1,020 research outputs found

    Analisi della comunicazione intraspecifica nel cane domestico: valutazione dell'influenza del sesso e della familiarità

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    RIASSUNTO La comunicazione è un mezzo fondamentale per mantenere coesione e stabilità in una società. Nel cane domestico (Canis familiaris) sono presenti pattern comportamentali a cui, nel corso degli anni, sono state attribuite diverse interpretazioni. Lo scopo di questo studio è stato di valutare l'influenza di fattori come la familiarità fra i soggetti e il sesso di appartenenza sul comportamento sociale di cani che incontrano dei conspecifici. Il campione era costituito da 18 cani (9 maschi e 9 femmine) che sono stati fatti incontrare a coppie in un recinto per 5 minuti. Ciascuno dei 18 cani ha incontrato altri 4 cani, alternativamente dello stesso sesso o sesso opposto, conosciuto o sconosciuto. Gli incontri sono stati videoregistrati e analizzati per misurare la durata dei comportamenti emessi dai due soggetti secondo un etogramma precedentemente redatto. Dall'analisi dei segnali che venivano emessi nell'ambito delle diverse categorie (sesso, familiarità ed entrambi i fattori incrociati) sono emerse delle differenze nel modo di comunicare. Quando i cani incontravano conspecifici con cui non avevano familiarità, tendevano a manifestare più a lungo comportamenti che denotavano uno stato di attenzione ed allerta (orecchie erette, postura in avanti), mentre quando incontravano conspecifici con cui avevano familiarità mostravano comportamenti meno tesi (esplorazione). I maschi, a prescindere dal soggetto incontrato, sono risultati più competitivi e cercavano maggiormente l'approccio, mentre le femmine tendevano a stare lontane dall'altro cane e manifestavano mediamente più stress (autogrooming) e paura (stare accovacciati o giacere, peso sul posteriore, scodinzolare a coda bassa). Infine, dal confronto incrociato fra le categorie sesso e familiarità è emerso che i maschi che incontravano femmine conosciute o sconosciute e maschi sconosciuti erano quelli che manifestavano un maggior arousal e cercavano maggiormente il confronto con il conspecifico. Tali risultati suggeriscono che il sesso di appartenenza e la familiarità fra due individui influiscono profondamente sulla comunicazione intraspecifica nel cane domestico. SUMMARY Communication is an essential means to keep cohesion and stability in a society. In domestic dog (Canis familiaris) there are some patterns that have been differently interpreted throughout the years. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of factors such as familiarity and sex upon the social behaviour of dogs that meet conspecifics. The sample was made up of 18 dogs (9 male and 9 female) that met another dog in an enclosure for 5 minutes. Each of the 18 dogs met 4 dogs, alternatively of the same or of the other sex, familiar or unfamiliar. The meetings were videotaped and then analyzed to measure the duration of behaviours of the two subjects, according to a previously prepared ethogram. The analysis of signals emitted in the different categories (sex, familiarity and both of them crossed) showed some differences in the way dogs communicate. Dogs that met unfamiliar dogs tended to manifest for a longer time behaviours indicating attention and alertness (raised ears, forward posture), while dogs meeting familiar dogs displayed less tense behaviours (exploration). Males, regardless for the met dog, resulted more competitive and they mostly wanted to approach the other, while females tended to stay far from the other dog and manifested more stress (autogrooming) and fear (crouch or lean, lowered posture, wagging the tail while keeping it between the hindlegs). Lastly, a crossed confrontation between data about sex and familiarity showed that male dogs meeting females, both familiar or unfamiliar, and unfamiliar males, showed a higher arousal and looked for more confrontation with the other dog. Those findings suggest that sex and familiarity between two individuals have a strong impact on intraspecific communication in the domestic dog

    a case of lockjaw in the emergency department

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    Tetanus with cephalic involvement is not a typical presentation of the disease; characteristic signs and symptoms are strictly localized in cranial district, although it could frequently progress to the classical generalized form. Tetanus is still spread worldwide, especially in particular subgroups as elderly and newborn babies and in countries with an inadequate vaccine coverage.We report a case of an adult man with generalized tetanus with cephalic presentation in Emergency Department. We aim to outline how difficult it was to diagnose in an adult patient without apparent exposition of previous minimal trauma or injury because of a lot of confusing factors and slow progressing clinical signs. Prompt recognition of signs and symptoms, opportune target therapy and supportive care, in association with correct vaccination schedule, are paramount to determine the prognosis for affected patients

    A toddler with an unusually severe polyarticular arthritis and a lung involvement: a case report

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    COPA syndrome is a rare hereditary inflammatory disease caused by mutations in the gene encoding the coatomer protein subunit alpha, causing excessive production of type I interferon. This case is a reminder for the general paediatrician, highlighting the relevance of the association between arthritis and lung involvement in toddlers

    The energy sensor AMPK regulates Hedgehog signaling in human cells through a unique Gli1 metabolic checkpoint

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    Hedgehog signaling controls proliferation of cerebellar granule cell precursors (GCPs) and its aberrant activation is a leading cause of Medulloblastoma, the most frequent pediatric brain tumor. We show here that the energy sensor AMPK inhibits Hh signaling by phosphorylating a single residue of human Gli1 that is not conserved in other species.Studies with selective agonists and genetic deletion have revealed that AMPK activation inhibits canonical Hh signaling in human, but not in mouse cells. Indeed we show that AMPK phosphorylates Gli1 at the unique residue Ser408, which is conserved only in primates but not in other species. Once phosphorylated, Gli1 is targeted for proteasomal degradation. Notably, we show that selective AMPK activation inhibits Gli1-driven proliferation and that this effect is linked to Ser408 phosphorylation, which represents a key metabolic checkpoint for Hh signaling.Collectively, this data unveil a novel mechanism of inhibition of Gli1 function, which is exclusive for human cells and may be exploited for the treatment of Medulloblastoma or other Gli1 driven tumors

    Cardiac Magnetic Resonance as Risk Stratification Tool in Non-Ischemic Dilated Cardiomyopathy Referred for Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator Therapy—State of Art and Perspectives

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    Non-ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is a disease characterized by left ventricular dilation and systolic dysfunction. Patients with DCM are at higher risk for ventricular arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death (SCD). According to current international guidelines, left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) <= 35% represents the main indication for prophylactic implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) implantation in patients with DCM. However, LVEF lacks sensitivity and specificity as a risk marker for SCD. It has been seen that the majority of patients with DCM do not actually benefit from the ICD implantation and, on the contrary, that many patients at risk of SCD are not identified as they have preserved or mildly depressed LVEF. Therefore, the use of LVEF as unique decision parameter does not maximize the benefit of ICD therapy. Multiple risk factors used in combination could likely predict SCD risk better than any single risk parameter. Several predictors have been proposed including genetic variants, electric indexes, and volumetric parameters of LV. Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) can improve risk stratification thanks to tissue characterization sequences such as LGE sequence, parametric mapping, and feature tracking. This review evaluates the role of CMR as a risk stratification tool in DCM patients referred for ICD
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