2,994 research outputs found

    A 1D Model for N-level Atoms Coupled to an EM Field

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    We construct a model for n-level atoms coupled to quantized electromagnetic fields in a fibrillar geometry. In the slowly varying envelope and rotating wave approximations, the equations of motion are shown to satisfy a zero curvature representation, implying integrability of the quantum system.Comment: 8 pages, Plain Te

    The quantum theory of measurement within dynamical reduction models

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    We analyze in mathematical detail, within the framework of the QMUPL model of spontaneous wave function collapse, the von Neumann measurement scheme for the measurement of a 1/2 spin particle. We prove that, according to the equation of the model: i) throughout the whole measurement process, the pointer of the measuring device is always perfectly well localized in space; ii) the probabilities for the possible outcomes are distributed in agreement with the Born probability rule; iii) at the end of the measurement the state of the microscopic system has collapsed to the eigenstate corresponding to the measured eigenvalue. This analysis shows rigorously how dynamical reduction models provide a consistent solution to the measurement problem of quantum mechanics.Comment: 24 pages, RevTeX. Minor changes mad

    Persuasion: A Case Study of Papal Influences on Fertility-Related Beliefs and Behavior

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    We study the persuasive impacts of non-informative communication on the short-run beliefs and long-run behavior of individuals. We do so in the context of the Papal visit to Brazil in October 1991, in which persuasive messages related to fertility were salient in Papal speeches during the visit. We use individual’s exposure to such messages to measure how persuasion shifts: (i) short-run beliefs such as intentions to contracept; (ii) long-term fertility outcomes, such as the timing and total number of births. To measure the short run causal impact of persuasion, we exploit the fact the Brazil 1991 DHS was fielded in the weeks before, during, and after the Papal visit. We use this fortuitous timing to identify that persuasion significantly reduced individual intentions to contracept by more than 40 percent relative to previsit levels, and increased the frequency of unprotected sex by 30 percent. We measure the long-run causal impacts of persuasion on fertility outcomes using later DHS surveys to conduct an event study analysis on births in a five year window either side of the 1991 Papal visit. Estimating a hazard model of fertility, we find a significant change in births nine months post-visit, corresponding to a 1.6 percent increase in the aggregate birth cohort. Our final set of results examine the very long run impact of persuasion and document the impacts to be on the timing of births rather than on total fertility

    Market opportunities for social farms

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    Although social farming is seen as a successful and innovative sector, social farms face various challenges, among which the need to find additional income required to stay in business. However, assuming that social farm food is considered as having ethical attributes, the research aims at investigating to what extent consumers are conscious of some ethical concerns (problems related to social hardship, social equity, food quality etc.), and whether this will create market opportunities for social farm food. The study area is the province of Pordenone (Italy). The results indicate that conscious consumers could represent an effective market channel also for social farm food, a notable opportunity for farms to improve their socioeconomic performance

    Kinetics of Reaction Between Copper & Iodine in the Solid State

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    Assessing environmental awareness towards protection of the Alps: a case study

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    The paper focuses on environmental awareness towards the protection of Alpine areas, and presents the results of a research aimed at assessing people\u2019s awareness in regards to certain topical environmental issues such as protected areas, ecological connectivity, and wildlife. The study area is the Julian Prealps Natural Park, in the region of Friuli Venezia Giulia (Northeast Italy). In order to obtain a measure of \u201cenvironmental awareness\u201d, the Rasch model was applied. It allowed us first to identify which items are most suitable for this. The results obtained show that people are quite aware of some issues, e.g. that wellbeing is related to greener areas and that they can change things to solve environmental problems. We also found that it is easier to agree with items relating to the environment in general than with more specific issues, probably due to a lack of knowledge. However, the provision of pertinent information, in our case on ecological connectivity, can increase the level of environmental awareness. The model also showed that the level varies according to certain sociodemographic characteristics, particularly gender and age. These results could serve as a starting point for planning effective information activities aimed at raising environmental awareness and, possibly, bolstering participation in initiatives for protecting Alpine areas


