14 research outputs found

    A snap on quality management in Zimbabwe: a perspectives review

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    Purpose: The main objective of this article was to provide evidence concerning the level of Quality Management (QM) in Zimbabwe. Submitted evidence regarding QM in Zimbabwe will help organizations that want to implement QM systems. The results can guide government agents in making informed decisions towards QM systems implementation since very few organizations are officially quality certified. Research Methodology: The survey followed online search query on quality management in zimbabwe from journal articles, proceedings and institutional repository. 51 publications were selected and excel file was used to capture data and analyse. Results: The results expose that there was high interest in QM in 2014, 2015 and 2016. The results showed industries lack of capacity and resources, lack of skills and expertise, poor communication with stakeholders, poor raw materials, changing customer preferences, lack of top management commitment and costs of QM systems as key barriers to QM implementation. Limitations: The study limitation was survey of few studies retrieved through Bindura University online library and open access journal articles, proceedings papers and dissertations/thesis available on institutional repository. Keywords: Zimbabwe, Quality Management (QM), Drivers, Barriers, Benefit

    Impetus of urban horticulture on open spaces: case of Mutare City

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    Purpose: To understand the impetus of urban horticulture in the Mutare city with explicit motivation on low density areas. Research methodology: The investigation was quantitative in nature, and used a random sample of urban farmers in Mutare city low density areas. The Statistical Package for Social Scientist (SPSS Version 23) was used to analyse data from the questionnaires. Results: The results reveal that Mutare urban agricultural activities are driven by the need for food self-sufficient, income generation and utilisation of urban open spaces. Limitations: The research had limitations on the sample size and also needed to factor in other multiple response questions. Contributions: The findings are useful to urbanites, urban planners, developmental agents and authorities in the development of urban agriculture. Keywords: Urban horticulture, Urban agriculture, Mutare, Impetus, Food securit

    Modelling association between two Multiple Response Categorical Variables (MRCV) using generalized log-linear models: the case of urban agriculture in Mutare City

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    Purpose: This research aimed to apply log-linear modelling to model association between multiple response categorical variables (MRCV) on urban agriculture and enhance data analysis of the paper by Basera, Chakaipa, & Dube (2020) impetus of urban agriculture on open spaces of Mutare City. Research methodology: The research data was obtained from households and farmers in Mutare City - urban and peri-urban (inclusive of plots in Weirmouth Park and Fern Valley area in December 2020. A total of one hundred and fifteen (115) household farmers were surveyed. Results: Simultaneous Pairwise Marginal Independence (SPMI) tests revealed the presence of associations. Log-linear tests revealed a perfect fit based on small standardized Pearson residuals and a strong positive association based on observed and model-predicted odds ratios on-field agricultural activities and use of herbicides. Log-linear and further application of heterogeneity tests revealed partial and near no perfect fit in other pairs of MRCVs with a strong negative association between municipality vacant places and field agricultural activities. Limitations: The research could not carry out log-linear model associations of three or more MRCVs because files exceeded 2GB in memory on both MI.test () function for SPMI tests and genloglin regressions. Contribution: The study contributes to urban agriculture planning especially in enactment of urban agriculture laws, agriculture one stop shop business centers housing farm input supply shops, farm produce shops, and determining fit support that can be rendered to urban farmers. Keywords: Multiple Response Categorical Variables (MRCV), Association, Urban agricultur

    Tourism Certification for Promoting Tourism Sustainability in the Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe

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    This paper examines and ranks sustainable tourism certification concerns raised by managers of the pilot certified facilities in Zimbabwe. In the broader context, these concerns could be the reasons for the low uptake of these schemes in the country and on the continent. An email questionnaire with a three-item Likert scale and follow-up telephone interviews with 13 pilot test eco-certified facilities in the country were undertaken to collect the data. The results were thematically analysed. A ranked analysis of the concerns revealed a low uptake level of the scheme and the exclusion of guests in the certification process was the most important concern. Thirteen concerns were raised to corroborate previously raised concerns. It is recommended that there should be concerted efforts towards addressing the issue of low adoption levels of this tool both at the country and continental levels

    Impact of big data and analytics on quality management in rural tourism in southern Africa - Zimbabwe: A systematic literature review

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    Big data and analytics have assumed a significant role in the technological advancement that is shaping the world's travel industry today, posing both significant challenges and opportunities for rural tourism in southern Africa. Big data and analytics provide useful information to all tourism businesses, allowing them to estimate visitor need, optimize decision-making, knowledge exchanges and relationships with consumers, and deliver the best service in a more productive and effective way, thereby managing quality. The focus of this research is to investigate the problems and opportunities that may arise from the use of big data and analytics in rural tourism, its management, and the sector's future. The research content was obtained from popular web sources including articles indexed in Google Scholar, institutional repositories, dissertations and Scopus. Thirty-one peer reviewed articles published between 2012 and 2022 were considered for review. A thread of the problems and opportunities faced by use of big data and analytics was drawn inferring to rural tourism in Zimbabwe, a country in southern part of Africa. Despite widespread privacy and security issues, big data and analytics are widely thought to be advantageous for tourist and hospitality firms as founded in literature. In addition, big data and analytics is offering fresh viewpoints on the quality management discussion to both the tourist and hospitality industries. This study is useful for both scholars and practitioners interested in the utilization of big data and analytics

    Measuring Hospitality and Tourism Management Students’ Satisfaction with Work Related Learning Using Partial Least Squares in Zimbabwe

