268 research outputs found

    All-dielectric nanoantenna for efficient reflectors irradiation

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    In this paper, we propose a new kind of nanoantenna for effective illumination of parabolic surfaces, constituting of a silicon cylinder acting as a reflector and dipole source as an emitter. Tailored parameters of the nanoantenna ensure specific radiation pattern with broad main lobe and strongly suppressed side lobes that in the E-plane of the dipole is quite similar to the ideal “П” configuration, necessary for an as uniform as possible illumination of parabolic surfaces. This above radiation pattern is mostly due to the properly designed dielectric inclusion in the reflector that, therefore, is free of any losses. Consequently, we study how varying the antenna parameters affects the radiation pattern.Results of our numerical simulations are compared with already existing ones and highlight the principal features that provide the desired effect. Furthermore, due to the simple geometry of the inclusions, the considered nanoantenna, required in application such as nanoreflector antennas and/or nanophotonic devices, exhibits advantages in manufacturing processes with respect to already proposed solutions

    "Сакральные войны" в рамках мусульманской демонологии

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    Pavel Basharin's article touches on changing demonology of Muslim Iran as it concerns beliefs on the wars that happen between supernatural creatures. Such wars are mentioned so in Arabic as in Persian literature. Their general principles concerning battles of jinns and ghuls against diws, peris against fravashis and jinns can be reconstructed on the ground of a number of literary stories about the wars between supernatural creatures from Iranian (Sogdian text about Rustam, Shah-nama) and Arabian epic stories to fairy tales from the 1001 Nights. These wars represented struggle of two eternal principles of Good and Evil. Their fighters, who pursuit the same high aims, personify a cosmic principle of the world in the battle with their enemy. The author stresses a basic difference dividing Arabian and Persian folk tradition in the matter. While the latter insists on social hierarchy in both human and supernatural world, the former does not believe supernatural creatures including ghuls, jinns, shaytans a kind of social beings. В статье Павла Башарина рассматривается эволюция демонологии мусульманского Ирана в поверьях, связанных с войнами между сверхъестественными существами. Такие войны упоминаются как в арабской, так и в персидской литературе. Их основные принципы, связанные с битвами между джиннами и гулями против дивов, пери против фраваши и джиннов, могут быть реконструированы на основе литературных сюжетов о войнах между сверхъестественными существами, от иранских (согдийский текст о Рустаме, Шах-нама) и арабских эпических произведений и до сказок 1001 ночи. В этих войнах отражена борьба между двумя извечными началами – Добром и Злом. Люди, участвующие в них, преследуют те же высокие цели, аккумулируя в себе космический принцип функционирования мира. Автор подчёркивает принципиальное различие между арабской и персидской фольклорной традицией описания сакральных войн. В то время как последняя подчёркивает наличие социальной иерархии и в человеческом мире, и в мире сверхъестественного, первая не признаёт гулей, джиннов, шайтанов и прочих сверхъестественных созданий социальными существами.

    О статусе «махдистских» движений Х в. на Ближнем Востоке и их связях с политической борьбой в халифате

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    This рареr is the first part of а detailed study devoted to the religious mоvеmеnts of the 10th сеnturу Middle East such as hallajiyya, hululiyya, and 'adhakiriyya. The author focuses оn the соnnесtiоn of these mоvеmеnts with the struggle bеtwееn Nеstоriаn secretaries and Shi'i wazirs in Baghdad. The first part of this research examines the period from the соnfrоntаtiоn of Sa'id Ь. Makhlad with Shi'i powers led bу Isma'il b. Bulbul to the progressive rise of Ваnu Furat аnd the failure of the соuр d'etat of the 296/908. As а result of this process, Nеstоriаn secretaries lose their dоminаtiоn in the 'Abbasid Caliphate аnd their supremacy саmе to аn еnd.Эта статья представляет собой первую часть подробного исследования, посвященного религиозным движениям на Ближнем Востоке в Х веке, таким как халладжиййа, хулулиййа и ‘азакириййа. Автор сосредоточивает внимание на связи этих движений с борьбой между несторианскими секретарями и шиитскими визирями в Багдаде. В первой части этого исследования рассматривается период со времени начала конфронтации между Са‘идом б. Махладом и шиитскими силами, во главе которых стоял Исма‘ил б. Булбул, и до времени постепенного возвышения Бану Фурат и попытки государственного переворота 296/908 г. В результате этого процесса секретари-несториане лишились своего могущества и главенствующего положения в ‘Аббасидском халифате

    Dielectric Metamaterials with Toroidal Dipolar Response

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    Toroidal multipoles are the terms missing in the standard multipole expansion; they are usually overlooked due to their relatively weak coupling to the electromagnetic fields. Here we propose and theoretically study all-dielectric metamaterials of a special class that represent a simple electromagnetic system supporting toroidal dipolar excitations in the THz part of the spectrum. We show that resonant transmission and reflection of such metamaterials is dominated by toroidal dipole scattering, the neglect of which would result in a misunderstanding interpretation of the metamaterials macroscopic response. Due to the unique field configuration of the toroidal mode the proposed metamaterials could serve as a platform for sensing, or enhancement of light absorption and optical nonlinearities

    Ideal Magnetic Dipole: Scattering and Mantle Cloaking Effects

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    Artificial magnetic response is one of the recent research topics that is receiving significant attention. Nevertheless, because of the difficulties in exciting not only the magnetic moment but also multipoles of different order, and the presence of losses, the efficiency of its generation is strongly compromised. On the other hand, the presence of a cloaking phenomena can be described in terms of anapole mode, which consists in the compensation of the scattering due to the moment of the electric dipole with the toroidal one. Because of this effect, the remaining part of the field will exhibit a strong(er) magnetic dipole moment response. In the present study, the response of a cloaking device based on a real-life geometry is therefore analysed with particular focus the anapole mode excitation and ideal magnetic dipole behaviour