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    L\u2019ipogonadismo ipogonadotropo congenito (CHH) \ue8 una malattia rara ed eterogenea con una importante componente genetica. Sono descritte tutte le forme di ereditariet\ue0 possibili, sia autosomica che X-linked. Dal punto di vista clinico i soggetti con CHH presentano sia delle alterazioni a carico del sistema riproduttivo ma anche dei fenotipi non riproduttivi. Dal punto di vista riproduttivo possiamo avere tratti quali il criptorchidismo e/o il micropene e/o l\u2019ipospadia nei maschi gi\ue0 in epoca neonatale, oppure, in entrambi i sessi, uno sviluppo puberale assente o parziale in epoca adolescenziale e infertilit\ue0 in et\ue0 adulta. Per quanto riguarda i fenotipi non riproduttivi, quello pi\uf9 caratteristico \ue8 rappresentato dai difetti olfattivi, quali ipo- o anosmia. L\u2019associazione di difetto olfattivo e CHH viene identificato come sindrome di Kallmann (KS), mentre le forme di CHH senza difetti olfattivi sono denominate CHH normosmico (nCHH). Altri fenotipi non riproduttivi associati possono essere la presenza di sincinesie bimanuali, difetti della linea mediana (come labio e/o palatoschisi), difetti renali (agenesia o disgenesia), difetti uditivi (sordit\ue0 neurosensoriale), difetti dentali (agenesia dentale), daltonismo, nistagmo. A causa della ridotta/assente fertilit\ue0 spontanea di questi soggetti, prevalgono i casi sporadici rispetto ai casi famigliari anche se il progressivo perfezionamento delle tecniche di procreazione medicalmente assistita sta sempre pi\uf9 cambiando questa realt\ue0. Proprio grazie alla presenza dei casi famigliari, agli studi su modelli animali e alle tecnologie di sequenziamento di nuova generazione siamo oggi in grado di associare 25 geni candidati alle forme di CHH. Va tuttavia segnalato che l\u2019espressivit\ue0 e/o la penetranza di questi difetti genetici \ue8 estremamente variabile. Questo \ue8 in parte giustificato dall\u2019evidenza che questa malattia non sia di fatto monogenica, come si pensava inizialmente, ma invece oligogenica. D\u2019altro canto per\uf2, \ue8 anche possibile che vi siano meccanismi genetici e/o epigenetici aggiuntivi che restano ancora da descrivere. Con lo scopo di comprendere meglio la componente genetica del CHH, nella prima parte del lavoro presentato in questa tesi e` stato condotto uno screening genetico dei principali geni coinvolti in CHH sulla pi\uf9 grande coorte di pazienti italiani (n=512). Questa operazione ha permesso l'identificazione di un totale di 204 varianti nel 32,2% dei casi clinici esaminati. L'analisi delle varianti ha evidenziato una componente oligogenica nel 4,6% dei pazienti. Tra i geni pi\uf9 frequentemente coinvolti nella nostra coorte un ruolo sicuramente importante \ue8 quello del gene PROKR2 che presenta varianti nel 7,5% dei casi. Lo screening genetico ha infatti permesso di individuare ben 17 varianti alleliche in questo gene di cui quattro mai state descritte in letteratura (p.G70S, p.D99N, p.C208S, p.M278K). PROKR2 \ue8 un gene noto per avere un ruolo importante, bench\ue8 non pienamente compreso, durante il processo di migrazione dei neuroni GnRH. E\u2019 noto che mutazioni di questo gene nell'uomo possono causare sia la KS che il nCHH e che siano associate a un\u2019estrema varaiblit\ue0 fenotipica sia intra che inter-familiare. A seguito dei risultati ottenuti, abbiamo deciso di focalizzare la seconda parte di questo lavoro sulla caratterizzazione di queste varianti in vitro e in vivo allo scopo di meglio chiarire il ruolo del recettore della prochineticina 2 durante il processo di migrazione dei neuroni GnRH e ,di conseguenza, nel CHH. In particolare abbiamo caratterizzato dal punto di vista farmacologico le 4 varianti di nuova identificazione (p.G70S, p.D99N, p.C208S, p.M278K) unitamente ad altre 4 varianti gi\ue0 note in letteratura (p.R47W, p.M64V, p.R85H, p.P290S) ma ancora prive di caratterizzazione funzionale. Gli studi funzionali condotti hanno rivelato come queste varianti alleliche missenso possano influire in grado differente e indipendente sia sui meccanismi di trasporto in membrana del recettore PROKR2 che sulle vie di trasduzione del segnale intracellulari (Gs e Gq) da quest`ultimo mediate. In particolare, le varianti alleliche p.G70S, p.C208S e p.P290S producono una grave compromissione sia del meccanismo di trasporto in membrana che dell`attivazione delle vie Gs e Gq, mentre le mutazioni p.R47W, p.M64V e p.R85H colpiscono principalmente il trasporto in membrana. E` inoltre interessante notare come le varianti p.M278K e p.D99N , in seguito a stimolazione, hanno mostrato una quasi assente attivazione della via Gs in presenza di una buona conservazione nella funzionalita` della via Gq. Questi risultati sottolineano la necessit\ue0 di valutare l'integrit\ue0 di entrambi i meccanismi mediati da PROKR2: produzione di cAMP attraverso la via Gq e accumulo intracellulare di inositolo fosfato (IP) attraverso la via Gs, per un corretta valutazione dell`impatto funzionale delle varianti alleliche ritrovate. La parte finale di questo lavoro \ue8 stata incentrata sulla generazione di un modello in vivo per studiare il ruolo di PROKR2 nella migrazione dei neuroni GnRH utilizzando il modello animale di zebrafish (ZF). Pochi dati sono attualmente disponibili in letteratura sui recettori delle prochineticine in zebrafish. L'analisi bioinformatica condotta preliminarmente ha rivelato la presenza di due loci ben conservati all`interno del genoma di ZF: uno situato su chr1 ,denominato prokr1a, e una regione sul chr13, denominata prokr1b. Per valutare la loro espressione durante lo sviluppo di zebrafish, sono stati effettuati esperimenti di qRT-PCR Real-Time e Whole mount In Situ Hybridization (WISH) i quali hanno evidenziato un`espressione del solo gene prokr1b nei territori di migrazione ed espressione del gene GnRH3 (omologo in ZF di GnRH umano). Al fine di comprendere i ruoli funzionali di prokr1a e prokr1b, sono stati successivamente eseguiti esperimenti di knockdown iniettando sequenze oligonucletidiche sintetiche antisenso chiamate morpholino. I risultati hanno mostrato come la downregolazione di prokr1b, ma non prokr1a, colpisca la migrazione dei neuroni GnRH3 suggerendo cosi che prokr1b sia il gene omologo di PROKR2 umano. Per analizzare ulteriormente l'impatto di prokr1b sulla migrazione dei neuroni GnRH, e` stata inoltre generata una linea ZF knockout per il gene