3 research outputs found

    A study of phase separation processes in presence of dislocations in binary systems subjected to irradiation

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    Dislocation-assisted phase separation processes in binary systems subjected to irradiation effect are studied analytically and numerically. Irradiation is described by athermal atomic mixing in the form of ballistic flux with spatially correlated stochastic contribution. While studying the dynamics of domain size growth we have shown that the dislocation mechanism of phase decomposition delays the ordering processes. It is found that spatial correlations of the ballistic flux noise cause segregation of dislocation cores in the vicinity of interfaces effectively decreasing the interface width. A competition between regular and stochastic components of the ballistic flux is discussed.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figure

    Modeling the Evolution of the Microstructure of Crystalline Systems Under Irradiation

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    Моделювання еволюції мікроструктури кристалічних систем під дією опромінення. У роботі розглянуто процеси структуроутворення точкових дефектів вакансійного типу у кристалічних системах, підданих сталій дії опромінення, на прикладі нікелю. Отримані результати узгоджуються з експериментальними спостереженнями за процесами дефектоутворення при опромінюванні в реакторних умовах.The paper discusses the processes of structure formation of point defects in crystalline vacancy type systems subjected to constant exposure, to the example of nickel. These results are consistent with experimental observations of defect formation during irradiation processes in reactor conditions