo DL, 4 no grupo L e 1 no grupo D. Os resultados permitem concluir que os Lactobacillus que contaminam processos fermentativos industriais de produção de etanol, podem se apresentar nos 3 biotipos fermentativos e produzindo as mais variadas proporções dos dois estereoisômeros do ácido lático, com relevantes implicações biotecnológicas. Este é o primeiro relato sobre as produções dos isômeros óticos do ácido lático por bactérias do gênero Lactobacillus isoladas de fermentações industriais baseadas na cana-de-açúcar.The aim of the present work was to evaluate the metabolism type of 17 Lactobacillus strains isolated from industrial ethanol fermentation plants. The strains were grown at 32°C for 24 hours on a mixture of equal amounts of glucose and fructose as the carbon source, and supplemented with yeast extract, mineral nutrients and buffer. Bacterial growth was estimated by absorbance at 600nm and the main end products of bacterial metabolism (lactate, acetate and ethanol) were measured by high performance liquid chromatography, while the stereoisomers, D(-)- and L(+)-lactate, were assayed by an enzymatic methodology using stereospecific lactate-dehydrogenases. According to the results, all the three types of metabolism were found among the bacteria investigated: obligately homofermentative (8 strains), facultative heterofermentative (1 strain) and obligately heterofermentative (8 strains). The results have showed a predominance of DL strains regarding the stereoisomers production, but it was also found strains producing a single type of the isomeric form. These findings suggest the possibility to explore the lactobacilli biodiversity in fuel ethanol fermentation plants for lactate production of chemically pure optical isomers. This is the first report on lactic acid isomers formation by Lactobacillus strains isolated from sugar cane based-industrial fermentations.Fermentec Ltd

    A synthetic medium to simulate sugarcane molasses

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    Abstract\ud \ud Background\ud Developing novel microbial cell factories requires careful testing of candidates under industrially relevant conditions. However, this frequently occurs late during the strain development process. The availability of laboratory media that simulate industrial-like conditions might improve cell factory development, as they allow for strain construction and testing in the laboratory under more relevant conditions. While sugarcane molasses is one of the most important substrates for the production of biofuels and other bioprocess-based commodities, there are no defined media that faithfully simulate it. In this study, we tested the performance of a new synthetic medium simulating sugarcane molasses.\ud \ud \ud Results\ud Laboratory scale simulations of the Brazilian ethanol production process, using both sugarcane molasses and our synthetic molasses (SM), demonstrated good reproducibility of the fermentation performance, using yeast strains, PE-2 and Ethanol Red™. After 4 cycles of fermentation, the final ethanol yield (gp g\ud s\ud −1\ud ) values for the SM ranged from 0.43 ± 0.01 to 0.44 ± 0.01 and from 0.40 ± 0.01 to 0.46 ± 0.01 for the molasses-based fermentations. The other fermentation parameters (i.e., biomass production, yeast viability, and glycerol and acetic acid yield) were also within similar value ranges for all the fermentations. Sequential pairwise competition experiments, comparing industrial and laboratory yeast strains, demonstrated the impact of the media on strain fitness. After two sequential cocultivations, the relative abundance of the laboratory yeast strain was 5-fold lower in the SM compared to the yeast extract-peptone-dextrose medium, highlighting the importance of the media composition on strain fitness.\ud \ud \ud Conclusions\ud Simulating industrial conditions at laboratory scale is a key part of the efficient development of novel microbial cell factories. In this study, we have developed a synthetic medium that simulated industrial sugarcane molasses media. We found good agreement between the synthetic medium and the industrial media in terms of the physiological parameters of the industrial-like fermentations.The authors would like to acknowledge funding from the Novo Nordisk Foundation under the NNF Grant Number: NNF10CC1016517

    Industrial antifoam agents impair ethanol fermentation and induce stress responses in yeast cells

