158 research outputs found

    Greggi e mandrie fra termalismo e profezia

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    Starting from the survey of thermo-mineral sites from the Roman age in the Italian peninsula, this article aims at interpreting some examples of animal ex-votos found among the offerings in some ancient healing stations, as thanksgiving for the animals’ recovery. Such hypothesis is based both on archaeological and epigraphic data, and on post-ancient historical evidences, as well as on legends and pseudoetymology, and on elements pertaining to transhumance. Finally, such objects are set within a frame of reference on worship, inspired by the documentation on Apollo’s shrine at Delphi.A partire dal censimento dei siti termominerali di età romana attestati nella penisola italiana, l’articolo propone di interpretare alcuni esempi di ex voto animali, presenti fra i votivi di alcune stazioni curative antiche, come doni di ringraziamento per una guarigione degli animali stessi. Tale ipotesi si basa sia su dati archeologici ed epigrafici, sia su testimonianze storiche post-antiche, sia su leggende e paraetimologie, sia infine su elementi relativi alla transumanza. Si offre infine un quadro di riferimento cultuale cui inserire tali oggetti, traendo spunto dalla documentazione relativa al santuario di Apollo a Delfi

    New evidence of a Roman road in the Venice Lagoon (Italy) based on high resolution seafloor reconstruction

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    This study provides new evidence of the presence of an ancient Roman road in correspondence to a paleobeach ridge now submerged in the Venice Lagoon (Italy). New high resolution underwater seafloor data shed new light on the significance of the Roman remains in the lagoon. The interpretation of the data through archive and geo-archaeological research allowed a threedimensional architectural reconstruction of the Roman road. The presence of the ancient Roman road confirms the hypothesis of a stable system of Roman settlements in the Venice Lagoon. The study highlights the significance of this road in the broader context of the Roman transport system, demonstrating once more the Roman ability to adapt and to handle complex dynamic environments that were often radically different from today

    Filologia delle immagini

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    Engramma no. 195, “Filologia delle immagini”, edited by Maddalena Bassani, Concetta Cataldo, and Roberto Indovina, is a reflection on the iconography of myth and its re-elaboration on figured ceramics through the textual mediation of theatre. The essays here included explore the relationship between texts and images. The contributions by Concetta Cataldo, Antonio Maria Draià and Miriam Sabatucci are linked to the theme of “Pots & Plays” and accordingly analyze the interactions between Greek theatrical texts and vase painting of the fifth and the fourth centuries BC. Mariagrazia Ciani presents a review of Francesca Ghedini’s volume dedicated to history through images in the ancient world. We also include an interview with the actresses of the 2022 theatrical season and an update of the list of classic dramas performed by the Istituto Nazionale del Dramma Antico (INDA – National Institute of Ancient Drama) from 1914 to 2022 in Syracuse. Finally, a presentation of the exhibition “Argilla. Storie di viaggi. Un itinerario scientifico e didattico fra mari e millenni”, in Vicenza

    On how technology-powered storytelling can contribute to cultural heritage sustainability across multiple venues-Evidence from the crosscult H2020 project

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    Sustainability in Cultural Heritage (CH) is a complex question that needs to be addressed by a group of experts tackling the different issues. In this light, the present work wishes to provide a multi-level analysis of the sustainability in CH, using as an example a recent European H2020 project (CrossCult) and the lessons learnt from its design, implementation and evaluation. The sustainability of CH has qualitatively changed over the last few years, under the developments in digital technology that seems to affect the very nature of the cultural experience. We discuss sustainability in venues using digital technologies, covering a span of needs of small/unknown and large/popular venues, which try to enhance the visitor experience, attract visitors, form venue networks, etc. Moreover, we explore issues of sustainability of digital content and its re usability through holistic design. Aspects of technology, human networks and data sustainability are also presented, and we conclude with the arguments concerning the sustainability of visitor reflection, the interpretation of social and historical phenomena and the creation of meaning.This research was funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 693150. The authors from the University of Vigo got further support from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Galician Regional Government under agreement for funding the AtlantTIC Research Center for Information and Communication Technologies, as well as the Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Gobierno de España) research project TIN2017-87604-R

    Technology-Powered Strategies to Rethink the Pedagogy of History and Cultural Heritage through Symmetries and Narratives

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    Recent advances in semantic web and deep learning technologies enable new means for the computational analysis of vast amounts of information from the field of digital humanities. We discuss how some of the techniques can be used to identify historical and cultural symmetries between different characters, locations, events or venues, and how these can be harnessed to develop new strategies to promote intercultural and cross-border aspects that support the teaching and learning of history and heritage. The strategies have been put to the test in the context of the European project CrossCult, revealing enormous potential to encourage curiosity to discover new information and increase retention of learned informatio

    Danae fondatrice di Ardea. Note per una ricerca

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    The article aims at analysing the role of Dana\ueb in the Latin town of Ardea and in the Latium vetus starting from a \u2018local\u2019 variation of the Greek myth. In particular, thanks to an in-depth reading of specific Latin sources and to a reconsideration of the archaeological remains in Ardea, some hypotheses about the cultural and religious context in which the Latin myth of Dana\ueb took place are proposed. The \u2018westerner version\u2019 of the myth of Dana\ueb could be emphasized during the Hellenistic phase with new semantic meanings and it could be reused in the Augustan age for specific \u2018dynastic\u2019 purposes

    Bunker ante litteram : architettura domestiche in sottosuolo di epoca romana

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    The article offers an overview on rooms and buildings underground, realized as real secluded and hidden places similar to ‘bunker ante litteram’ to shelter from the summer heat, to be with few people, to carry out worship and work activities, but also as places to have a relaxing walk, often reproducing in the subsoil the same decorative luxury guaranteed to the rooms built on the surface. A dialogue between the archaeological documentation and some literary sources allows us to perceive the breadth of a predominantly Roman building phenomenon, that at the end of Antiquity, in the eyes of new Christian beliefs, still appeared extraordinary and therefore dangerously fascinating