639 research outputs found

    An electrospray ionization study of some novel alkylamine thiohydantoin amino acid derivatives

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    An electrospray ionization-mass spectrometric (ES-MS) study of some novel alkylamine thiohydantoin amino acid derivatives is presented. The alkylamine derivatives are being developed as part of an on-going effort to couple an Edmanlike protein sequencer to a bench-top electrospray ionization (ES) mass spectrometer. The ES-MS and capillary-skimmer collision-induced dissociation (CID) mass spectra of eight dimethylaminopropylthiohydantoin (DMAP-TH) amino acid derivatives as well as the trimethylaminopropylthiohydantoin (TMAP-TH), diethylaminopropylthiohydantoin, and dibutylaminopropylthiohydantoin (DBAP-TH) derivatives of Phe are presented. The spectra contain prominent [M + H]+ ions as well as fragment ions due to the loss of the respective neutral alkylamines. The CID spectrum of DMAP-TH-Phe also contains the dibutylaminoethyl cation. The relative responses of the alkylamine thiohydantoin derivatives obtained under identical solvent conditions are found to increase as the solvophobicity of the amino acid R group increases; the most solvophobic DBAP-TH-Phe gives rise to the highest overall response. DMAP-TH-Phe and the quaternary amine derivative TMAP-TH-Phe have comparable sensitivities when a sufficiently acidic solvent (pH = 3) is employed. Implications of these studies in the coupling of a protein sequencer to an ES mass spectrometer are discussed as are the requisite modifications of a single quadrupole mass spectrometer for ES analyses

    Self-efficacy enhanced in a cross-cultural context through an initiative in under-resourced schools in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

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    This paper discusses the Khanyisa Programme, an initiative in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, where learners from under-resourced schools are supported by teachers and high achievers in Grade 11 and 12 from a previously advantaged state school under apartheid. A qualitative, evaluative study was undertaken to identify key elements in the ongoing success of the programme and collect participant suggestions for improvement. The findings, discussed within the framework of self-efficacy theory, identified enormous gains by Khanyisa learners, leading to vastly improved career prospects

    Accomplice, patron, go-between? A role to play with poor migrant Qur’anic students in northern Nigeria

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    What does it mean to conduct ethnographic research in a context where inequalities are pervasive? Drawing on experiences conducting research with poor migrant Qur’anic students (almajirai) in Kano, northern Nigeria, this article explores the challenges of establishing productive and ethical research relationships with informants whose social and socioeconomic status is significantly lower than that of the researcher. The article argues that large socioeconomic and educational inequalities demand a rethinking of the subject positions available to researchers in such contexts. In the article, I consider in turn my roles as an ‘accomplice’ of exclusionary elite behaviour, as a ‘patron’ for my informants, and as a ‘go-between’ facilitating access for them to otherwise inaccessible ‘social microworlds’

    NF-κB inhibition in keratinocytes causes RIPK1-mediated necroptosis and skin inflammation

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    Tumor necrosis factor receptor 1 (TNFR1) activates NF-κB–dependent pro-inflammatory gene expression, but also induces cell death by triggering apoptosis and necroptosis. Inhibition of inhibitor of NF-κB kinase (IKK)/NF-κB signaling in keratinocytes paradoxically unleashed spontaneous TNFR1-mediated skin inflammation in mice, but the underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood. Here, we show that TNFR1 causes skin inflammation in mice with epidermis-specific knockout of IKK2 by inducing receptor interacting protein kinase 1 (RIPK1)–dependent necroptosis, and to a lesser extent also apoptosis, of keratinocytes. Combined epidermis-specific ablation of the NF-κB subunits RelA and c-Rel also caused skin inflammation by inducing TNFR1-mediated keratinocyte necroptosis. Contrary to the currently established model that inhibition of NF-κB–dependent gene transcription causes RIPK1-independent cell death, keratinocyte necroptosis, and skin inflammation in mice with epidermis-specific RelA and c-Rel deficiency also depended on RIPK1 kinase activity. These results advance our understanding of the mechanisms regulating TNFR1-induced cell death and identify RIPK1-mediated necroptosis as a potent driver of skin inflammation

