34 research outputs found


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    Tulisan ini menyajikan studi tentang lanskap pada situs gua-gua yang memiliki gambar dari masa prasejarah. Gua-gua prasejarah di bagian selatan Pulau Sulawesi merupakan kawasan gua dengan karakter lukisan telapak tangan dan fauna. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada lukisan fauna dan lanskap budaya. Metode yang digunakan diantaranya mengumpulkan hasil penelitian lukisan di wilayah ini kemudian mengklasifikasi jenis lukisan fauna dan keletakan situs berlukis tersebut dalam peta dengan menggunakan software GIS. Software ini juga digunakan untuk menghitung jarak situs terdekat dan terjauh dengan pantai di masa Pleistosen.  Hasil identifikasi berdasarkan lukisan fauna, pola sebaran gua dan lingkungan masa lalu menjelaskan bahwa kawasan gua-gua prasejarah di bagian selatan Sulawesi merupakan lanskap budaya yang telah diokupasi oleh dua kelompok identitas yang berbeda berdasarkan karakter lukisannya

    A reassessment of the early archaeological record at Leang Burung 2, a Late Pleistocene rock-shelter site on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi

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    This paper presents a reassessment of the archaeological record at Leang Burung 2, a key early human occupation site in the Late Pleistocene of Southeast Asia. Excavated originally by Ian Glover in 1975, this limestone rock-shelter in the Maros karsts of Sulawesi, Indonesia, has long held significance in our understanding of early human dispersals into ‘Wallacea’, the vast zone of oceanic islands between continental Asia and Australia. We present new stratigraphic information and dating evidence from Leang Burung 2 collected during the course of our excavations at this site in 2007 and 2011–13. Our findings suggest that the classic Late Pleistocene modern human occupation sequence identified previously at Leang Burung 2, and proposed to span around 31,000 to 19,000 conventional 14C years BP (~35–24 ka cal BP), may actually represent an amalgam of reworked archaeological materials. Sources for cultural materials of mixed ages comprise breccias from the rear wall of the rock-shelter–remnants of older, eroded deposits dated to 35–23 ka cal BP–and cultural remains of early Holocene antiquity. Below the upper levels affected by the mass loss of Late Pleistocene deposits, our deep-trench excavations uncovered evidence for an earlier hominin presence at the site. These findings include fossils of now-extinct proboscideans and other ‘megafauna’ in stratified context, as well as a cobble-based stone artifact technology comparable to that produced by late Middle Pleistocene hominins elsewhere on Sulawesi

    Artefak Batu Preneolitik Situs Leang Jarie: bukti teknologi Maros point tertua di kawasan budaya Toalean, Sulawesi Selatan

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    The Preneolithic Stone Artefact of Leang Jarie Site: The Oldest Evidence of Maros Point  Technology in the Toalean Culture Region, South Sulawesi. Maros Point is one type of flake tool that shows characteristics of the techno-complex Toalean from South Sulawesi. Early emergence of the Toalean Culture phase is still debated, but most experts agree that this tool only appeared no more than 4000 years ago and is positioned include with pottery or Neolithic period. The Maros Point is considered to be made by the early occupants of Sulawesi after the arrival and contact with Austronesian speakers migration in South Sulawesi. The problem is that the results of the latest research are contrary to previous opinions. This paper aims to show new evidence of excavation at the Leang Jarie Site, as the oldest Maros Point technology ca. 8,000 years ago in the Toalean Cultural Region. Maros Point is made simpler with the support flake without using reduction pattern of flake-blade technology. Flakes with an asymmetrical shape can also be utilized as long as it have a pointed and thin tip. The "backed" retouched technique is also used to maximize flakes with steep sharp edges. Thus, the phase of Toalean Culture compiled by previous studies needs to be reviewed and the presence of Maros Points can no longer be used as a marker of the youngest phase. Maros Point is produced from the early holocene or Preneolithic Period and has possibility its continuation until Neolithic period.Maros Point adalah salah satu tipe alat serpih yang menunjukkan karakteristik teknokompleks budaya Toalean dari Sulawesi Selatan. Awal munculnya masih diperdebatkan. Namun, sebagian besar ahli sepakat bahwa alat ini baru muncul tidak lebih dari 4.000 tahun yang lalu dan diposisikan sekonteks dengan tembikar atau masa neolitik. Maros Point dianggap dibuat oleh penghuni awal Sulawesi setelah kedatangan dan kontak dengan migrasi penutur Austronesia di Sulawesi Selatan. Permasalahannya adalah hasil penelitian terbaru justru bertentangan dengan pendapat sebelumnya. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menunjukkan bukti baru dari penggalian di situs  Leang Jarie, sebagai teknologi Maros Point paling tua berumur ca. 8.000 tahun lalu di kawasan budaya Toalean. Maros Point dari masa preneolitik dibuat lebih sederhana dengan dukungan serpih tanpa harus menggunakan pola penyerpihan teknologi serpih bilah. Serpih dengan bentuk yang tidak simetris pun dapat dimanfaatkan selama memiliki ujung runcing dan tipis. Teknik peretusan “dipunggungkan” juga digunakan untuk memaksimal serpih dengan tepian tajaman yang terjal. Dengan demikian, fase budaya Toalean yang disusun oleh penelitian sebelumnya perlu ditinjau ulang dan kehadiran Maros Point tidak bisa lagi dijadikan sebagai penanda fase paling muda. Maros Point diproduksi dari awal holosen atau preneolitik dan mungkin terus berlanjut hingga masa neolitik

