33 research outputs found

    Two-Allergen Model Reveals Complex Relationship between IgE Crosslinking and Degranulation

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    SummaryAllergy is an immune response to complex mixtures of multiple allergens, yet current models use a single synthetic allergen. Multiple allergens were modeled using two well-defined tetravalent allergens, each specific for a distinct IgE, thus enabling a systematic approach to evaluate the effect of each allergen and percentage of allergen-specific IgE on mast cell degranulation. We found the overall degranulation response caused by two allergens is additive for low allergen concentrations or low percent specific IgE, does not change for moderate allergen concentrations with moderate to high percent specific IgE, and is reduced for high allergen concentrations with moderate to high percent specific IgE. These results provide further evidence that supraoptimal IgE crosslinking decreases the degranulation response and establishes the two-allergen model as a relevant experimental system to elucidate mast cell degranulation mechanisms

    Inhibition of weak-affinity epitope-IgE interactions prevents mast cell degranulation

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    Development of specific inhibitors of allergy has had limited success, in part, owing to a lack of experimental models that reflect the complexity of allergen-IgE interactions. We designed a heterotetravalent allergen (HtTA) system, which reflects epitope heterogeneity, polyclonal response and number of immunodominant epitopes observed in natural allergens, thereby providing a physiologically relevant experimental model to study mast cell degranulation. The HtTA design revealed the importance of weak-affinity epitopes in allergy, particularly when presented with high-affinity epitopes. The effect of selective inhibition of weak-affinity epitope-IgE interactions was investigated with heterobivalent inhibitors (HBIs) designed to simultaneously target the antigen- and nucleotide-binding sites on the IgE Fab. HBI demonstrated enhanced avidity for the target IgE and was a potent inhibitor of degranulation in vitro and in vivo. These results demonstrate that partial inhibition of allergen-IgE interactions was sufficient to prevent mast cell degranulation, thus establishing the therapeutic potential of the HBI design

    A heterobivalent ligand inhibits mast cell degranulation via selective inhibition of allergen-IgE interactions in vivo

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    Current treatments for allergies include epinephrine and antihistamines, which treat the symptoms after an allergic response has taken place; steroids, which result in local and systemic immune suppression; and IgE-depleting therapies, which can be used only for a narrow range of clinical IgE titers. The limitations of current treatments motivated the design of a heterobivalent inhibitor (HBI) of IgE-mediated allergic responses that selectively inhibits allergen-IgE interactions, thereby preventing IgE clustering and mast cell degranulation. The HBI was designed to simultaneously target the allergen binding site and the adjacent conserved nucleotide binding site (NBS) found on the Fab of IgE Abs. The bivalent targeting was accomplished by linking a hapten to an NBS ligand with an ethylene glycol linker. The hapten moiety of HBI enables selective targeting of a specific IgE, whereas the NBS ligand enhances avidity for the IgE. Simultaneous bivalent binding to both sites provided HBI with 120-fold enhancement in avidity for the target IgE compared with the monovalent hapten. The increased avidity for IgE made HBI a potent inhibitor of mast cell degranulation in the rat basophilic leukemia mast cell model, in the passive cutaneous anaphylaxis mouse model of allergy, and in mice sensitized to the model allergen. In addition, HBI did not have any observable systemic toxic effects even at elevated doses. Taken together, these results establish the HBI design as a broadly applicable platform with therapeutic potential for the targeted and selective inhibition of IgE-mediated allergic responses, including food, environmental, and drug allergies

    Covalent Heterobivalent Inhibitor Design for Inhibition of IgE-Dependent Penicillin Allergy in a Murine Model

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    Drug allergies occur when hapten-like drug metabolites conjugated to serum proteins, through their interactions with specific immunoglobulin E (IgE), trigger allergic reactions that can be life-threatening. A molecule termed covalent heterobivalent inhibitor (cHBI) was designed to specifically target drug-hapten specific IgE to prevent it from binding drug-haptenated serum proteins. cHBI binds the two independent sites on a drug-hapten specific antibody and covalently conjugates only to the specific IgE, permanently inhibiting it. The cHBI design was evaluated via ELISA to measure cHBI-IgE binding, degranulation assays of rat basophil leukemia (RBL) cells for in vitro efficacy, and mouse models of ear swelling and systemic anaphylaxis responses for in vivo efficacy. The cHBI design was evaluated using two seperate models: one specific to inhibit penicillin G reactive IgE, and another to inhibit IgE specific to a model compound, dansyl. We show that cHBI conjugated specifically to its target antibody and inhibited degranulation in cellular degranulation assays using RBL cells. Furthermore, cHBIs demonstrated in vivo inhibition of allergic responses in both murine models. We establish the cHBI design to be a versatile platform for inhibiting hapten/IgE interactions, which can potentially be applied to inhibit IgE mediated allergic reactions to any drug/small molecule allergy

    Designer covalent heterobivalent inhibitors prevent IgE-dependent responses to peanut allergen

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    Allergies are a result of allergen proteins cross-linking allergen-specific IgE (sIgE) on the surface of mast cells and basophils. The diversity and complexity of allergen epitopes, and high-affinity of the sIgE-allergen interaction have impaired the development of allergen-specific inhibitors of allergic responses. This study presents a design of food allergen-specific sIgE inhibitors named covalent heterobivalent inhibitors (cHBIs) that selectively form covalent bonds to only sIgEs, thereby permanently inhibiting them. Using screening reagents termed nanoallergens, we identified two immunodominant epitopes in peanuts that were common in a population of 16 allergic patients. Two cHBIs designed to inhibit only these two epitopes completely abrogated the allergic response in 14 of the 16 patients in an in vitro assay and inhibited basophil activation in an allergic patient ex vivo analysis. The efficacy of the cHBI design has valuable clinical implications for many allergen-specific responses and more broadly for any antibody-based disease

