606 research outputs found

    Celebrating teachers’ voices

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    A Pakistani teacher educator’s self-study of teaching self-study research

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    This paper describes a teacher educator’s self-study of work with her M.Ed. students at a private international university in Pakistan. This systematic inquiry highlights changes and improvements in teaching drawn from experiences of practice based on autobiographies. Analysis shows that improvement in teaching came from the author’s learning through self-study. Analysis also reveals implications for teacher educators and teacher education in general

    Seasons of my learning

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    Task planning using physics-based heuristics on manipulation actions

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    © 2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.In order to solve mobile manipulation problems, the efficient combination of task and motion planning is usually required. Moreover, the incorporation of physics-based information has recently been taken into account in order to plan the tasks in a more realistic way. In the present paper, a task and motion planning framework is proposed based on a modified version of the Fast-Forward task planner that is guided by physics-based knowledge. The proposal uses manipulation knowledge for reasoning on symbolic literals (both in offline and online modes) taking into account geometric information in order to evaluate the applicability as well as feasibility of actions while evaluating the heuristic cost. It results in an efficient search of the state space and in the obtention of low-cost physically-feasible plans. The proposal has been implemented and is illustrated with a manipulation problem consisting of a mobile robot and some fixed and manipulatable objects.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Variations in dicto-comp

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    Teaching quality in self-study research

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    This paper discusses how the Master of Education (MEd) students at AKU-IED are empowered to understand and monitor quality in self study research. The paper is based on the experience of teaching self study research over a period of three years. During this period, students in the Teacher Learning course in the MEd programme were asked to explore their journey of becoming teachers and teacher educators using self study research. As an end product the students were asked to write an autobiography. During these processes of self-exploration and the writing process, they were asked to follow guidelines identified by Bullough Jr. & Pinnegar (2001) in their article “Guidelines for quality in autobiographical forms of self-study research”, which were shared and discussed with the students. During the programme, different methods were employed to ensure that participants followed the guidelines shared with them. Despite the systematic approach to ensure quality in self study research there were a number of challenges. These challenges are discussed at the end of the paper

    Becoming a teacher in the developing world

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    Teachers of English in Pakistan : Profile and recommendations

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    This paper answers a pertinent question: Who are the teachers of English in Pakistan? By answering this question, the current profile of teachers of English is highlighted. We were inclined to do this study because there was no data available in Pakistan. Data for this paper was generated through a survey questionnaire, which was filled out by 100 teachers of English over three years. Out of these 100 teachers, 53 teachers were from public sector schools, 29 teachers from communitybased English‐medium schools, and 18 teachers from private Englishmedium schools. These teachers belonged to various regions of Pakistan, which included Sindh, Baluchistan, Gilgit‐Baltistan and Chitral. The analysis of the data shows gaps in the form of issues and challenges of teachers’ careers as teachers of English. The results showed that majority of the teachers teaching in the three categories of schools came from the same stream themselves. In terms of academic qualifications, in majority of the cases, the teachers had Master’s degree in disciplines other than English. The lowest percentage was reserved for Master’s degree in the field of English. Therefore, in most of the cases, teachers did not hold relevant academic qualifications to be regarded as competent English language teachers. Secondly, both in public and community‐based English‐medium schools, a significant majority of the teachers were given the English subject to teach by the administration. However, our findings illustrate a striking difference in case of private English‐medium schools in this respect where most of the teachers were self‐motivated to teach English. Based on the findings of the data, recommendations are made for policy makers which are: pre‐service and in‐service training is needed, and the hiring practices of teachers need to be rectified. Overall, it appears that there is little variation in terms of the issues and challenges across the three categories


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    Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) merupakan sebuah program yang telah direncanakan oleh Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta yang wajib diikuti oleh mahasiswa yang mengambil program kependidikan. Program PPL merupakan cara untuk menambah kompetensi mahasiswa dalam bidang pekerjaan yang nantinya akan digeluti. Program PPL yang dilaksanakan di dalam lingkungan lembaga kependidikan ini merupakan bentuk penerapan daripada yang telah didapatkan dibangku kuliah. Sasaran program PPL adalah staff dan karyawan di dalam lembaga merupakan wujud nyata dari pengalaman kegiatan. PPL sendiri merupakan kegiatan praktek ilmu di bidang Teknologi Pendidikan. Sebelum pelaksanaaan kegiatan PPL, terlebih dahulu diadakan observasi ke ADiTV dan hasil dari observasi tersebut selanjutnya akan dijadikan pertimbangan dalam memilih minat atau divisi program yang ada di ADiTV yang akan dilaksanakan selama 2 bulan. Dalam pelaksanaan PPL ini dapat memperoleh pengalaman yang dapat dijadikan bekal kelak ketika memperoleh banyak pengalaman yang dapat dijadikan bekal kelak ketika sudah benar-benar terjun di dunia kerja. Program kerja yang dijalankan yaitu Divisi News atau Lensa 44. Dalam Divisi News melaksanakan program kerja sebagai Reporter, Cameramen dan Sebagai Editor Lensa 44. Bertugas sebagai reporter merupakan tugas yang sangat membantu dalam mengembangkan ketrampilan komunikasi, sedangkan bertugas sebagai Cameramen sangat membantu dalam meningkatkan ketrampilan menggunakan Video Camera. Secara keseluruhan pelaksanaan dan analisis hasil pelaksanaan program kerja kelompok yang sudah dijalankan oleh Individu dari kelompok PPL di PT. Arah Dunia Televisi (ADiTV) telah mencapai target yang direncanakan dan pelaksanaan kegiatan tersebut memiliki kebermanfaatan bagi lembaga baik untuk untuk menambah wawasan, keterampilan, dan keahlian mahasiswa terkait dengan berkerjasama