60 research outputs found

    Primary recovery factor as a function of production rate: implications for conventional reservoirs with different drive mechanisms

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    This study evaluates the dependency of production rate on the recovery of hydrocarbon from conventional reservoirs using MBAL simulator. The results indicated that the recoveries are sensitive to the production rate in almost all hydrocarbon reservoirs. It was also found that the recovery of volumetric gas drive reservoirs is not impacted by the production rate. In fact, any increase in the production rate improves gas recovery in weak and strong water drive reservoirs. Moreover, increasing the production rate in oil reservoirs decreases the recovery with a significant effect observed in the weak water drive reservoirs. The results of this study demonstrate the need for implementing an effective reservoir management in order to obtain a maximum recovery

    Risk Prediction for Acute Kidney Injury in Acute Medical Admissions in the UK

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    Background Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) is associated with adverse outcomes; identifying patients who are at risk of developing AKI in hospital may lead to targeted prevention. This approach is advocated in national guidelines but is not well studied in acutely unwell medical patients. We therefore aimed to undertake a UK-wide study in acute medical units (AMUs) with the following aims: to define the proportion of acutely unwell medical patients who develop hospital-acquired AKI (hAKI); to determine risk factors associated with the development of hAKI; and to assess the feasibility of using these risk factors to develop an AKI risk prediction score. Methods In September 2016, a prospective multicentre cohort study across 72 UK AMUs was undertaken. Data were collected from all patients who presented over a 24-hour period. Chronic dialysis, community-acquired AKI (cAKI) and those with fewer than two creatinine measurements were subsequently excluded. The primary outcome was the development of h-AKI. Results 2,446 individuals were admitted to the AMUs of the 72 participating centres. 384 patients (16%) sustained AKI of whom 287 (75%) were cAKI and 97 (25%) were hAKI. After exclusions, 1,235 participants remained in whom chronic kidney disease (OR 3.08, 95% CI 1.96-4.83), diuretic prescription (OR 2.33, 95% CI 1.5-3.65), a lower haemoglobin concentration and an elevated serum bilirubin were independently associated with development of hAKI. Multivariable model discrimination was moderate (c-statistic 0.75), and this did not support the development of a robust clinical risk prediction score. Mortality was higher in those with hAKI (adjusted OR 5.22; 95% CI 2.23-12.20). Conclusion AKI in AMUs is common and associated with worse outcomes, with the majority of cases community acquired. The smaller proportion of hAKI cases, only moderate discrimination of prognostic risk factor modelling and the resource implications of widespread application of an AKI clinical risk score across all AMU admissions suggests that this approach is not currently justified. More targeted risk assessment or automated methods of calculating individual risk may be more appropriate alternatives

    Abstracts from the 3rd International Genomic Medicine Conference (3rd IGMC 2015)

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    Catalogs environment in libraries

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    تناقش الورقة العلمية معايير الفهرسة الاساسية وتطبيقاتها  الحالية و تطورها المستقبلى فتبدأ بالتمهيد لاهمية مقتنيات المكتبات و فهارسها  ثم  واقع المكتبة واوجه القصور في المكتبات امام تحديات بيئة الويب واوجه التميز في بيئة الويب ثم مبادرات التكامل المعرفى باستعراض البيانات الرابطة والويب الدلالى وعدم مجاراة  قوالب مارك للويب الدلالى ثم استعراض الدوافع الى الهيكل البيبليوجرافى bibframe  واهدافه ولماذا ظهر فى ظل وجود  روابط FRBR ثم الرؤية طويلة المدى نحو الفهرسية المجتمعية واشكالها المختلقة وتطبيقات المكتبات على الهاتف المحمول. وتأصيل وتأسيس  ذلك الترابط  النظرى بين علاقات المعلومات FRBR  من خلال عرض سريع دراسات د. بربرا تيلت و د. كمال نبهان.The paper discusses cataloguing standards and current applications and future development ,Starting of the importance the Collection of the Libraries and Cataloguing, the reality of the Libraries and the shortcomings of the libraries in the face of the challenges of Web environment and aspects of excellence in the Web environment. And then the initiatives integrated of Knowledge review with the linked data and the Semantic Web, and how is not to keep up with Marc format for Semantic Web,Then reviewing the motivations to the bibframe, its objectives and what appeared in the presence of FRBR links and then a long-term vision towards the Societal Cataloguing and their various forms libraries and applications on a mobile phone.Finally establishing the theoretical the interrelationship between FRBR relationships through Quick View for studies Barbara Tilet, Kamal Nabhan

    The Human Library: Definition, Application in the Western, And the Needs of the Application in the Arab Community

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    تعد مكتبة الإنسان أحد الخدمات الحديثة التي ظهرت في المكتبات الأوربية والأمريكية في العقد الأخير، ورغم انتشارها وانتشار الدراسات حولها، إلا أنه لم يوافق ذلك متابعة جيدة وجديرة من المكتبات العربية والباحثين العرب، لا سيما مع تواتر نتائج هذه الدراسات بالكم الضخم، والكيف الهام للفوائد العائدة من إقامة نشاط المكتبة الإنسانية لديهم، ولما كانت صورة ونشاط مكتبة الإنسان غير تقليدية وغير منتشرة في مجتمعاتنا العربية، فكان لزاما علينا التعرف عليها والكشف عنها، وبيان مدى ملائمتها لمجتمعاتنا ومدى إمكانيات تطبيقها لدينا، وأوجه الاستفادة منها في مكتباتنا العربية، تهدف الدراسة إلى التعريف بمكتبة الإنسان، وبيان لأهمية الدور الذى تقوم به، وكيفية تطبيقها في المجتمع الغربي، وعرض للمحاولات العربية، مع وضع مقترح لموضوعات وأشكال تطبيقها في المجتمع العربي.Human Library is one of the modern services that appeared in European and American libraries in the last decade, and despite the proliferation and spread of studies on them, but it did not agree with the good and worthy follow-up from the Arab libraries and Arab researchers, especially with the frequency of the results of these studies ,Because the human library is unconventional and unpopular in our Arab societies, We have to identify and disclose it, and to demonstrate its suitability to our societies and the possibilities of their application in us, and aspects of their use in our libraries , The study aims to identify the human library, and the importance of the human library, and how to apply them in Western society, and the display of Arab attempts, with a proposal for the Topics and forms of application in Arab society

