4,089 research outputs found

    Upsilon Dissociation in Quark-Gluon Plasma

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    I consider the dissociation of the upsilon meson due to absorption of a thermal gluon. I discuss the dissociation rate in terms of the energy density, the number density, and the temperature of the quark-gluon plasma. I compare this to the effect due to screening.Comment: 5 pages, added calculations on screening; added figur

    Spin-transfer torques in anti-ferromagnetic metals from first principles

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    In spite of the absence of a macroscopic magnetic moment, an anti-ferromagnet is spin-polarized on an atomic scale. The electric current passing through a conducting anti-ferromagnet is polarized as well, leading to spin-transfer torques when the order parameter is textured, such as in anti-ferromagnetic non-collinear spin valves and domain walls. We report a first principles study on the electronic transport properties of anti-ferromagnetic systems. The current-induced spin torques acting on the magnetic moments are comparable with those in conventional ferromagnetic materials, leading to measurable angular resistances and current-induced magnetization dynamics. In contrast to ferromagnets, spin torques in anti-ferromagnets are very nonlocal. The torques acting far away from the center of an anti-ferromagnetic domain wall should facilitate current-induced domain wall motion.Comment: The paper has substantially been rewritten, 4 pages, 5 figure

    Photon-assisted scattering and magnetoconductivity oscillations in a strongly correlated 2D electron system formed on the surface of liquid helium

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    The influence of strong internal forces on photon-assisted scattering and on the displacement mechanism of magnetoconductivity oscillations in a two-dimensional (2D) electron gas is theoretically studied. The theory is applied to the highly correlated system of surface electrons on liquid helium under conditions that the microwave frequency is substantially different from inter-subband resonance frequencies. A strong dependence of the amplitude of magnetoconductivity oscillations on the electron density is established. The possibility of experimental observation of such oscillations caused by photon-assisted scattering is discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Beat-wave generation of plasmons in semiconductor plasmas

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    It is shown that in semiconductor plasmas, it is possible to generate large amplitude plasma waves by the beating of two laser beams with frequency difference close to the plasma frequency. For narrow gap semiconductors (for example n-type InSb), the system can simulate the physics underlying beat wave generation in relativistic gaseous plasmas.Comment: 11 pages, LaTex, no figures, no macro

    Local Thermal and Chemical Equilibration and the Equation of State in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions

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    Thermodynamical variables and their time evolution are studied for central relativistic heavy ion collisions from 10.7 to 160 AGeV in the microscopic Ultrarelativistic Quantum Molecular Dynamics model (UrQMD). The UrQMD model exhibits drastic deviations from equilibrium during the early high density phase of the collision. Local thermal and chemical equilibration of the hadronic matter seems to be established only at later stages of the quasi- isentropic expansion in the central reaction cell with volume 125 fm3^{3}. distributions at all collision energies for t10fm/ct\geq 10 fm/c with a unique Baryon energy spectra in this cell are approximately reproduced by Boltzmann rapidly dropping temperature. At these times the equation of state has a simple form: P(0.120.15)ϵP \cong (0.12-0.15) \epsilon. At 160 AGeV the strong deviation from chemical equilibrium is found for mesons, especially for pions, even at the late stage of the reaction. The final enhancement of pions is supported by experimental data.Comment: 17 Pages, LaTex, 8 eps figures. Talk given at SQM'98 conference, 20-24 July 1998, Padova, Italy, submitted to J. Phys.

    Chemical freeze-out parameters at RHIC from microscopic model calculations

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    The relaxation of hot nuclear matter to an equilibrated state in the central zone of heavy-ion collisions at energies from AGS to RHIC is studied within the microscopic UrQMD model. It is found that the system reaches the (quasi)equilibrium stage for the period of 10-15 fm/cc. Within this time the matter in the cell expands nearly isentropically with the entropy to baryon ratio S/A=150170S/A = 150 - 170. Thermodynamic characteristics of the system at AGS and at SPS energies at the endpoints of this stage are very close to the parameters of chemical and thermal freeze-out extracted from the thermal fit to experimental data. Predictions are made for the full RHIC energy s=200\sqrt{s} = 200 AGeV. The formation of a resonance-rich state at RHIC energies is discussed.Comment: Talk at the conference Quark Matter'2001, 4 pages, to appear in Nucl. Phys.

