1,798 research outputs found

    Geometric-phase-induced false electric dipole moment signals for particles in traps

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    Theories are developed to evaluate Larmor frequency shifts, derived from geometric phases, in experiments to measure electric dipole moments (EDMs) of trapped, atoms, molecules and neutrons. A part of these shifts is proportional to the applied electric field and can be interpreted falsely as an electric dipole moment. A comparison is made between our theoretical predictions for these shifts and some results from our recent experiments, which shows agreement to within the experimental errors of 15 %. The comparison also demonstrates that some trapped particle EDM experiments have reached the sensitivity where stringent precautions are needed to minimise and control such false EDMs. Computer simulations of these processes are also described. They give good agreement with the analytical results and they extend the study by investigating the influence of varying surface reflection laws in the hard walled traps considered. They also explore the possibility to suppress such false EDMs by introducing collisions with buffer gas particles. Some analytic results for frequency shifts proportional to the square of the E-field are also given and there are results for the averaging of the B-field in the absence of an E-field

    Quasiclassical negative magnetoresistance of a 2D electron gas: interplay of strong scatterers and smooth disorder

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    We study the quasiclassical magnetotransport of non-interacting fermions in two dimensions moving in a random array of strong scatterers (antidots, impurities or defects) on the background of a smooth random potential. We demonstrate that the combination of the two types of disorder induces a novel mechanism leading to a strong negative magnetoresistance, followed by the saturation of the magnetoresistivity ρxx(B)\rho_{xx}(B) at a value determined solely by the smooth disorder. Experimental relevance to the transport in semiconductor heterostructures is discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Hydrothermal sensitivities of seed populations underlie fluctuations of dormancy states in an annual plant community

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    Plant germination ecology involves continuous interactions between changing environmental conditions and the sensitivity of seed populations to respond to those conditions at a given time. Ecologically meaningful parameters characterizing germination capacity (or dormancy) are needed to advance our understanding of the evolution of germination strategies within plant communities. The germination traits commonly examined (e.g., maximum germination percentage under optimal conditions) may not adequately reflect the critical ecological differences in germination behavior across species, communities, and seasons. In particular, most seeds exhibit primary dormancy at dispersal that is alleviated by exposure to dry after-ripening or to hydrated chilling to enable germination in a subsequent favorable season. Population-based threshold (PBT) models of seed germination enable quantification of patterns of germination timing using parameters based on mechanistic assumptions about the underlying germination physiology. We applied the hydrothermal time (HTT) model, a type of PBT model that integrates environmental temperature and water availability, to study germination physiology in a guild of coexisting desert annual species whose seeds were after-ripened by dry storage under different conditions. We show that HTT assumptions are valid for describing germination physiology in these species, including loss of dormancy during after-ripening. Key HTT parameters, the hydrothermal time constant (θHT ) and base water potential distribution among seeds (Ψb (g)), were effective in describing changes in dormancy states and in clustering species exhibiting similar germination syndromes. θHT is an inherent species-specific trait relating to timing of germination that correlates well with long-term field germination fraction, while Ψb (g) shifts with depth of dormancy in response to after-ripening and seasonal environmental variation. Predictions based on variation among coexisting species in θHT and Ψb (g) in laboratory germination tests matched well with 25-yr observations of germination dates and fractions for the same species in natural field conditions. Seed dormancy and germination strategies, which are significant contributors to long-term species demographics under natural conditions, can be represented by readily measurable functional traits underlying variation in germination phenologies.This item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]

    Transport in two dimensional periodic magnetic fields

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    Ballistic transport properties in a two dimensional electron gas are studied numerically, where magnetic fields are perpendicular to the plane of two dimensional electron systemsand periodically modulated both in xx and yy directions. We show that there are three types of trajectories of classical electron motions in this system; chaotic, pinned and runaway trajectories. It is found that the runaway trajectories can explain the peaks of magnetoresistance as a function of external magnetic fields, which is believed to be related to the commensurability effect between the classical cyclotron diameter and the period of magnetic modulation. The similarity with and difference from the results in the antidot lattice are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 7 figures, to appear in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., vol. 67 (1998) Novembe

    Quasiclassical magnetotransport in a random array of antidots

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    We study theoretically the magnetoresistance ρxx(B)\rho_{xx}(B) of a two-dimensional electron gas scattered by a random ensemble of impenetrable discs in the presence of a long-range correlated random potential. We believe that this model describes a high-mobility semiconductor heterostructure with a random array of antidots. We show that the interplay of scattering by the two types of disorder generates new behavior of ρxx(B)\rho_{xx}(B) which is absent for only one kind of disorder. We demonstrate that even a weak long-range disorder becomes important with increasing BB. In particular, although ρxx(B)\rho_{xx}(B) vanishes in the limit of large BB when only one type of disorder is present, we show that it keeps growing with increasing BB in the antidot array in the presence of smooth disorder. The reversal of the behavior of ρxx(B)\rho_{xx}(B) is due to a mutual destruction of the quasiclassical localization induced by a strong magnetic field: specifically, the adiabatic localization in the long-range Gaussian disorder is washed out by the scattering on hard discs, whereas the adiabatic drift and related percolation of cyclotron orbits destroys the localization in the dilute system of hard discs. For intermediate magnetic fields in a dilute antidot array, we show the existence of a strong negative magnetoresistance, which leads to a nonmonotonic dependence of ρxx(B)\rho_{xx}(B).Comment: 21 pages, 13 figure

