206 research outputs found

    The role of arginine and endothelial nitric oxide synthase in the pathogenesis of Covid-19 complicated by metabolic syndrome

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    This literature review presents the role of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) and nitric oxide (NO), as well as arginine, the enzyme substrate, in the disease of metabolic syndrome and COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2 virus). Metabolic syndrome is a combination of obesity, insulin resistance, hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia and hypertension. It has been shown that in elderly people, patients with obesity, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2), and patients with COVID-19, endothelial dysfunction (ED) and vascular endothelial activation are detected. ED is the main cause of a number of pathological conditions during the development of COVID-19 and earlier in patients with metabolic syndrome, while a sharp drop in the level of nitric oxide (NO) is detected due to a decrease in the expression and activity of eNO synthase and enzyme depletion, which leads to a violation of the integrity of bloodvessels, that is, to vasoconstrictive, inflammatory and thrombotic conditions, followed by ischemia of organs and edema of tissues. It should be noted that metabolic syndrome, DM2, hypertension and obesity, in particular, are age-related diseases, and it is known that blood glucose levels increase with age, which reduces the bioavailability of NO in endothelial cells. Defects in the metabolism of NO cause dysfunction in the pulmonary blood vessels, the level of NO decreases, which leads to impaired lung function and coagulopathy. The review presents possible mechanisms of these disorders associated with ED, the release of eNO synthase, changes in phosphorylation and regulation of enzyme activity, as well as insulin resistance. A modern view of the role of the polymorphism of the eNO synthase gene in the development of these pathologies is presented. To increase the level of endothelial NO, drugs are offered that regulate the bioavailability of NO. These include arginine, agonist NO – minoxidil, steroid hormones, statins, metformin. However, further research and clinical trials are needed to develop treatment strategies that increase NO levels in the endothelium

    Semantic Motivation of Nominative Relatives as a Problem of Modern Lexicograph

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    The question of the semantic motivation of denominative relatives — significant units in the prepositional function is raised in the article. The influence on the volume and structure of the lexical part of the meaning of denominative relatives and their adverbial homonyms of the same semes inherited from the deriving name is comprehended. Peculiarities of semantization of adverbial and prepositional meanings are considered on the examples of relatives as a result and bypassing. It is proved that the ambiguity of ideas about semantic motivation largely determines the non-systematic fixation of homonymous service and significant units in dictionaries: adverbs are interpreted mainly through only one synonym and do not have a descriptive component in the definition, while prepositions are characterized by more detailed descriptive-synonymous definitions, including at least two partial synonyms. The analysis of dictionary entries and materials of the National Corpus of the Russian allows us to conclude that denominative relatives have a more complexly organized lexical part of the meaning than homonymous adverbs with the same generating base. It has been established that with the expansion of the system of meanings of a service language unit, there is a simplification of the seme composition of each individual meaning

    Neuronal nitric oxide synthases in the pathogenesis of metabolic syndrome

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    The study of the molecular mechanisms of metabolic syndrome (MS) and its complications are among the most acute problems of modern endocrinology. Functional changes in the expression, activity, and regulatory properties of neuronal NO synthase (nNOS), which catalyzes the formation of the most important secondary mediator, nitric oxide (NO), and its dependent NO/cGMP signaling pathways in the brain, myocardium, and skeletal muscles, play a key role among the molecular causes of MS. In the brain, nNOS is associated with NMDA receptors, the hyperactivation of which in MS leads to excessive stimulation of nNOS and hyperproduction of NO, which leads to NO-induced damage to neurons and disruption of the central regulation of physiological processes and neurodegeneration. In the myocardium with MS, there are changes in the expression and localization of nNOS, as well as its functional interaction with cytoskeletal proteins, which leads to disorders of myocardial contraction and hypertrophy. In skeletal muscles, nNOS controls their contraction, oxidative metabolism, is involved in the regulation of vascular relaxation, and also participates in the regulation of glucose transport. A decrease in the expression and activity of nNOS, as well as dysregulation of its activity in MS, cause disturbances of these processes and make a significant contribution to the development of insulin resistance and deterioration of glucose homeostasis. Thus, nNOS can be considered an important therapeutic target in the treatment of MS and other metabolic disorders, as well as to prevent their complications from the nervous and cardiovascular systems and the musculoskeletal system

    Probing a Complex of Cytochromecand Cardiolipin by Magnetic Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy: Implications for the Initial Events in Apoptosis

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    Oxidation of cardiolipin (CL) by its complex with cytochrome c (cyt c) plays a crucial role in triggering apoptosis. Through a combination of magnetic circular dichroism spectroscopy and potentiometric titrations, we show that both the ferric and ferrous forms of the heme group of a CL:cyt c complex exist as multiple conformers at a physiologically relevant pH of 7.4. For the ferric state, these conformers are His/Lys- and His/OH–-ligated. The ferrous state is predominantly high-spin and, most likely, His/–. Interconversion of the ferric and ferrous conformers is described by a single midpoint potential of -80 ± 9 mV vs SHE. These results suggest that CL oxidation in mitochondria could occur by the reaction of molecular oxygen with the ferrous CL:cyt c complex in addition to the well-described reaction of peroxides with the ferric form

    Fragmentation and Multifragmentation of 10.6A GeV Gold Nuclei

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    We present the results of a study performed on the interactions of 10.6A GeV gold nuclei in nuclear emulsions. In a minimum bias sample of 1311 interac- tions, 5260 helium nuclei and 2622 heavy fragments were observed as Au projec- tile fragments. The experimental data are analyzed with particular emphasis of target separation interactions in emulsions and study of criticalexponents. Multiplicity distributions of the fast-moving projectile fragments are inves- tigated. Charged fragment moments, conditional moments as well as two and three -body asymmetries of the fast moving projectile particles are determined in terms of the total charge remaining bound in the multiply charged projectile fragments. Some differences in the average yields of helium nuclei and heavier fragments are observed, which may be attributed to a target effect. However, two and three-body asymmetries and conditional moments indicate that the breakup mechanism of the projectile seems to be independent of target mass. We looked for evidence of critical point observable in finite nuclei by study the resulting charged fragments distributions. We have obtained the values for the critical exponents gamma, beta and tau and compare our results with those at lower energy experiment (1.0A GeV data). The values suggest that a phase transition like behavior, is observed.Comment: latex, revtex, 28 pages, 12 figures, 3tables, submitted to Europysics Journal

    Relativistic Laser-Matter Interaction and Relativistic Laboratory Astrophysics

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    The paper is devoted to the prospects of using the laser radiation interaction with plasmas in the laboratory relativistic astrophysics context. We discuss the dimensionless parameters characterizing the processes in the laser and astrophysical plasmas and emphasize a similarity between the laser and astrophysical plasmas in the ultrarelativistic energy limit. In particular, we address basic mechanisms of the charged particle acceleration, the collisionless shock wave and magnetic reconnection and vortex dynamics properties relevant to the problem of ultrarelativistic particle acceleration.Comment: 58 pages, 19 figure

    Local particle densities and global multiplicities in central heavy ion interactions at 3.7, 14.6, 60 and 200A GeV

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