165 research outputs found

    Identification of the ancestral killer immunoglobulin-like receptor gene in primates

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    BACKGROUND: Killer Immunoglobulin-like Receptors (KIR) are essential immuno-surveillance molecules. They are expressed on natural killer and T cells, and interact with human leukocyte antigens. KIR genes are highly polymorphic and contribute vital variability to our immune system. Numerous KIR genes, belonging to five distinct lineages, have been identified in all primates examined thus far and shown to be rapidly evolving. Since few KIR remain orthologous between species, with only one of them, KIR2DL4, shown to be common to human, apes and monkeys, the evolution of the KIR gene family in primates remains unclear. RESULTS: Using comparative analyses, we have identified the ancestral KIR lineage (provisionally named KIR3DL0) in primates. We show KIR3DL0 to be highly conserved with the identification of orthologues in human (Homo sapiens), common chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes), gorilla (Gorilla gorilla), rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) and common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus). We predict KIR3DL0 to encode a functional molecule in all primates by demonstrating expression in human, chimpanzee and rhesus monkey. Using the rhesus monkey as a model, we further show the expression profile to be typical of KIR by quantitative measurement of KIR3DL0 from an enriched population of natural killer cells. CONCLUSION: One reason why KIR3DL0 may have escaped discovery for so long is that, in human, it maps in between two related leukocyte immunoglobulin-like receptor clusters outside the known KIR gene cluster on Chromosome 19. Based on genomic, cDNA, expression and phylogenetic data, we report a novel lineage of immunoglobulin receptors belonging to the KIR family, which is highly conserved throughout 50 million years of primate evolution

    Rationale for the choice of material for manufacture of adaptive underclothes for disabled children

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    The article substantiates the choice of materials for designing adaptive underclothes for the most severe group of children with infantile cerebral paralysis – bed patients. As a rule, these are denied children, who, in principle, spend their lives in medical hospitals, require constant care by medical staff. Such children are in sharp need of specialized adaptive underclothes, which could significantly improve the quality of life of such children and facilitate care for them by medical staff. In many respects the quality of similar clothes depends on properly selected materials. Analysis of modern innovative materials that could have been used to create such clothes was conducted. Hygienic, physical and mechanical properties of existing knitted materials were studied according to standard methods for identifying the most suitable for similar clothes

    Rationale of the need for adaptive clothes for disabled children

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    The study conducted among medical personnel identified that children with infantile cerebral paralysisof the V severity level need clothes with improved properties that ensure the patient’s quality of life and the correct conduct of medical and hygienic procedures by medical personnel


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    Objective: It is known that local or systemic injection of hemostatic drugs is used to reduce blood loss and number of blood transfusions in patients with hypocoagulation and hemorrhagic diathesis. However, the analysis of literature data shows that the drugs applied for the control of bleeding, traditionally used in medical practice, are not effective enough. This study deals with the systemic hemostatic activity of bis (2-aminoethan-1- sulfonate) calcium in the experiment.Methods: Experimental work in vitro is performed on the blood of healthy male donors, under conditions in vivo it is done on intraperitoneal injection in male rats. Thromboelastography was carried out with apparatus Thromboelastography (TEG) 5000 (Haemoscope Corporation, United States). The influence of first synthesized derivative and ethamsylate on functional activity of platelets was studied using a platelet aggregation analyzer Biola 230LA†(Russia). Experimental evaluation of the system specific hemostatic activity in vivo was carried out using the model of parenchymatous bleeding in mature male rats. The interference came amid registration of bleeding stop time and extent of blood loss.Results: Bis (2-aminoethan-1-sulfonate) calcium shows procoagulation and proaggregant activity both in vitro and in vivo. Proaggregatory effect of bis (2-aminoethan-1-sulfonate) calcium is successfully implemented in the systemic hemostatic activity in terms of parenchymal bleeding, surpassing the control group and the group of etamsylate.Conclusion: The results of these studies reveal potentially high systemic hemostatic activity of bis (2-aminoethan-1-sulfonate) calcium, urging the need for further study on this compound and its analogs to create on their basis highly efficient, selective correctors of the hemostatic system

    Influence of prescription components on the physical and chemical properties of wheat dough

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    The purpose of this work is to determine the quality of wheat dough with the addition of rice flour-a by-product in the production of cereals.   The study revealed a pattern of changes in the physical and chemical properties of wheat dough with the addition of rice flour. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the use of the EKA-1000 improver increases the amount of rice flour introduced (15 % to the total weight of wheat flour) in the recipe, which reduces the cost of the finished product and increases the nutritional value of 1st grade wheat flour, which improves test quality