prokr1b. L` analisi delle fibre nervose dei neuroni GnRH in questa linea knockout ha mostrato gli stessi difetti di migrazione osservati durante gli esperimenti di downregolazione confermando cosi il ruolo di prokr1b nella migrazione dei neuroni GnRH. In conclusione, il presente lavoro di dottorato rappresenta l`applicazione di un approccio multidisciplinare per studiare i meccanismi genetici e molecolari coinvolti nel CHH, concentrandosi sul ruolo del gene PROKR2 in questa patologia. Attraverso analisi genetiche e` stato infatti possibile identificare nuove varianti genetiche di PROKR2 le quali, attraverso esperimenti in vitro, sono state farmacologicamente caratterizzate permettendo di evidenziare come le varianti possano influenzare in maniera differente le via di trasduzione del segnale intracellulari mediate dal recettore o il meccanismo di traslocazione in membrana. Infine, attraverso esperimenti di knockdown e knockout, e` stato identificato in zebrafish il gene ortologo di PROKR2 umano e generato un nuovo modello in vivo, che potrebbe essere importante al fine di svelare il ruolo preciso del pathway prochineticine nella patogenesi di CHH.Congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (CHH) is a rare disease characterized by delayed/absent puberty and infertility due to an inadequate secretion or action of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH). CHH is genetically heterogeneous but, due to the infertility of affected individuals, most frequently emerges in a sporadic form, though numerous familial cases have also been registered. In around 50-60% of cases, CHH is associated with a variety of non-reproductive abnormalities, most commonly anosmia/hyposmia, which defines Kallmann syndrome (KS) by its presence. Broadly speaking, genetic defects that directly impact on hypothalamic secretion, regulation, or action of GnRH result in a pure neuroendocrine phenotype called normosmic CHH (nCHH), whereas genetic defects that impact of embryonic migration of GnRH neurons to the hypothalamus most commonly result in KS, though nCHH can also arise. CHH represents a difficult unresolved puzzle, although more than 25 genes have been described to be involved in CHH, molecular variants can explain only 35-45% of reported cases. These evidences raise in the last year the idea that CHH is an oligogenic complex genetic disease characterized by variable expressivity and penetrance. With the purpose to better understand the genetic component of CHH, the first part of this work was focused on genetic screening of the principal twelve genes involved in CHH on the largest cohort of Italian patients. Screening of a cohort of 512 CHH patients allows the identification of 204 total variants in 32.2% of clinical cases. The analysis of variants displays a oligogenicity of 4.6%, confirming the oligogenic nature of CHH. Between the genes that appeared more frequently involved in the identified allelic variant, PROKR2 gene appears in 7.5% of the cases. Indeed we identified a total of 17 PROKR2 allelic variants, being four novel variants (p.G70S, p.D99N, p.C208S, p.M278K). PROKR2 gene is known to have an important and not fully understood role in GnRH neurons migration, and mutations of this gene in humans can cause KS or nCHH syndromes with a phenotypic heterogeneity of reproductive and olfactory defects. Consequently we decided to focus the second part of this work on characterization of these variants in vitro and in vivo with the aim to better elucidate the role of prokineticin receptor 2 in CHH and GnRH neurons migration. PROKR2 GPCR signal transduction pathways functionality was studied in the above mentioned 4 novel and in other 4 already described variants that lack extensive functional studies (p.R47W, p.M64V, p.R85H, p.P290S). The functional study revealed that these missense allelic variants can affect protein targeting and signaling pathways with variable degree. In particular p.G70S, p.C208S and p.P290S are the more compromised with a general impairment for both protein trafficking and Gs/Gq intracellular transduction pathways, while p.R47W, p.M64V and p.R85H variants are mainly affected in their targeting to the cell membrane, event thought with a still conserved activation. Interestingly, p.M278K and p.D99N variants showed a virtual lack of the Gs-pathway activation in the presence of a conserved response to the Gq-pathway stimulation. These findings indicate the need to evaluate the integrity of both PROKR2-dependent cAMP and IP intracellular accumulation for a more appropriate functional testing of novel identified allelic variants. The final part of this work was focused on generating an in vivo model for studying the role of PROKR2 in the migration of GnRH neurons using zebrafish animal model. Few data are available on literature about prokineticin receptors in zebrafish. Preliminary bioinformatics analysis revealed the presence of two well-conserved loci in the zebrafish genome, located on chr1, named prokr1a, and a predicted region on chr13 named prokr1b. To assess their expression during zebrafish development, we perfomed Real-Time qRT-PCR and whole mount In Situ Hybridization (WISH). For investigating the functional roles of prokr1a and prokr1b, knockdown experiments were performed injecting morpholino sequences. Downregulation of prokr1b, but not prokr1a affects the migration/architecture of GnRH3 neurons supporting the idea that prokr1b is the homologous gene of human PROKR2. To further analyze the impact of prokr1b on GnRH neurons migration, a ZF prokr1b knockout line was generated. Analysis of GnRH fibers network in zebrafish knockout line display the same migration defects observed during downregulation assay, confirming the role of prokr1b in the migrations of GnRH neurons. In conclusion, in the present work we applied a multidisciplinary approach to better elucidate the genetic and molecular mechanisms involved in CHH, focusing on the role of PROKR2 gene. Starting from genetic analysis we identified PROKR2 variants that were pharmacologically characterized by in vitro experiments to evaluate how these variants can affect signaling pathway or receptor membrane traslocation. Moreover, with expression and knockdown experiments, we identified the zebrafish PROKR2 human ortholog and generate a new in vivo model, that will be important in order to unravel the precise role of the prokineticin pathway in the pathogenesis of CHH