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    Abstract The Brazilian sugarcane industry constitutes one of the biggest and most efficient ethanol production processes in the world. Brazilian ethanol production utilizes a unique process, which includes cell recycling, acid wash, and non-aseptic conditions. Process characteristics, such as extensive CO2 generation, poor quality of raw materials, and frequent contaminations, all lead to excessive foam formation during fermentations, which is treated with antifoam agents (AFA). In this study, we have investigated the impact of industrial AFA treatments on the physiology and transcriptome of the industrial ethanol strain Saccharomyces cerevisiae CAT-1. The investigated AFA included industrially used AFA acquired from Brazilian ethanol plants and commercially available AFA commonly used in the fermentation literature. In batch fermentations, it was shown that industrial AFA compromised growth rates and glucose uptake rates, while commercial AFA had no effect in concentrations relevant for defoaming purposes. Industrial AFA were further tested in laboratory scale simulations of the Brazilian ethanol production process and proved to decrease cell viability compared to the control, and the effects were intensified with increasing AFA concentrations and exposure time. Transcriptome analysis showed that AFA treatments induced additional stress responses in yeast cells compared to the control, shown by an up-regulation of stress-specific genes and a down-regulation of lipid biosynthesis, especially ergosterol. By documenting the detrimental effects associated with chemical AFA, we highlight the importance of developing innocuous systems for foam control in industrial fermentation processes.</jats:p

    Anaerobiosis revisited: growth of Saccharomyces cerevisiae under extremely low oxygen availability

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    The budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae plays an important role in biotechnological applications, ranging from fuel ethanol to recombinant protein production. It is also a model organism for studies on cell physiology and genetic regulation. Its ability to grow under anaerobic conditions is of interest in many industrial applications. Unlike industrial bioreactors with their low surface area relative to volume, ensuring a complete anaerobic atmosphere during microbial cultivations in the laboratory is rather difficult. Tiny amounts of O2 that enter the system can vastly influence product yields and microbial physiology. A common procedure in the laboratory is to sparge the culture vessel with ultrapure N2 gas; together with the use of butyl rubber stoppers and norprene tubing, O2 diffusion into the system can be strongly minimized. With insights from some studies conducted in our laboratory, we explore the question ‘how anaerobic is anaerobiosis?’. We briefly discuss the role of O2 in non-respiratory pathways in S. cerevisiae and provide a systematic survey of the attempts made thus far to cultivate yeast under anaerobic conditions. We conclude that very few data exist on the physiology of S. cerevisiae under anaerobiosis in the absence of the anaerobic growth factors ergosterol and unsaturated fatty acids. Anaerobicity should be treated as a relative condition since complete anaerobiosis is hardly achievable in the laboratory. Ideally, researchers should provide all the details of their anaerobic set-up, to ensure reproducibility of results among different laboratories. A correction to this article is available online at http://eprints.whiterose.ac.uk/131930/ https://doi.org/10.1007/s00253-018-9036-

    Improvement of alcoholic fermentation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by evolutionary engineering.

