23 research outputs found

    Facial Photographs and Study Models in Assessment of Orthodontic Treatment Needs: A Comparative Study

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    Aim: The purpose of the study was to compare and evaluate the examiner differences when assessing orthodontic treatment needs using facial photographs and study models.Materials and methods: Thirty subjects (9 males, 21 females) who displayed a definite, severe or very severe malocclusion as per dental esthetic index scores were considered for the study. The diagnostic study models and facial photographs were assessed for each patient by two consulting orthodontists and one postgraduate orthodontic student. Visual analog scale (VAS) was used to assess. Separate assessment was made from study models and facial photographs by two orthodontists and one postgraduate student. The orthodontic treatment needs were higher from study models compared with facial photographs (p < 0.001) for all the three examiners. Results: A considerable variation in the intraexaminer andinterexaminer consistency from the assessment of orthodontic treatment needs from facial photographs was shown. There were higher for orthodontic treatment needs from study models than facial photographs. Reduced intraexaminer and interexaminer variability from assessment of orthodontic treatment needs from facial photographs may suggest a specific method to achieve a more uniform evaluation of orthodontic treatment needs.&nbsp

    Wheat developmental traits as affected by the interaction between Eps-7D and temperature under contrasting photoperiods with insensitive Ppd-D1 background

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    Earliness per se (Eps) genes are important to fine tune adaptation, and studying their probable pleiotropic effect on wheat yield traits is worthwhile. In addition, it has been shown that some Eps genes interact with temperature and therefore determining the likely Eps × temperature interaction is needed for each newly identified Eps gene. We studied two NILs differing in the newly identified Eps-7D (carrying insensitive Ppd-D1 in the background) under three temperature regimes (9, 15 and 18 °C) and two photoperiods (12 and 24 h). Eps-7D affected time to anthesis as expected and the Eps-7D-late allele extended both the period before and after terminal spikelet. The interaction effect of Eps-7D × temperature was significant but not cross-over: the magnitude and level of significance of the difference between NILs with the late or early allele was affected by the growing temperature (i.e., difference was least at 18 °C and largest at 9 °C), and the differences caused due to temperature sensitivity were influenced by photoperiod. The rate of leaf initiation was faster in NIL with Eps-7D-early than with the late allele which compensated for the shorter duration of leaf initiation resulting in similar final leaf number between two NILs. Eps-7D-late consistently increased spike fertility through improving floret primordia survival as a consequence of extending the late reproductive phase.This research was funded by Spanish Research Agency (AEI), project AGL2015-69595-R; International Wheat Yield Partnership (IWYP), project IWYP25FP

    Understanding developmental processes responsible for adaptation- and yield- related traits in elite wheat germplasm