    Controllable pi junction with magnetic nanostructures

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    We propose a novel Josephson device in which 0 and π\pi states are controlled by an electrical current. In this system, the π\pi state appears in a superconductor/normal metal/superconductor junction due to the non-local spin accumulation in the normal metal which is induced by spin injection from a ferromagnetic electrode. Our proposal offers not only new possibilities for application of superconducting spin-electronic devices but also the in-depth understanding of the spin-dependent phenomena in magnetic nanostructures.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Slow imbalance relaxation and thermoelectric transport in graphene

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    We compute the electronic component of the thermal conductivity (TC) and the thermoelectric power (TEP) of monolayer graphene, within the hydrodynamic regime, taking into account the slow rate of carrier population imbalance relaxation. Interband electron-hole generation and recombination processes are inefficient due to the non-decaying nature of the relativistic energy spectrum. As a result, a population imbalance of the conduction and valence bands is generically induced upon the application of a thermal gradient. We show that the thermoelectric response of a graphene monolayer depends upon the ratio of the sample length to an intrinsic length scale l_Q, set by the imbalance relaxation rate. At the same time, we incorporate the crucial influence of the metallic contacts required for the thermopower measurement (under open circuit boundary conditions), since carrier exchange with the contacts also relaxes the imbalance. These effects are especially pronounced for clean graphene, where the thermoelectric transport is limited exclusively by intercarrier collisions. For specimens shorter than l_Q, the population imbalance extends throughout the sample; the TC and TEP asymptote toward their zero imbalance relaxation limits. In the opposite limit of a graphene slab longer than l_Q, at non-zero doping the TC and TEP approach intrinsic values characteristic of the infinite imbalance relaxation limit. Samples of intermediate (long) length in the doped (undoped) case are predicted to exhibit an inhomogeneous temperature profile, whilst the TC and TEP grow linearly with the system size. In all cases except for the shortest devices, we develop a picture of bulk electron and hole number currents that flow between thermally conductive leads, where steady-state recombination and generation processes relax the accumulating imbalance.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    A Calculation of Baryon Diffusion Constant in Hot and Dense Hadronic Matter Based on an Event Generator URASiMA

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    We evaluate thermodynamical quantities and transport coefficients of a dense and hot hadronic matter based on an event generator URASiMA (Ultra-Relativistic AA collision Simulator based on Multiple Scattering Algorithm). The statistical ensembles in equilibrium with fixed temperature and chemical potential are generated by imposing periodic boundary condition to the simulation of URASiMA, where energy density and baryon number density is conserved. Achievement of the thermal equilibrium and the chemical equilibrium are confirmed by the common value of slope parameter in the energy distributions and the saturation of the numbers of contained particles, respectively. By using the generated ensembles, we investigate the temperature dependence and the chemical potential dependence of the baryon diffusion constant of a dense and hot hadronic matter.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, LaTeX2

    Bremsstrahlung from a Microscopic Model of Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions

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    We compute bremsstrahlung arising from the acceleration of individual charged baryons and mesons during the time evolution of high-energy Au+Au collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider using a microscopic transport model. We elucidate the connection between bremsstrahlung and charge stopping by colliding artificial pure proton on pure neutron nuclei. From the intensity of low energy bremsstrahlung, the time scale and the degree of stopping could be accurately extracted without measuring any hadronic observables.Comment: 25 pages using revtex with 9 embedded EPS figures, modified somewhat the discussion on the method in sect. II B, to appear in Phys. Rev.