22 research outputs found

    On Isomorphism Between Certain Group Algebras on the Heisenberg Group

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    Let IHn denote the (2n + 1)-dimensional Heisenberg group and let K be a compact subgroup of Aut(IHn); the group of automorphisms of IHn. We prove that the algebra of radial functions on IHn and the algebra of spherical functions arising from the Gelfand pairs of the form (K, IHn) are algebraically isomorphic.Пусть IHn обозначает (2n+1)-мерную группу Гейзенберга, а K - компактную подгруппу Aut(IHn), группу автоморфизмов IHn. Доказано, что алгебра радиальных функций на IHn и алгебра сферических функций, возникающих из пар Гельфанда вида (K, IHn), являются алгебраически изоморфными

    Acetylcholine and Rivastigmine as Corrosion Inhibitors of Cu – Sn - Zn – Pb Alloy in Hydrochloric Acid Environment: DFT & Electrochemical Approach

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    The study on the action of Acetylcholine and Rivastigmine as Corrosion Inhibitors of Cu – Sn - Zn – Pb Alloy in Hydrochloric Acid Environment was carried out using density functional theory, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, Potentiodynamic polarization, Scanning electron microscopy and weight loss. The result revealed that both Acetylcholine and Rivastigmine expired drugs were good inhibitors of Cu – Sn - Zn – Pb Alloy in Hydrochloric Acid Environment. This was confirmed from results of weight loss (99.1 % and 95.0 %), electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) (92.5 % and 91.8 %), and Potentiodynamic polarization (97.4 % and 87.1 %). Both inhibitors were able to increase the charge transfer resistance and corrosion current densities of the electrical solution and reduce the double layer capacitance of the metal – solution interface. Inhibition was as a result of adsorption of inhibitor molecules on the Cu – Sn - Zn – Pb surface. Thermodynamically, inhibitors showed greater stability on metal surface, spontaneous in the forward direction and reduction in level of disorderliness. Inhibitors demonstrated a mixed type inhibition while physical adsorption mechanism was proposed for the inhibitor – metal interaction. Langmuir adsorption isotherm was obeyed as data fitted adequately to the isotherm and regression coefficient was approximately unity. A monolayer adsorption was deduces

    Anatomical Investigation of Leaves of Sida L. in Uyo, Nigeria and the Taxonomic Implications

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    Micromorphological features of the leaves of eight common species of Sida in Uyo, Nigeria were examined, in order to determine the taxonomic relationship between them. Plant samples were randomly collected from four locations in Uyo metropolis for investigation. The leaves were hypoamphistomatic and the stomata anisocytic. Abaxial epidermal cells had undulating anticlinal walls except in S. stipulata. Abnormal stomata were found only in S. stipulata.. Druses, hydropoten cells and Trichomes occurred in all the species. Trichomes of S. stipulata were the shortest (30µm). Glandular trichomes occurred on the abaxial epidermis in all the species except Sida sp. where they were found on both adaxial and abaxial surfaces. The Stomatal Index (S.I.) was highest in S. scabrida (25%) and least in S. stipulata (18%). Unicellular trichome density was higher than other trichomes in all the species except in Sida sp. with a higher density of glandular and stellate trichomes. Striae were observed in all the species. S. stipulata differs from the other species probably due to environmental factors while Sida sp. is a possible new species or a hybrid whose parents can be determined by further investigations

    Salivary gland tumour of the lip: report of two cases and literature review

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    A research article on rare tumors affecting the salivary gland (SGTS).Salivary gland tumours (SGT'S) are uncommon; they represent 2.4% of head and neck neoplasm and include tumours affecting both major and minor salivary glands. The glands are divided into major and minor salivary gland categories. The major salivary glands are the parotid, submandibular and sublingual glands. The minor glands are dispersed throughout the upper aerodigestive submucosa (palate, tongue, lip, pharynx, nasopharynx, larynx, parapharyngeal space) and anatomical parts; skin, muscle and mucous membrane with numerous salivary glands in the submucosa. Pleomorphic adenomas (benign mixed tumours) are the most common benign SGT and comprise 85% of all salivary gland neoplasms. However, the incidence of SGT'S is claimed to be influenced by geographic and racial factors. African reports suggest a pattern that significantly differs from that of western countries. The ubiquitous deposits of the minor salivary glands complicate the diagnosis and management

    Effects of group size and floor-space allowance on growth performance and body components of wean-to-finish pigs in the tropical environment

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    Ninety large white x landrace crossbred weaners pigs with average body weights of 10.00±0.05kg 42 days of age were randomly assigned to three floor-spaces of 4.40m2, 5.50m2 and 6.60m2 with three group sizes of 8, 10 and 12 pigs, respectively. The feeding  was done with weaner ration (20% CP, 3500 kcal/kg ME), finisher  ration (16% CP, 3000Kcal/1kg ME) and water was given ad libitum. The average daily body gain (ADBGs and feed: gain ratio were 0.222kg, 0.208kg, 0.180kg and 8.42, 9.13, 9.72 for group size of 8, 10 and 12 pigs, respectively. Pigs in group sizes 8 and floor-space 4.40m2 were significantly (P<0.05) higher in daily weight gain, final body weight, feed intake and feed:gain ratio compared to the other group sizes 10 and 12, and floor-spaces 5.50m2 and 6.60m2. Again, pigs in group size 8 and floor-space 4.40m2 were significantly (p<0.05) higher in final gain and percent (%) gain on body length (BDL), body circumference (BDC), heart girth (HEG), ham length (HAL) and height-at-withers (HAW) . Based on these results, group size and floor-space allowance could be of great scientific guide to pig farmers in designing and improving breeding  performance as well as commercial pig rearing in the tropics. It is however, recommended that the research be carried out on a larger scale to cater for commercial pig farmers in the tropics. Keywords: Growth, group size, floor-space, wean-to-finish pigs, tropic