    Social work for critical peace: A comparative approach to understanding social work and political conflict

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    This paper uses a case study approach to explore issues of social work policy and practice in three sites of political conflict in Europe: Northern Ireland; Bosnia and Herzegovina; and Cyprus. It begins with a review of the international literature on social work and political conflict and then discusses the strengths and limitations in engaging with comparative case study approaches. The authors explain how they view the writing of the paper as an intellectual encounter that helped establish the beginning stages of their comparative analysis. This starts with an analysis of the existing knowledge base about the three case studies that each share similar patterns of colonial histories, political and community conflict and the social work response. The second part of the paper extends this analysis to a critique of the impact of neo-liberal social and economic policies that often adversely impact upon the role of social workers in resolving conflict and building peace. The paper concludes with an appeal for social work to rediscover its rights-based role in working with victims and survivors of political conflict, what the authors describe as: ‘social work for critical peace’

    Unlocking the grid: Language-in-education policy realisation in post-apartheid South Africa

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    This paper reflects on the state of educational language policy two decades into a postApartheid South Africa caught between official multilingualism and English. The focus is on the national language-in-education policy (LiEP) that advocates additive bi/multilingualism, and a provincial counterpart, the language transformation plan (LTP). Using Ricento and Hornberger’s onion metaphor, the paper seeks to uncover the meanings of policy realisation in education at legislative, institutional, and interpersonal levels. The LiEP’s non-realisation at institutional level is indexed by a ‘gridlock of collusion’ (Alexander, personal communication) between political elites and the majority of African-language speakers, who emulatively seek the goods that an English-medium education promises. To illustrate how teachers can become policy advocates, data are presented from a bilingual education in-service programme that supported the LTP. The paper argues that sociolinguistic insights into speakers’ heteroglossic practices should be used to counter prevailing monoglossic policy discourses and school language practices, and that all languages should be used as learning resources. Strategic essentialism would recognise the schooling system’s need to separately classify language subjects and to identify the languages most productively used for teaching across the curriculum. The paper concludes with a call for the revision of the LiEP

    Evaluating Niger's experience in strengthening supervision, improving availability of child survival drugs through cost recovery, and initiating training for Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

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    BACKGROUND: WHO and UNICEF have recently developed the "Integrated Management of Childhood Illness" (IMCI) as an efficient strategy to assist developing countries reduce childhood mortality. Early experience with IMCI implementation suggests that clinical training is essential but not sufficient for the success of the strategy. Attention needs to be given to strengthening health systems, such as supervision and drug supply. RESULTS: This paper presents results of evaluating an innovative approach for implementing IMCI in Niger. It starts with strengthening district level supervision and improving the availability of child survival drugs through cost recovery well before the beginning of IMCI clinical training. The evaluation documented the effectiveness of the initial IMCI clinical training and referral. CONCLUSIONS: Strengthening supervision and assuring the availability of essential drugs need to precede the initiation of IMCI Clinical training. Longer term follow up is necessary to confirm the impact of the approach on IMCI preparation and implementation

    Mobility as a contradictory resource: Peripatetic Qur’anic students in Kano, Nigeria

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    Mobility is a powerful resource young people can draw on to improve their lives, but it can also entail risks. This paper explores how mobility becomes a contradictory resource for peripatetic Qur'anic students (almajirai) in Kano State in northern Nigeria. Moving to urban areas allows the young almajirai to escape difficult conditions and to access educational and income opportunities absent in their rural homes. It makes it possible for them to adopt self-conceptions as migrants in search of sacred knowledge who were once widely respected. However, economic decline has made survival in the city more difficult. Lacking the economic and cultural resources to participate in displays of status, and without social superiors to speak for them, the almajirai feel they have become fair game for those searching for scapegoats
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