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    Purpose: The study assessed Tourism and Hospitality Students’ satisfaction with work-related learning (WRL) attachment using a two-stage extended model proposed by Taylor and Geldenhuys (2019). It also intends to determine if there are significant student satisfaction differences between males and females and between the students pursuing bachelor or diploma in Tourism and hospitality. Also, the study assessed if there is a moderation effect of a third variable (intermediate) on expectation and perception to students’ satisfaction. Method: Data were collected from 488 students using a survey instrument at the onset and at the end of the attachment. Analysis of results was done using both SPSS 23 and R 4.0.3. The study also applied the Multi-Group Analysis-Partial Least Squares (MGA-PLS) analysis permutation to test students’ satisfaction. Results: The research found no significant differences between males and females, and the students’ category (bachelor and diploma) on both Expectation-Satisfaction and Perception-Satisfaction relationship in model A. However, the study found significant differences between males and females in the perception-satisfaction relationship in Model B. The MGSA-PLS results revealed that male students have a positive and significant effect on the perception-satisfaction relationship as opposed to a negative and insignificant effect for females. The moderating effect test revealed that a third construct, INTER - Intermediate variable (a product of construct Perceptions and Expectation) has a positive impact on student satisfaction. Implications: There is a need for collaboration between hospitality industry players and academics in curriculum design, so as to meet the demands of the industry. &nbsp

    Festivals and tourism development: Examples from Tanzania and Zimbabwe

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    This study examines the impact of festivals in developing tourism in Zimbabwe and Tanzania borrowing experience from the two countries and other countries. The significance of festivals in development of tourism is relentless. The study identified major festivals and their importance. Festivals are gradually turning out to be arenas of discussions aiding people to prompt their understandings on broader social, political and cultural issues. Festivals are part of the most significant products of tourism, nonetheless also crucial component of humanity. This study is descriptive by design and it synthesizes published journal articles, books, magazines and newspapers. Correspondingly, the research employed Google scholar to search for the keywords to gain access to different information on the subject. The study also applied content analysis to evaluate the idea of festivals in relation to tourism. The study reveals that festivals have enormous contribution in the growth and development of tourism sector. Festivals draw tourists, where in turn tourists spend money, which enhances the local economy equally on and off the festival place. On-place spending comprises parking fees for those with vehicles, food (game meat), beverage, soft drinks, shopping and souvenir sales. Festivals in the tourism sector have ability to build relationship especially in the festival planning stage, during and after. The study further found that festivals form an opportunity to a group to induce their preference and belief. Crucial investigation of the impact of festivals in tourism development presented that festivals are one of the great vital tourism products, but also essential ingredient of society. This research shows that festivals have important contribution in growth of tourism. This study highlights the potentials of festivals in diversifying tourism products. The paper is based only on literature review to arrive at conclusion and the literature is relatively old. Survey method can be used for broader appreciation of festivals in the countries

    Utilization of the Zambezi River Basin for Tourism: Opportunities and Challenges: Opportunities and Challenges

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    Purpose: Zambezi River Basin (ZRB) is one of the top ranking tourist destinations in Southern Africa. It is one of the five longest river basins in Africa blessed with diversified wildlife. The popular stopovers along the river basin are Caprivi, Victoria Falls and Livingstone, Kariba, Kafue, Cahora Bassa and Zambezi Delta. It offers variety of tourist attractions including boating, cruising, kayaking, diving, walking along the river bank, bungee jumping, white water rafting, fishing, hunting and flying over the Basin. However, it seems that the development of facilities around the Basin like hotels, cottages, campsites, trails, tourism complexes and walkways does not match with the opportunities the ZRB offers. Keeping this in mind, the present study explores the challenges and the possibility of tourism development along the Zambezi River Basin (ZRB). Methods: The study is solely based on the Literature synthesis generated from secondary sources based on reports and articles published in academic journals. Results: Diverse wildlife and scenic beauty are the main opportunities for the region to develop tourism. However poor road and air communication and other infrastructural weaknesses are the major obstacles for the region to develop tourism. Implications: Governments and the private entrepreneurs should work together in developing infrastructure as well as tourist attractions in the region, including road, water and air transportation, electricity supply, gaming options, spa, and other such facilities. Limitations: The paper is based only on literature synthesis to arrive at the conclusion and recommendation. The literature is relatively scant and most of the available literature is from reports. Survey methods can be used to have a broader comprehension of the challenges and the opportunities of the region

    Utilization of the Zambezi River Basin for Tourism: Opportunities and Challenges: Opportunities and Challenges

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    Purpose: Zambezi River Basin (ZRB) is one of the top ranking tourist destinations in Southern Africa. It is one of the five longest river basins in Africa blessed with diversified wildlife. The popular stopovers along the river basin are Caprivi, Victoria Falls and Livingstone, Kariba, Kafue, Cahora Bassa and Zambezi Delta. It offers variety of tourist attractions including boating, cruising, kayaking, diving, walking along the river bank, bungee jumping, white water rafting, fishing, hunting and flying over the Basin. However, it seems that the development of facilities around the Basin like hotels, cottages, campsites, trails, tourism complexes and walkways does not match with the opportunities the ZRB offers. Keeping this in mind, the present study explores the challenges and the possibility of tourism development along the Zambezi River Basin (ZRB). Methods: The study is solely based on the Literature synthesis generated from secondary sources based on reports and articles published in academic journals. Results: Diverse wildlife and scenic beauty are the main opportunities for the region to develop tourism. However poor road and air communication and other infrastructural weaknesses are the major obstacles for the region to develop tourism. Implications: Governments and the private entrepreneurs should work together in developing infrastructure as well as tourist attractions in the region, including road, water and air transportation, electricity supply, gaming options, spa, and other such facilities. Limitations: The paper is based only on literature synthesis to arrive at the conclusion and recommendation. The literature is relatively scant and most of the available literature is from reports. Survey methods can be used to have a broader comprehension of the challenges and the opportunities of the region