    Giant Magnetoresistance Oscillations Induced by Microwave Radiation and a Zero-Resistance State in a 2D Electron System with a Moderate Mobility

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    The effect of a microwave field in the frequency range from 54 to 140 GHz\mathrm{GHz} on the magnetotransport in a GaAs quantum well with AlAs/GaAs superlattice barriers and with an electron mobility no higher than 10610^6 cm2/Vs\mathrm{cm^2/Vs} is investigated. In the given two-dimensional system under the effect of microwave radiation, giant resistance oscillations are observed with their positions in magnetic field being determined by the ratio of the radiation frequency to the cyclotron frequency. Earlier, such oscillations had only been observed in GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures with much higher mobilities. When the samples under study are irradiated with a 140-GHz\mathrm{GHz} microwave field, the resistance corresponding to the main oscillation minimum, which occurs near the cyclotron resonance, appears to be close to zero. The results of the study suggest that a mobility value lower than 10610^6 cm2/Vs\mathrm{cm^2/Vs} does not prevent the formation of zero-resistance states in magnetic field in a two-dimensional system under the effect of microwave radiation.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figur

    Excitonic effects on the two-color coherent control of interband transitions in bulk semiconductors

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    Quantum interference between one- and two-photon absorption pathways allows coherent control of interband transitions in unbiased bulk semiconductors; carrier population, carrier spin polarization, photocurrent injection, and spin current injection may all be controlled. We extend the theory of these processes to include the electron-hole interaction. Our focus is on photon energies that excite carriers above the band edge, but close enough to it so that transition amplitudes based on low order expansions in k\mathbf{k} are applicable; both allowed-allowed and allowed-forbidden two-photon transition amplitudes are included. Analytic solutions are obtained using the effective mass theory of Wannier excitons; degenerate bands are accounted for, but envelope-hole coupling is neglected. We find a Coulomb enhancement of two-color coherent control process, and relate it to the Coulomb enhancements of one- and two-photon absorption. In addition, we find a frequency dependent phase shift in the dependence of photocurrent and spin current on the optical phases. The phase shift decreases monotonically from π/2\pi /2 at the band edge to 0 over an energy range governed by the exciton binding energy. It is the difference between the partial wave phase shifts of the electron-hole envelope function reached by one- and two-photon pathways.Comment: 31 pages, 4 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Corporatism as a process of working class containment and roll-back: The recent experiences of South Africa and South Korea

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    In this article we argue that recent debates in the corporatist literature about whether corporatism is best understood as a process of structured interest representation or political dialogue miss the point as to corporatism's central task - the shift of material resources and power away from the working class to the capitalist class, in which two processes are evident - containment and roll-back. We discuss these processes in the context of successive waves of corporatism in Western Europe from the 1940s to the 1990s before moving on to an analysis of the contrasting fortunes of corporatism in South Africa and South Korea during democratic transition. We conclude that the ability of corporatism to carry out the processes of containment and roll back in these two cases have been dependent on the existence (or absence) of supportive prior political relationships between organised labour and the state

    Resonant scattering in a strong magnetic field: exact density of states

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    We study the structure of 2D electronic states in a strong magnetic field in the presence of a large number of resonant scatterers. For an electron in the lowest Landau level, we derive the exact density of states by mapping the problem onto a zero-dimensional field-theoretical model. We demonstrate that the interplay between resonant and non-resonant scattering leads to a non-analytic energy dependence of the electron Green function. In particular, for strong resonant scattering the density of states develops a gap in a finite energy interval. The shape of the Landau level is shown to be very sensitive to the distribution of resonant scatterers.Comment: 12 pages + 3 fig

    Localized states in strong magnetic field: resonant scattering and the Dicke effect

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    We study the energy spectrum of a system of localized states coupled to a 2D electron gas in strong magnetic field. If the energy levels of localized states are close to the electron energy in the plane, the system exhibits a kind of collective behavior analogous to the Dicke effect in optics. The latter manifests itself in ``trapping'' of electronic states by localized states. At the same time, the electronic density of states develops a gap near the resonance. The gap and the trapping of states appear to be complementary and reflect an intimate relation between the resonant scattering and the Dicke effect. We reveal this relation by presenting the exact solution of the problem for the lowest Landau level. In particular, we show that in the absence of disorder the system undergoes a phase transition at some critical concentration of localized states.Comment: 28 pages + 9 fig