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    Increments en el rendiment de blat són necessaris per tal de fer front a la demanda creixent sota situacions complexes com la impossibilitat de expandir les terres cultivables, el canvi climàtic i el repte de produir grans mitjançant pràctiques agronòmiques sostenibles. En el passat, els guanys genètics s’han aconseguit optimitzant l’altura de la planta i el temps fins a antesi i, conjuntament amb la millora de la resistència al allitament i l’adaptació del blat, resultaven en increments importants del rendiment del gra. La millora genètica més enllà dependrà d’altres trets com la duració de cadascuna de les sub-fases del desenvolupament del blat o la combinació del nombre final de fulles i filocrons i els efectes en la fertilitat de les flors (un dels determinants més importants del nombre de grans i per extensió del rendiment). És per això, que aquesta Tesi es va centrar en la identificació dels trets en què es fonamenta el rendiment del gra i en debatre el compromís entre els diferents components fisiològics del rendiment del gra així com entendre l’efecte dels recentment identificats QTLs (locus de caràcters quantitatius) Eps en el desenvolupament del blat. El principal objectiu d’aquesta Tesi era millorar la comprensió dels trets responsables del rendiment del gra: com la distribució de les fases abans de floració, la fertilitat de l’espiga i la seva influència en el nombre de grans. Més particularment, identificar (i) els trets i les combinacions d’aquests que afecten al rendiment del gra, avaluant la possible variabilitat genètica en les fases abans de floració de les poblacions elit similars en temps fins a floració i en altura de planta; (ii) les funcions dels nous QTLs identificats, Eps-7D i Eps-2B en sub-fases particulars del temps abans d’antesi i fertilitat de l’espiga; (iii) la interacció de Eps-7D amb la temperatura i el fotoperíode sota condicions controlades. Per acomplir aquests objectius, es van dur a terme quatre assaigs de camp i un sota condicions controlades. Un gran nombre de poblacions bi-parentals derivades de progenitors elit van ésser avaluades en camp i es va seleccionar una mostra de línies amb altura de planta i temps fins a antesi similars per tal d’identificar els trets que en dirigeixen la variabilitat en rendiment. Les línies seleccionades presentaven una gran variabilitat en rendiment (c. 500-1000 g m-2) que es basaven en una millor fertilitat de l’espiga. Com que la major part de línies seleccionades amb un alt rendiment mostraven un nombre i un pes de grans elevat, podem concloure que la subsegüent millora del rendiment pot venir de l’augment en el nombre de grans sense implicar una reducció en el pes. L’avaluació de vuit línies que es diferencien en els Eps-7D i -2B en camp va revelar una interacció epistàtica entre ambdós, que afectava la dinàmica d’aparició de fulles, i el desenvolupament de les espiguilles i els primordis florals a més a més de les fases abans d’antesi. L’avaluació de Eps-7D en condicions controlades va revelar els efectes de la interacció entre aquest i la temperatura sobre les fases abans d’antesi i les dinàmiques de desenvolupament d’òrgans. La magnitud de l’efecte de Eps-7D era major que la de Eps-2B i els efectes de Eps-7D depenien de l’estat al·lèlic de Eps-2B. Les formes al·lèliques Eps-7D, Eps-7D-late i Eps-7D-early mostraven diferents graus de sensibilitat a la temperatura i les diferències en els seus efectes eren aparents en dies curts i a 9 ºC. Les conclusions d’aquesta Tesi van ser que el rendiment de gra pot millorar-se sense canviar el temps fins a antesi (optimitzant les fases d’abans d’antesi). Els Eps estudiats poden ser una eina per ajustar les fases d’abans d’antesi amb poques alteracions del temps fins a antesis. Aquí es demostra per primer cop la interacció entre dos Eps la qual només havia estat suggerida.Los aumentos en el rendimiento del cultivo de trigo son fundamentales para satisfacer la creciente demanda en una situación compleja, con imposibilidades de expandir aún más las tierras cultivables, el cambio climático y el desafío de producir granos mediante prácticas agronómicas sostenibles. En el pasado, las ganancias genéticas obtenidas mediante la optimización de la altura de la planta y el tiempo hasta antesis, conjuntamente con la mejora de la resistencia al acame y la adaptación del trigo, resultaron en incrementos importantes del rendimiento del grano. Futuras ganancias genéticas dependerán de otros atributos como la duración de alguna sub-fase de desarrollo particular del trigo o la combinación del número final de hojas y filocronos y la fertilidad de las flores (uno de los determinantes más importantes del número de granos y, por ende, del rendimiento). Es por ello, que esta Tesis se centró en identificar los atributos en que se fundamenta el rendimiento del grano y en discutir las compensaciones entre los diferentes componentes fisiológicos del rendimiento del grano, así como comprender el efecto de los QTLs Eps recientemente identificados en el desarrollo del trigo. El principal objetivo de esta Tesis fue mejorar la comprensión de los atributos responsables del rendimiento del grano como la distribución de las subfases durante prefloración, la fertilidad de la espiga y su influencia en el número de granos. Particularmente identificar (i) los atributos y las combinaciones de estos que afectan al rendimiento del grano, evaluando la posible variabilidad genética en las fases prefloración de poblaciones élite que poseen similar duración hasta floración y en altura de la planta; (ii) las funciones de los nuevos QTLs identificados, Eps-7D y Eps-2B en sub-fases particulares de la duración tiempo preantesis y la fertilidad de la espiga; (iii) la interacción de Eps-7D con la temperatura y el fotoperíodo bajo condiciones controladas. Para cumplir estos objetivos, se llevaron a cabo cuatro ensayos de campo y uno bajo condiciones controladas. Un gran número de poblaciones bi-parentales derivadas de progenitores élite fueron evaluadas