31 research outputs found

    Perceptual Mapping-Based Image Tamper Detection and Recovery Algorithm

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    The importance of digital image authentication has grown in the last decade particularly with the widespread availability of digital media and image manipulation tools. As a result, different techniques were developed to detect fraudulent alterations in digital images and restore the original data. In this paper, a new algorithm is proposed to authenticate images by hiding a copy of the approximation band in the original image. The approximation band is hidden by embedding it inside the image pixels. The intensity of the hiding was decided using a perceptual map that simulates the human vision system and adds more intensity in areas where the human eye cannot recognize changes. The perceptual map consists of three parts, luminance mask, texture mask, and edge detection mask. Results show a high ability to blindly recover images after different attacks such as removing and blocking attacks. At the same time, the structure similarity index of resultant images was higher than 0.99 for all tested images

    Adaptive Threshold-Based Tumor Detection Algorithm For Mammograms Images

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    Breast cancer is without doubt the leading cancer among women, and it is one of the most damaging illnesses to females that should be periodically checked. Early detection of breast cancer can reduce the mortality caused by this disease by 95%. However, studies mention that up to 25% of tumors are missed by radiologists. In this paper, a tumor detection algorithm in mammogram images is developed by relying on simple calculations that are based on adaptive thresholding and tumor area size. Low complexity calculations will ease the implementation of the algorithm in embedded systems and in real-time detection. The proposed algorithm is used to detect the circular type of tumor and it is developed with a graphical user interface to ease the process of selecting mammogram images and changing settings of threshold values and the size of tumor area. Experimental results show the ability of the algorithm to successfully detect and differentiate circular tumors from normal and fatty breast tissue

    Digital Image Watermarking Algorithm Based on Texture Masking Model

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    The trade-off between invisibility and robustness in image watermarking algorithms is considered as one of the major issues in designing watermark-based copyright protection systems. Accordingly, different models had been proposed in the literature to obtain robust watermarked images while maintaining the perceptual quality. However, most of these studies are involved with complex algorithms as using multiple signal transformation tools within hybrid systems. In this paper, a low complexity texture-masking model based on Lifting Wavelet Transform (LWT) is utilized to find the blocks with the highest texture and choose them for watermark embedding. Choosing highly textured places helps to insert the watermark with a further intensity that leads to higher robustness and at the same time the Human Visual System (HVS) is less sensitive to changes in these areas. As a result, high quality watermarked images were produced in terms of objective and subjective evaluations, as the structural similarity value (SSIM) for tested images was larger than 0.99

    Digital Image Recovery Based on Lifting Wavelet Transform

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    Recently, with the wide distribution of digital media, the need for authenticating digital images was increased. Therefore, many image tamper detection and recovery algorithms were introduced in literature to detect malicious modifications and retrieve the original images. The process of detection and recovery, however, used to have complex operation which requires long processing time. In this paper, a simplified image recovery algorithm is presented by using lifting wavelet transform. In the proposed method, the approximation band is hidden inside the bits of the original image and to be retrieved without relying on source image. For images with hidden data, the average PSNR and SSIM values were 31.22 and 0.977 respectively, and images were successfully retrieved after block attack

    The Impact of Technology on Students’ Psychological and Educational Performance

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    The quality, availability, consistency, and accessibility of technology play vital roles in shaping learning performance and effectiveness. However, it is important to recognize that technology alone does not guarantee desired learning outcomes. Instead, the interaction between humans and technology, along with the design dimensions of educational tools, significantly influence students' learning outcomes and their psychological engagement with the learning process. Moreover, improper utilization of technology can pose obstacles to effective learning. This paper aims to provide a thorough examination of the effects of technology on the learning process, aiming to identify instances where technology serves as a facilitator or hindrance to learners. Furthermore, a diverse range of suggestions will be presented to optimize and enhance the role of technology in promoting effective learning experiences. The research highlighted the advantages and disadvantages of different technology aspects on students, and highlighted how keeping the learning outcome as a principle in course design will lead to the proper evaluation of learning outcome. By delving into these crucial aspects, this research endeavors to provide valuable insights and actionable recommendations for educators, policymakers, and stakeholders seeking to harness the full potential of technology in education

    The Obstacles and Opportunities of the Mineral Resources in the Kurdistan Region, Iraq