    Problem of Integration with Respect to Unbounded Measures on the Set of Projections

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    We note if j is a normal weight on M, then is a measure on projections and if a measure on projections can be extended to a normal weight, then the problem of constructing an integral with respect to this measure reduces to the problem of constructing an integral with respect to the weight. We therefore present several methods of constructing noncommutative integration which gives a survey of the contemporary state of the theory in the von Neumann algebra (M) with respect to weightj. For every aÎ [0,1], the Banach space is isometrically isomorphic to the space Lp(t) and the space is, by definition, the Banach space completion of  in the norm .We construct the scale of Lp(j) spaces  with respect to a faithful normal semifinite (f.n.s.) weight j on a von Neumann algebra M. These spaces are realized by operators. This is achieved by extending the original algebra M, and the Hilbert space where M originally acted is altered, as well. In the construction of the scale, the concept of an operator-valued weight is used. We discuss the problem of integration with respect to measures on projections which remains open for unbounded measures (m(1) = +¥) and their structure has been studied only for the algebra ?(?). Keywords: Von Neumann algebra, Faithful normal semifinite trace (f.n.s.)t, weight, isometrically isomorphic, projections, Banach spaces and Lp-space

    Noise gates for decoherent quantum circuits

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    A major problem in exploiting microscopic systems for developing a new technology based on the principles of Quantum Information is the influence of noise which tends to work against the quantum features of such systems. It becomes then crucial to understand how noise affects the evolution of quantum circuits: several techniques have been proposed among which stochastic differential equations (SDEs) can represent a very convenient tool. We show how SDEs naturally map any Markovian noise into a linear operator, which we will call a noise gate, acting on the wave function describing the state of the circuit, and we will discuss some examples. We shall see that these gates can be manipulated like any standard quantum gate, thus simplifying in certain circumstances the task of computing the overall effect of the noise at each stage of the protocol. This approach yields equivalent results to those derived from the Lindblad equation; yet, as we show, it represents a handy and fast tool for performing computations, and moreover, it allows for fast numerical simulations and generalizations to non Markovian noise. In detail we review the depolarizing channel and the generalized amplitude damping channel in terms of this noise gate formalism and show how these techniques can be applied to any quantum circuit.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures: journal reference added + some typos correcte
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