en condiciones de campo y se seleccionó una muestra de líneas con altura de planta y tiempo hasta antesis similares para identificar los atributos que determinan la variabilidad en el rendimiento. Las líneas seleccionadas presentaban una gran variabilidad en rendimiento (c. 500-1000 g m-2) que se pudieron explicar por un mayor peso de la espiga en antesis y mayor eficiencia de fructificación (ambos componentes del número de granos) determinadas en la fase reproductiva tardía. El aumento en el número de granos no redujo el peso de los granos, ya que dos tercios de las líneas presentaron un número de granos alto (alto rendimiento) también tuvieron un peso de grano más alto en comparación con aquellas con un número de granos bajo. La evaluación de ocho líneas que se diferenciaron en los Eps-7D y -2B en campo reveló una interacción epistática entre ambos, que afectaba la dinámica de aparición de las hojas, y el desarrollo de las espiguillas y los primordios florales. La evaluación de Eps-7D en condiciones controladas reveló los efectos de la interacción entre este y la temperatura sobre las fases preantesis y las dinámicas de desarrollo de órganos. La magnitud del efecto de Eps-7D fue mayor que la de Eps-2B y los efectos de Eps-7D dependían del estado alélico de Eps-2B. Las formas alélicas Eps-7D, Eps-7D-late y Eps-7D-early mostraron diferentes grados de sensibilidad a la temperatura y las diferencias en sus efectos fueron claramente demostradas en condiciones de días cortos y a 9 ºC. El trabajo realizado en esta Tesis contribuye a entender y mejorar aún más el rendimiento de grano en de trigo, ya que la variabilidad en algunas subfases de desarrollo en pre-antesis en la población estudiada (con un tiempo similar hasta antesis) presentó una variabilidad razonable para el rendimiento de grano. Además, la evaluación de combinaciones alélicas de dos Eps recientemente identificados y sus interacciones epistáticas ayudan a adaptar la combinación alélica para producir un fenotipo deseado con una distribución ventajosa del tiempo para fenofases importantes. La interacción entre dos Eps particulares es informado por primera vez en esta Tesis.Increases in wheat yield are essential to meet the growing demand under a complex situation of impossibilities to further expand the arable lands, climate change, and the challenge to produce grains under environmentally friendly techniques. In the past, genetic gains were brought about by optimised plant height and time to anthesis which along with improving lodging resistance and wheat adaptation resulted in an important increase in grain yield. Further genetic gains will mostly depend on other traits, like the duration of particular sub-phases of wheat development or the combination of final leaf number and phyllochron and the effects on floret fertility (a major determinant of the number of grains, and hence grain yield). Therefore, this Thesis was focused on identifying traits underpinning the grain yield and discussing some important trade-offs between physiological components of grain yield as well as to understand the effect of newly identified Eps QTLs on wheat development. The main aim of the present Thesis was to improve the understanding of the physiological traits underlying grain yield such as distribution of pre-anthesis phases, spike fertility and their influence on grain number. Particularly to identify (i) traits and trait combinations that affect grain yield, evaluating possible genetic variability in pre-anthesis phases in elite lines with similar time to anthesis; and plant height; (ii) the functions of a newly identified Eps QTLs Eps-7D and Eps-2B beyond their known effect on time to anthesis such as their effect on the duration of individual pre-anthesis phases and spike fertility; and (iii) the interaction of the Eps-7D with temperature and photoperiod under controlled conditions. To accomplish these objectives, four experiments under field and one experiment under control conditions were performed. A large set of bi-parental population derived from elite parents were evaluated under field conditions and sub-set of lines with similar plant height and time to anthesis were selected to identify traits driving the grain yield variability in them. The selected lines carried large variability for grain yield (c. 500-1000 g m-2) which was explained better by spike dry weight at anthesis and fruiting efficiency, determined during late reproductive phase (traits that are components of grain number). Improving grain number did not reduce grain weight as two third of the lines presented high grain number (high grain yield) also had higher grain weight compared to those with low grain number. Evaluation of eight lines differing in Eps-7D and -2B under field conditions revealed an epistatic interaction between the two QTLs which affected the dynamics of leaf appearance, spikelet and floret primordia development in addition to the duration of pre-anthesis phases. Evaluation of Eps-7D under controlled conditions disclosed the interaction between Eps-7D × temperature on pre-anthesis phases and dynamics of organ development. Overall, the effect of Eps-7D was stronger than Eps-2B and the effects of Eps-7D depended on allelic status of Eps-2B. The allelic forms of Eps-7D, Eps-7D-late and –early, had different degree of sensitivity to temperature and the differences in their effect was clearer at 9 ºC under short day. The work reported in this Thesis may be useful in further improving grain yield in well adapted wheat regions, as the variability in individual pre-anthesis phases in the studied population with similar time to anthesis carried reasonable variability for grain yield. In addition, the evaluation of allelic combinations of two newly identified Eps and their epistatic interactions help in tailoring allelic combination to produce a desired phenotype with advantageous distribution of time to important phenophases. The interaction between two particular Eps is reported for the first time here which was only speculated before