    A reassessment of the early archaeological record at Leang Burung 2, a Late Pleistocene rock-shelter site on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi

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    This paper presents a reassessment of the archaeological record at Leang Burung 2, a key early human occupation site in the Late Pleistocene of Southeast Asia. Excavated originally by Ian Glover in 1975, this limestone rock-shelter in the Maros karsts of Sulawesi, Indonesia, has long held significance in our understanding of early human dispersals into \u27Wallacea\u27, the vast zone of oceanic islands between continental Asia and Australia. We present new stratigraphic information and dating evidence from Leang Burung 2 collected during the course of our excavations at this site in 2007 and 2011-13. Our findings suggest that the classic Late Pleistocene modern human occupation sequence identified previously at Leang Burung 2, and proposed to span around 31,000 to 19,000 conventional 14C years BP (~35-24 ka cal BP), may actually represent an amalgam of reworked archaeological materials. Sources for cultural materials of mixed ages comprise breccias from the rear wall of the rock-shelter-remnants of older, eroded deposits dated to 35-23 ka cal BP-and cultural remains of early Holocene antiquity. Below the upper levels affected by the mass loss of Late Pleistocene deposits, our deep-trench excavations uncovered evidence for an earlier hominin presence at the site. These findings include fossils of now-extinct proboscideans and other \u27megafauna\u27 in stratified context, as well as a cobble-based stone artifact technology comparable to that produced by late Middle Pleistocene hominins elsewhere on Sulawesi

    A reassessment of the early archaeological record at Leang Burung 2, a Late Pleistocene rock-shelter site on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi

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    This paper presents a reassessment of the archaeological record at Leang Burung 2, a key early human occupation site in the Late Pleistocene of Southeast Asia. Excavated originally by Ian Glover in 1975, this limestone rock-shelter in the Maros karsts of Sulawesi, Indonesia, has long held significance in our understanding of early human dispersals into 'Wallacea', the vast zone of oceanic islands between continental Asia and Australia. We present new stratigraphic information and dating evidence from Leang Burung 2 collected during the course of our excavations at this site in 2007 and 2011-13. Our findings suggest that the classic Late Pleistocene modern human occupation sequence identified previously at Leang Burung 2, and proposed to span around 31,000 to 19,000 conventional 14C years BP (~35-24 ka cal BP), may actually represent an amalgam of reworked archaeological materials. Sources for cultural materials of mixed ages comprise breccias from the rear wall of the rock-shelter-remnants of older, eroded deposits dated to 35-23 ka cal BP-and cultural remains of early Holocene antiquity. Below the upper levels affected by the mass loss of Late Pleistocene deposits, our deep-trench excavations uncovered evidence for an earlier hominin presence at the site. These findings include fossils of now-extinct proboscideans and other 'megafauna' in stratified context, as well as a cobble-based stone artifact technology comparable to that produced by late Middle Pleistocene hominins elsewhere on Sulawesi


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    City as center of agglomeration is an important parameter to measure the growth of a region. The completion of facilities and infrastructure will invite people to stay. So that, the annual population growth become unaviodable. By the growth of population, the public utility and settlement requirement also progressively increase which also implicatese on wider land re­quirement level. Karebosi's Revitalization Project as the answer of Makassar's City Government on society's the need on facilities, in its implementation apparently ignore contained historical points at in it. Since its early development on 16th October 2007, have evoked conflicts of a variety the interested parties. Makassar's City Government who give management rights to PT. Tosan Permai up to 30 year gets lampooning of a variety party, such from the public, academician, NGOs, Cultural Concerned Institution (Provincial Beurau of Tourism and BPPP) and environment observer. This writing tries to see Karebosi as one place which have historical point but haven't gotten law protection corresponds to that affixed on Law No. 5 years 1992 about Cultural Pledge Object.Kota sebagai pusat aglomerasi adalah parameter penting untuk mengukur pertumbuhan suatu daerah. Selesainya fasilitas dan infrastruktur akan mengundang orang untuk berkunjung. Dengan demikian, pertumbuhan populasi tahunan menjadi tidak dapat diubah. Dengan pertumbuhan populasi, kebutuhan utilitas publik dan pemukiman juga semakin meningkat yang juga berimplikasi pada tingkat permintaan lahan yang lebih luas. Proyek Revitalisasi Karebosi sebagai jawaban Pemerintah Kota Makassar tentang kebutuhan masyarakat akan fasilitas, dalam implementasinya nampaknya mengabaikan poin sejarah yang terkandung di dalamnya. Sejak awal pengembangannya pada 16 Oktober 2007, telah menimbulkan konflik dari berbagai pihak yang berkepentingan. Pemerintah Kota Makassar yang memberikan hak pengelolaan kepada PT. Tosan Permai hingga 30 tahun mendapatkan lamponing dari berbagai pihak, seperti dari publik, akademisi, LSM, Lembaga Peduli Budaya (Beurau Pariwisata dan BPPP) dan pengamat lingkungan. Tulisan ini mencoba melihat Karebosi sebagai salah satu tempat yang memiliki titik sejarah tetapi belum mendapatkan perlindungan hukum sesuai dengan yang tercantum pada UU No. 5 tahun 1992 tentang Objek Sumpah Budaya