    The role of surgery and disease load in refractory chronic rhinosinusitis

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    Chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) is chronic inflammation of the sinonasal mucosa. It is a disease of significant impact on public health, one that affects about 10-15% of the population. Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS) is the “gold standard” surgical treatment for CRS; its original philosophy or concepts are based upon the sinonasal mucociliary clearance studies by Messerklinger and Stammberger, which emphasize the role of the osteo-meatal complex (OMC). However, although the success rate of FESS is about 90%, there is a subgroup of patients who exhibit no improvement, and thus require repeated surgeries. This subgroup of patients suffers from refractory chronic rhinosinusitis (rCRS), which is the main focus of this thesis. In this thesis the current understanding of the pathogenesis and causes of surgical failure in CRS are reviewed. This thesis presents the hypothesis that our understanding of the pathogenesis of CRS has advanced since the original concepts of FESS were put forward, and that patients who develop rCRS have other pathogenic features that cannot be addressed by these concepts. We revisit middle turbinate lateralization (MTL) as a surgery-related factor of rCRS in Chapter 6, and we pose the question: Is MTL a complication associated with worse surgical outcomes, or just a harmless sequela, of the surgical destabilization of the middle turbinate during sinus surgery? Our findings show that MTL plays a role in surgical failure and requiring revision surgery, but suggest that the clinical significance of MTL may be related to frontal sinus obstruction and not necessarily to the OMC. We then present two novel hypotheses: the inflammatory load hypothesis in Chapter 7, and the irreversible disease hypothesis in Chapter 8. In Chapter 9, we investigate nasal polyp recurrence in CRS with Nasal Polyposis (CRSwNP) as an important cause of rCRS. We study the patterns of polyp recurrence and the clinical factors associated with more aggressive recurrence. The findings show that firstly, comorbid factors such as asthma and aspirin sensitivity contribute to the disease load and rCRS; and secondly, that more aggressive surgical removal of that disease load and maximal opening of the sinuses through a frontal drillout procedure improve the surgical outcome and disease control for these rCRS patients. We then proceed to investigate the relevance of our two novel hypotheses to refractory CRSwNP through a histopathological study in Chapter 10. We also describe the evolution of the inflammatory load in patients with rCRS from first to second surgery, a topic rarely addressed in the literature. We found that a higher inflammatory load is present in patients who fail surgery and go on to develop refractory CRS, when compared to patients who respond to surgery, with a particular significance to the eosinophilic load. In summary, our findings suggest that the inflammatory load is associated with long-term surgical outcomes. The recommendation based upon findings in this thesis is that surgery offered for CRS should be viewed as a tool for addressing and controlling disease load, and not just for the conservative clearance of disease of the OMC.Thesis (Ph.D.) (Research by Publication) -- University of Adelaide, School of Medicine, 2015

    Eocene Ostracoda from Sinai and Nile Valley and its biostratigraphic significance

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    Bassiouni Mohamed el Amin Ahmed, Boukhary M. A. Eocene Ostracoda from Sinai and Nile Valley and its biostratigraphic significance. In: Géologie Méditerranéenne. Tome 11, numéro 1-2, 1984. C.A.M. IXe colloque africain de micropaléontologie. Paris, Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, du 3 au 6 octobre 1983. p. 239

    Eocene Ostracoda from Sinai and Nile Valley and its biostratigraphic significance

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    Bassiouni Mohamed el Amin Ahmed, Boukhary M. A. Eocene Ostracoda from Sinai and Nile Valley and its biostratigraphic significance. In: Géologie Méditerranéenne. Tome 11, numéro 1-2, 1984. C.A.M. IXe colloque africain de micropaléontologie. Paris, Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, du 3 au 6 octobre 1983. p. 239

    Sdn-Based Load Balancing For Multi-Path Tcp

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    In this paper, a novel load-balancing technique for local or metro-area traffic is proposed in mesh-style topologies. The technique uses Software-Defined Networking (SDN) architecture with virtual local area network (VLAN) setups typically seen in a small-to-medium enterprise networks. This was done to provide a possible solution for the load-balancing dilemma of congestion and under-utilization of network links. The transport layer protocol Multi-Path TCP (MPTCP) coupled with IP aliasing is used, which enables formation of multiple subflows depending on the availability of IP addresses at either ends and helps to divert traffic in the subflows across all available paths. The traffic formed of each subflow would be forwarded across the network based on Hamiltonian \u27paths\u27 that are created in association with each ingress/egress switch directly connected to hosts. Our study shows the advantages of using MPTCP for load balancing purposes in SDN architectures and provides a platform for using VLANs, SDN, and MPTCP for traffic management