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    The Kurdistan Region in Iraq is located in the extreme northeastern part of the Arabian Plate which is in a collision since the Late Cretaceous with the Iranian Plate. Therefore, large ophiolite bodies have been thrust along the northeastern margins of Kurdistan Region; accordingly, different metallic mineral can be associated with igneous and metamorphic rocks at Penjween, Qalat Diza and Rawandouz vicinities, besides, radioactive minerals like uranium and thorium. Moreover, large and long thrust fault has developed along the northern and northeastern parts of the Kurdistan Region. Along the plane of this huge thrust fault, hydrothermal liquids have deposited different metallic minerals as showings, especially between Zakho and Amadiyah towns. We have presented and discussed the discipline of mineral investment in Kurdistan Region, the announced minerals’ blocks for investment by the Ministry of Natural Resources in the Kurdistan Regional Government, the encouraging factors and obstacles of investments. To fulfill the scope of this work, we have used the best available and updated data as acquired from different sources. The main obstacles which contributed to the backwardness and non-development of the mining industry in the Kurdistan Region can be summarized in the nonexistence of a valid and promising mineral investment law which can attract the big international mining companies to invest in the region, adding to the nonexistence of comprehensive, detailed and mineral exploration studies which can give confident figures of the mineral and ore reserves in the region. The non-availability of a specialized mining education institution which prepares mining expertise and mining engineers who can lead the progress in this regard could count as another hurdle

    The influence of ChatGPT and AI Tools on the Academic Performance

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    The use of ChatGPT and other AI tools in education has become increasingly widespread these days, as educators seek to leverage the benefits of technology to improve student learning and academic performance. This review paper examines the existing research on the influence of ChatGPT and AI tools on academic performance, with an emphasis on both the potential benefits and challenges of these AI tools. The literature review indicates that while ChatGPT and other AI tools have the potential to enhance personalized learning, feedback and assessment, and interaction, they also encounter challenges such as moral concerns, lack of human interaction, and possible biases. In a summary, this paper emphasizes the need for additional empirical research to completely understand the impact of ChatGPT and AI tools on academic performance and provides recommendations for educators and policymakers on how to use these tools effectively and responsibly in educational environments

    A Proposed IoT-Based Bike Sharing System in Erbil City

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    urrently, many countries are faced with many problems regarding the environment and the destruction to the planet’s natural resources. In the long run, this will have a devastating effect on the well-being of mankind. As technology advances, and cities become over-populated, the damaging effects of air pollution, noise pollution, carbon monoxide from machinery and overcrowding could very well destroy the planet if countries don’t take measures to minimise this damage, and focus on boosting biodiversity and fighting climate change, thereby making the city a healthier place for everyone. Many countries have implemented the bike sharing system to solve some of the problems caused by mechanised transportation. In this paper, an IoT-based bike sharing docked system is proposed for the city of Erbil. This proposal has looked at expected challenges and solutions

    Analysis of wavelet-based full reference image quality assessment algorithm

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    Measurement of Image Quality plays an important role in numerous image processing applications such as forensic science, image enhancement, medical imaging, etc. In recent years, there is a growing interest among researchers in creating objective Image Quality Assessment (IQA) algorithms that can correlate well with perceived quality. A significant progress has been made for full reference (FR) IQA problem in the past decade. In this paper, we are comparing 5 selected FR IQA algorithms on TID2008 image datasets. The performance and evaluation results are shown in graphs and tables. The results of quantitative assessment showed wavelet-based IQA algorithm outperformed over the non-wavelet based IQA method except for WASH algorithm which the prediction value only outperformed for certain distortion types since it takes into account the essential structural data content of the image

    A review on polyurethane and its composites

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    In the recent years, the research about polyurethane (PU) composites (thermoplastic, thermoset, biobased polyurethane with synthetic fibers (glass, aramid and carbon) and natural fibers used as reinforcement of polymers has been increased due to their biodegradability, lightness, reduced cost and favorable mechanical properties. Unique mechanical, thermal, and chemical properties of Polyurethanes (thermoset/thermoplastic) can be designed by the reaction of various polyhydric compounds (polyols) and polyisocyanates which is derived from the formation of cross-linked polyurethanes. One of the challenges that researchers face today is to achieve satisfactory interfacial bonding which will result in products with better mechanical and thermal properties. Composites having better mechanical and thermal properties could find more industrial applications and consequently would have greater commercial acceptance. However, this is difficult due to the hydrophilicity of the fibers and the hydrophobicity of polymers such as polyurethane. In this review paper, comprehensive review about PU and its polymer composites were presented with concentrating on the effect of the different kinds of natural and synthetic fibers on the PU based polymer composites products. We also discussed the effect of chemical treatments of natural fibers on improvement of interfacial bonding between natural fiber and polyurethane matrix for development of advanced materials with better mechanical and thermal properties