    Effects of Short-term Intensive Yoga Program on Yoga Instructors or Therapist

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    Impacts of Yoga are recognizing day by day. Accordingly, the job has been created for Yoga Instructors and Therapist. Although many studies have already been published and elaborate the effects of Yogic practice on normal healthy population as well as disease population, effects of short-term intensive Yogic practice on Yoga Instructors or Therapist are rare. Yoga Instructors were randomly chosen from a 06 days intensive training course to find out the impacts of short-term intensive Yoga training on blood pressure (BP), muscle strength, flexibility body composition, and psychological parameters. BP decreased significantly. Body composition, muscle strength, and flexibility did not show any significant change. Exercise-induced efficiency increased significantly. This particular 06 day intensive Yoga program may relax mind and body, participants goes toward parasympathodominance as a result BP component reduced significantly. Short-term Yoga program may increase exercise induced efficiency in Yoga Instructors or Therapist. Short-term Yoga practices is beneficial for Yoga Instructors and Therapist in terms to reduce BP and enhance exercise-induced efficiency

    Modeling the hygro-Thermo-Mechanical agglomeration relations of carbon-epoxy hybrid nanocomposites

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    In the present work, the hygro-thermo-mechanical properties of hybrid nanocomposites are presented under the agglomeration effects of carbon nanotubes in the polymer matrix. In order to study the composite behaviors, the Voigt and Reuss homogenization method is adopted to present new relations for a hybrid nanocomposite that contains micro carbon fibers as inclusions along with the nanotubes. The experimental findings have shown that the nanotube agglomerations have a significant impact on the effective thermo-mechanical and moisture properties of nanocomposites. Experimental works also prove that nanotube agglomerations further degrade the electrical and vibration characteristics. Additionally, the existing fabrication methods have shown that extensive deagglomeration process has resulted in considerable damage to the nanotubes. Therefore, in order to overcome the above problems the hybrid nanocomposite concept has been proposed and the effective elastic, thermal, and moisture properties are derived in terms of the nanotube agglomeration. The effective hygro-thermo-mechanical properties of hybrid nanocomposites as a function of nanotube agglomeration volume fraction have been presented. The results prove that the effective properties of nanocomposites are reduced under nanotube agglomerations but enhanced when carbon fibers are used as inclusions. Consequently it is concluded that the nanocomposite properties can be improved by using carbon fibers as hybrid inclusions although nanotube agglomerations may be present

    Correction of an adult Class II division 2 individual using fixed functional appliance: A noncompliance approach

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    This case report describes the application of fixed functional appliance in the treatment of an adult female having Class II division 2 malocclusion with retroclination of upper incisors. Fixed functional appliance was used to correct the overjet after the uprighting of upper incisors. Fixed functional appliance was fitted on a rigid rectangular arch wire. Application of fixed functional appliance achieved a good Class I molar relationship along with Class I canine relationship with normal overjet and overbite. Fixed functional appliance is effective in the treatment of Class II malocclusions, even in adult patients, and can serve as an alternate choice of treatment instead of orthognathic surgery. This is a case; wherein, fixed functional appliance was successfully used to relieve deep bite and overjet that was ensued after leveling and aligning. We demonstrate that fixed functional appliance can act as a “noncompliant corrector” and use of Class II elastics can be avoided

    Orthodontic Therapeutic Biomarkers in Saliva and Gingival Crevicular Fluid

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    Several biologically active substances representing the bone deposition and resorption processes are released following damage to periodontal tissue during orthodontic movement. Biomarkers are by definition objective, quantifiable characteristics of biological processes. The analysis of saliva/salivary fluid and Gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) may be an accepted way to examine the ongoing biochemical processes associated with bone turnover during orthodontic tooth movement and fixed orthodontic treatment pain. Assessing the presence of these salivary physiological biomarkers would benefit the clinician in appropriate pain diagnosis and management objectively of various problems encountered during the orthodontic procedures and for better outcome of biomechanical therapy. Due to lack of standardized collection procedure, even though well accepted by patients, saliva is often neglected as a body fluid of diagnostic and prognostic value. A literature search was carried out in major databases such as PubMed, Medline, Cochrane library, Web of Science, Google Scholar, Scopus and EMBASE for relevant studies. Publication in English between 2000 to 2021 which estimated Saliva markers as indicators of orthodontic tooth movement was included. The list of biomarkers available to date was compiled and is presented in table format. Each biomarker is discussed separately based on the available and collected evidences. Several sensitive salivary and GCF biomarkers are available to detect the biomechanical changes occurring during orthodontic tooth movement and pain occurring during fixed orthodontic therapy. Further focussed research might help to analyze the sensitivity and reliability of these biomarkers or cytokines, which in turn can lead to the development of chairside tests to assess the pain experienced by patients during orthodontic therapy and finally the outcome of the fixed orthodontic therapy