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    Eksplorasi yang telah dilakukan di Jeneponto diperoleh sebaran makam Islam kuno pada sepuluh situs dengan variabilitas temuan makam yang sangat kompleks. Hubungan yang tampak jelas antara bentuk jirat, nisan dan ragam hias menunjukkan bahwa semakin besar dan tinggi ukuran jirat dan semakin variatif ragam hias suatu makam, maka tokoh yang dimakamkan memiliki strata yang tinggi pula. Bentuk jirat dengan varian ragam hias tidak berkorelasi positif terhadap bentuk jirat untuk melihat strata sosial orang yang dimakamkan. Hubungan bentuk jirat dengan bentuk nisan memperlihatkan bahwa pemakaian bentuk nisan paling banyak pada jirat monolit bersusun dua disusul dengan jirat bersusun tiga. Khusus untuk nisan menhir hanya digunakan pada makam tanpa jirat atau jirat yang tersusun dari batu-batu alam. Tampaknya tidak ada pola yang jelas mengenai penggunaan bentuk-bentuk nisan terhadap bentuk-bentuk jirat. Demikian pula dengan sistem ideologi, terlihat bahwa di daerah Jeaeponto, walaupun kepercayaan yang dianut sebelum adanya Islam, namun masih terlihat adanya unsur-unsur pra-Islam yang teraktualisasi pada bentuk makam, nisan dan ragam hias sebagai akibat adanya proses akulturasi dua unsur budaya. Exploration has been done in Jeneponto was obtained distributions of moslem ancient tombs at ten sites with variability of the tomb findings are very complex. The apparent relationship between the form of sepulcher, tombstones and ornaments show that the larger and height and the more varied decoration of a tomb, then the figures are buried have a higher strata as well. Sepulcher with a variant form of ornamentation is not positively correlated with the form of sepulcher to see the social strata of people are buried. Relationship of sepulcher and tombstone shows that the use of tombstones are most on a monolithic with composition of two, followed with a three one. Especially for menhir, it is used only for tombs without sepulcher or sepulcher that is composed of natural stones. It seems there is no clear pattern regarding the use of grave forms on sepulcher forms. Similarly with ideological system, shows that in Jeneponto area, although the beliefs held prior to Islam, but still visible presence of elements of pre-Islamic which actualized in the form of graves, tombstones and various ornaments as a result of the acculturation process of the two elements of culture

    Technology, subsistence strategies and diversity in South Sulawesi, Indonesia, during the Toalean Mid-Holocene period: recent advances in research

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    The central Indonesian island of Sulawesi has played an important role in modern and pre-modern human migration through the Southeast Asian island chain.  Over the last two decades, archaeological excavations in South Sulawesi have provided new insights into the ancient human past of this region, in particular the extensive Mid-Holocene or ‘Toalean’ sites, as well as several significant Pleistocene-age discoveries.  This paper assesses the latest research and what implications these works have for prior models of human prehistory in the region.  We show that recent studies have revealed that Toalean-era toolmakers were able to adapt to different environments and raw material sources, but would also transport desired raw materials for production of certain artefact types.  Early quarry sites have also been identified for the first time.  In addition, new excavations have revealed complex tool forms in forested highland environments, previously thought to hold only sparse and elementary assemblages, allowing us to re-assess twentieth century models of Toalean cultural subgroups and distribution.  The rich parietal art initially attributed to the Toalean has now been dated to the Late Pleistocene, roughly contemporaneous with the production of ‘portable art’ in this region, while lithic artefacts dated to between at least 194-118 thousand years ago at Talepu appear to predate modern Homo sapiens occupation.  Two newly reported highland sites have also yielded rich and deeply stratified archaeological deposits. These may offer the best opportunity to test hypotheses such as the transitional ‘Ceramic Toalean’ contact phase, as site disturbance and subsistence have formerly compromised the stratigraphic integrity of most excavations.  This review shows that, while much work is still needed particularly in obtaining a reliable body of well-stratified and reliable dates, recent research presents an image of early innovation in the region in the form of Late Pleistocene ‘art’ production and Mid-Holocene technological developments that are both earlier and more extensive that previously known