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    Durante o crescimento da levedura Saccharomyces cerevisiae em meios contendo sacarose, a enzima invertase hidrolisa a sacarose no ambiente extracelular em glicose e frutose, as quais são posteriormente captadas pelas células por difusão facilitada. Num trabalho prévio, a localização da enzima invertase foi modificada nesta levedura, eliminando-se a forma extracelular e superexpressando-se a forma intracelular da enzima (Stambuk et al., 2009). Como resultado, a captação de sacarose por esta linhagem modificada (iSUC2) é realizada pelo co-transporte ativo com íons H+, implicando no gasto de 1 mol de ATP para cada mol de H+ extrudado pelas células para manutenção do pH intracelular. Como forma de compensar este gasto energético, espera-se que a linhagem iSUC2 desvie uma maior parte do fluxo de carbono para a geração de energia e, consequentemente, para a formação de etanol, em relação a uma linhagem selvagem. No presente trabalho, uma avaliação fisiológica quantitativa de uma linhagem com esta modificação genética foi realizada tanto em quimiostatos limitados por sacarose, como em cultivos descontínuos com sacarose como única fonte de carbono. Os dados obtidos em quimiostatos anaeróbios demonstram que na linhagem iSUC2 a enzima invertase ficou retida no ambiente intracelular e apresentou atividade absoluta total cerca de duas vezes maior que na linhagem-referência (SUC2). Além disto, verificou-se um aumento de 4% no fator de conversão de sacarose a etanol (Y ETH/S), em relação à linhagem SUC2. No entanto, como foi observado que cerca de 8 % da sacarose não foi consumida pelas células da linhagem iSUC2 durante o estado-estacionário dos quimiostatos anaeróbios, decidiu-se melhorar a capacidade do transporte ativo deste dissacarídeo nesta linhagem através de uma estratégia de engenharia evolutiva caracterizada pelo cultivo destas células em quimiostatos longos limitados por sacarose, em anaerobiose. Obteve-se assim, após cerca de 60 gerações, uma linhagem mutante (iSUC2 evoluída) com atividade de transporte de sacarose 20 vezes superior à linhagem iSUC2, sendo capaz de consumir toda a sacarose do meio de cultivo. Esta linhagem apresentou um aumento de 11% no YETH/S e uma diminuição de 27% no fator de conversão de sacarose a células (YX/S), quando comparada à linhagem-referência. A análise do transcriptoma revelou o aumento da expressão de vários genes codificadores de transportadores de hexoses, bem como genes relacionados ao metabolismo de maltose, incluindo o gene do transportador de alta-afinidade para alfa-glicosídeos AGT1, quando a linhagem iSUC2 evoluída foi comparada à linhagem iSUC2. Detectou-se que a evolução em quimiostato resultou na duplicação do gene AGT1, sem que houvesse mutação neste gene. Através da superexpressão do gene AGT1 na linhagem iSUC2, conseguiu-se gerar uma linhagem que apresentou YETH/S muito próximo ao da linhagem iSUC2 evoluída. No entanto, outros parâmetros fisiológicos, foram diferentes nestas duas linhagens, indicando que a duplicação do gene AGT1 não foi a única mutação que ocorreu durante o processo de evolução em quimiostato. Este trabalho ilustra o potencial da combinação entre engenharia metabólica e engenharia evolutiva para a obtenção de linhagens de levedura melhoradas, para aplicação na produção industrial de etanol combustível a partir de meios contendo sacarose.When growing on sucrose-containing substrates, Saccharomyces cerevisiae secretes invertase that hydrolyses sucrose into glucose and fructose, which are subsequently assimilated by facilitated diffusion. In a previous work, the cellular location of invertase in yeast was modified, by eliminating the extracellular form of the enzyme and over-expressing the intracellular one (Stambuk et al., 2009). As a result, sucrose uptake by this modified strain (iSUC2) occurs by an active H+-sucrose symport system, in which 1 ATP needs to be used by the cells to extrude the proton co-transported. In order to compensate for this, it is expected that these cells will deviate a higher proportion of the carbon flow towards energy generation, and consequently to ethanol formation, in comparison with the wild-type phenotype (SUC2). In the present work, a quantitative physiological evaluation of the iSUC2 strain was performed in both batch and chemostat cultures. Cells from the iSUC2 strain harvested from steady-state anaerobic sucrose-limited chemostats retained all invertase intracellularly and showed a 2-fold higher total invertase activity, when compared to the SUC2 strain grown under identical conditions. Besides this, the ethanol yield on sucrose in the former cells was 4% higher than in the latter case. However, due to the high levels of residual sucrose during these cultivations with the iSUC2 strain, we attempted to improve the transport capacity in the iSUC2 strain by evolutionary engineering. After 60 generations of cultivation in an anaerobic sucrose-limited chemostat, an evolved strain was selected, which presented a 20-fold increase in the sucrose transport capacity, when compared with the parental strain (iSUC2), leading to almost no residual sucrose. During growth of this evolved strain in anaerobic sucrose-limited chemostats, the ethanol yield on sucrose was 11% higher and the biomass yield on sucrose was 27% lower, when compared with the SUC2 strain. Transcriptome analysis revealed an increase in the expression level of several hexose transporters, as well as many MAL-related genes, including the gene for the high-affinity permease AGT1. Indeed, it was verified that this gene was duplicated during the evolution experiment, but no point mutation was detected. By over-expressing the AGT1 gene in the iSUC2 strain, it was possible to attain a similar ethanol yield on sucrose, when compared to the evolved iSUC2 strain. However, several other physiological parameters were different in both strains, indicating that the AGT1 gene duplication was not the only mutation that occurred during evolution in the chemostat. To conclude, this work illustrates that the combination of metabolic and evolutionary engineering is a powerful strategy to obtain improved sucrose-fermenting yeast strains