33 research outputs found

    The Economics of Practical Utilization of Basic Research

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    The Twenty-fifth Congress of the CPSU called for the further strengthening of the ties between science and production, the development of scientific research, and the broad application of research findings in the national economy. Basic research, which is a factor in increasing the productivity of social labor, augmenting the scientific potential, and increasing the national income, must play a large part in meeting these objectives. In his speech at a meeting of heads of academies of sciences of socialist countries, L. I. Brezhnev stated: "We deem it essential to encourage the development of basic science in every way, to concern ourselves with its linkage to applied research, and to accelerate the introduction of scientific discoveries into the national economy. It is a very important task."


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    Z leti se obseg letalskega prometa občutno povečuje. Raste število prevoženih kilometrov v zračnem prometu, povečuje se število prepeljanih potnikov, prav tako se je povečal blagovni letalski promet. Današnji razvoj letalstva se nanaša na številna področja, kot so infrastruktura, človeški viri, usposabljanje posadke in povezovanje krajev med seboj. Ključni cilj teh razvojnih prizadevanj je zagotoviti varen in učinkovit prevoz ljudi in tovora. V zadnjih desetletjih lahko opazimo velik napredek na področju varnosti v letalskem prometu. Kljub dobri napovedi glede nadaljnjega izboljševanja letalske varnosti pa še vedno obstajajo določena tveganja in prihaja do letalskih nesreč, ki so predvsem posledica različnega pristopa k upoštevanju letalskih varnostnih meril, letalskih predpisov in mednarodnih letalskih standardov. Vse letalske nesreče so predmet temeljitega preučevanja. Okoliščine teh nesreč se ugotovijo s celovito in zahtevno preiskavo, ki ima cilj preprečiti ponovitev takih dogodkov ali nesreč v prihodnje in tako tudi ohraniti in izboljšati zaupanje v letalski promet. V diplomski nalogi so obravnavani dejavniki varnosti v letalskem prometu, podrobneje pa je analizirano preiskovanje letalske nesreče in vpliv tega na varnost v zračnem prometu.Over the years, the volume of air traffic has increased significantly. The number of kilometers traveled in air transport is increasing, the number of carried passengers is increasing, as is the air freight traffic is increasing. Today\u27s aviation development relates to many areas, such as infrastructure, human resources, crew trainings and connecting places. The key objective of these development efforts is to ensure the safe and efficient transportation of people and freight. In the last decades, we can see great progress in aviation safety. Despite the good prognosis for further improvement of aviation security, there are still some certain risks and aviation accidents, which are mainly the result of a different approach to compliance with aviation safety criteria, aviation regulations and international aviation standards. All air accidents are subject to thorough scrutiny. The circumstances of these accidents are identified through a comprehensive and demanding investigation aimed at preventing the recurrence of such incidents or accidents in the future, and thus maintaining and improving confidence in aviation. The diploma thesis deals with the factors of aviation safety, aviation accident investigation and its impact on aviation safety which are analyzed in more detail

    A Necessary Factor for Creating Advanced Technologies

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    The retooling and modernization of branches of the national economy depend to a decisive degree upon the large-scale introduction of new technology into production. Its technical-economic characteristics must be superior to existing domestic and foreign analogues and competitive in the world market.

    Drops and Hot Stones

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