    Клозапин: механизмы токсичности и побочных эффектов

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    Clozapine is an atypical antipsychotic agent with a confirmed effectiveness which is widely used in the clinical practice. However, its administration is associated with a high risk of serious adverse events. Life-threatening conditions related to administration of clozapine may be a result of idiosyncrasy, acute poisoning resulting from unintentional overdose of the prescribed dug, suicidal behavior, and criminal actions. The review presents current data on the mechanism of therapeutic and toxic effect of clozapine. It describes the effect of clozapine on cell receptors and ultracellular structures. It dwells on the contribution of major and intermediate metabolites of this medicinal agent to the development of toxic effects.Клозапин – атипичное антипсихотическое средство с доказанной эффективностью, которое широко используется в клинической практике. Однако, его применение сопряжено с высоким риском развития серьезных побочных эффектов. Угрожающие жизни состояния при приеме клозапина могут быть следствием идиосинкразии, острого отравления в результате непреднамеренной передозировки назначенного препарата, суицидального поведения, криминальных действий. В обзоре представили современные данные о механизмах терапевтического и токсического действия клозапина. Описали воздействие клозапина на клеточные рецепторы и ультраклеточные структуры. Рассмотрели роль основных и промежуточных метаболитов данного лекарственного средства в развитии токсических эффектов

    Nutrient Deficiency Correction in Ovarian Cancer Patients Following Surgical Treatment: a Clinical Case

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    Background. According to some studies, nutrient deficiencies reach an over-70% prevalence in ovarian cancer, among other gynaecological malignancies, thus constituting an important risk factor for postoperative mortality, surgical complications and longer hospital stays. Therefore, effective nutrient deficiency correction methods are warranted to improve the ovarian cancer outcomes, especially in patients following radical surgical interventions. New systematic evidence emerges in literature on the impact of such novel methods on the critical status of variant-category patients. Meanwhile, such evidence bears a recommendatory value only, with no current standard or protocol assumed for nutrient deficiency management. This issue presently remains open and requires careful research and analysis.Materials and methods. The clinical case demonstrates the efficacy of nutrient deficiency correction in an ovarian cancer patient following an individualised radical surgery.Results and discussion. The energy supplied on day 1 was >42%, >83% on day 3, and the target values had been achieved by day 7 of intensive therapy. The nutrient deficiency marker dynamics revealed the growth of transferrin, triglycerides and peripheral blood lymphocyte counts as early as by day 3 post-surgery. Albumin was the latest to respond, increasing only on day 7.Conclusion. The introduction of novel nutrition strategies and knowledge of their impact depend on further high-quality research, especially prospective studies, incorporating a  greater homogeneity of intervention types and clinical outcomes, as well as wider sampling of female ovarian cancer

    Changes in the parameters of free radical fluid oxidation in young people with chronic gastroduodenitis, depending on the duration of the underlying disease

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    The article presents the results of chemiluminescence of oral fluid in 155 patients of young age (from 19 to 25 years) with chronic gastroduodenitis. Depending on the duration of chronic gastroduodenitis, changes in the luminous sum of radiation and its maximum value in these patients were revealed. The relationship between the chemiluminescence of the oral fluid and the degree of inflammation of the gastroduodenal zone was determined.В статье приведены результаты хемилюминесценции ротовой жидкости 155 пациентов молодого возраста (от 19 до 25 лет) с хроническим гастродуоденитом. В зависимости от длительности хронического гастродуоденита выявлена изменения в показателях светосуммы излучения и ее максимального значения у данных пациентов. определена взаимосвязь между хемилюминесценцией ротовой жидкости и степенью воспаления гастродуоденальной зоны

    HLA tapasin independence: broader peptide repertoire and HIV control.

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    Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I allotypes vary in their ability to present peptides in the absence of tapasin, an essential component of the peptide loading complex. We quantified tapasin dependence of all allotypes that are common in European and African Americans (n = 97), which revealed a broad continuum of values. Ex vivo examination of cytotoxic T cell responses to the entire HIV-1 proteome from infected subjects indicates that tapasin-dependent allotypes present a more limited set of distinct peptides than do tapasin-independent allotypes, data supported by computational predictions. This suggests that variation in tapasin dependence may impact the strength of the immune responses by altering peptide repertoire size. In support of this model, we observed that individuals carrying HLA class I genotypes characterized by greater tapasin independence progress more slowly to AIDS and maintain lower viral loads, presumably due to increased breadth of peptide presentation. Thus, tapasin dependence level, like HLA zygosity, may serve as a means to restrict or expand breadth of the HLA-I peptide repertoire across humans, ultimately influencing immune responses to pathogens and vaccines