    Oriented Surface Immobilization of Antibodies at the Conserved Nucleotide Binding Site for Enhanced Antigen Detection

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    The conserved nucleotide binding site (NBS), found on the Fab variable domain of all antibody isotypes, remains a not-so-widely known and unutilized site. Here, we describe a UV photo-cross-linking method (UV-NBS) that utilizes the NBS for oriented immobilization of antibodies onto surfaces, such that the antigen binding activity remains unaffected. Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) has an affinity for the NBS with a <i>K</i><sub>d</sub> ranging from 1 to 8 μM for different antibody isotypes and can be covalently photo-cross-linked to the antibody at the NBS upon exposure to UV light. Using the UV-NBS method, antibody was successfully immobilized on synthetic surfaces displaying IBA via UV photo-cross-linking at the NBS. An optimal UV exposure of 2 J/cm<sup>2</sup> yielded significant antibody immobilization on the surface with maximal relative antibody activity per immobilized antibody without any detectable damage to antigen binding activity. Comparison of the UV-NBS method with two other commonly used methods, ε-NH<sub>3</sub><sup>+</sup> conjugation and physical adsorption, demonstrated that the UV-NBS method yields surfaces with significantly enhanced antigen detection efficiency, higher relative antibody activity, and improved antigen detection sensitivity. Taken together, the UV-NBS method provides a practical, site-specific surface immobilization method, with significant implications in the development of a large array of platforms with diverse sensor and diagnostic applications

    Synthetic Allergen Design Reveals The Significance of Moderate Affinity Epitopes in Mast Cell Degranulation

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    This study describes the design of a well-defined homotetravalent synthetic allergen (HTA) system to investigate the effect of hapten–IgE interactions on mast cell degranulation. A library of DNP variants with varying affinities for IgEDNP was generated (Kd from 8.1 nM to 9.2 μM), and 8 HTAs spanning this range were synthesized via conjugation of each DNP variant to the tetravalent scaffold. HTAs with hapten Kd < 235 nM stimulated degranulation following a bell-shaped dose response curve with maximum response occurring near the hapten Kd. HTAs with hapten Kd ≥ 235 nM failed to stimulate degranulation. To mimic physiological conditions, the percent of allergen specific IgE on cell surface was varied, and maximum degranulation occurred at 25% IgEDNP. These results demonstrated that moderate hapten–IgE affinities are sufficient to trigger mast cell degranulation. Moreover, this study established the HTA design as a well-defined, controllable, and physiologically relevant experimental system to elucidate the mast cell degranulation mechanism

    Conjugation of a Reactive Thiol at the Nucleotide Binding Site for Site-Specific Antibody Functionalization

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    Described here is a UV photo-cross-linking method that utilizes the NBS (nucleotide binding site) for site-specific covalent functionalization of antibodies with reactive thiol moieties (UV-NBS<sup>Thiol</sup>), while preserving antibody activity. By synthesizing an indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) conjugated version of cysteine we site-specifically photo-cross-linked a reactive thiol moiety to antibodies at the NBS. This thiol moiety can then be used as an orthogonally reactive location to conjugate various types of functional ligands that possess a thiol reactive group through disulfide bond formation or reaction with a maleimide functionalized ligand. Our results demonstrate the utility of the UV-NBS<sup>Thiol</sup> method by successfully functionalizing a prostate specific antigen antibody (IgG<sup>PSA</sup>) with IBA-Thiol and subsequent reaction with maleimide-fluorescein. An optimal UV energy of 0.5–1.5 J/cm<sup>2</sup> was determined to yield the most efficient photo-cross-linking and resulted in 1–1.5 conjugations per antibody while preserving antibody/antigen binding activity and Fc recognition. Utilizing the IBA-Thiol ligand allows for an efficient means of site-specifically conjugating UV sensitive functionalities to antibody NBS that would otherwise not have been amenable by the previously described UV-NBS photo-cross-linking method. The UV-NBS<sup>Thiol</sup> conjugation strategy can be utilized in various diagnostic and therapeutic applications with nearly limitless potential for the preparation of site-specific covalent conjugation of affinity tags, fluorescent molecules, peptides, and chemotherapeutics to antibodies

    Enhanced Cellular Uptake of Peptide-Targeted Nanoparticles through Increased Peptide Hydrophilicity and Optimized Ethylene Glycol Peptide-Linker Length

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    Ligand-targeted nanoparticles are emerging drug delivery vehicles for cancer therapy. Here, we demonstrate that the cellular uptake of peptide-targeted liposomes and micelles can be significantly enhanced by increasing the hydrophilicity of the targeting peptide sequence while simultaneously optimizing the EG peptide-linker length. Two distinct disease models were analyzed, as the nanoparticles were functionalized with either VLA-4 or HER2 antagonistic peptides to target multiple myeloma or breast cancer cells, respectively. Our results demonstrated that including a short oligolysine chain adjacent to the targeting peptide sequence effectively increased cellular uptake of targeted nanoparticles up to ∼80-fold using an EG6 peptide-linker in liposomes and ∼27-fold using an EG18 peptide-linker in micelles for the VLA-4/multiple myeloma system. Similar trends were also observed in the HER2/breast cancer system with the EG18 peptide-linker resulting in optimal uptake for both types of nanoparticles. Cellular uptake efficiency of these formulations was also confirmed under fluidic conditions mimicking physiological systems. Taken together, these results demonstrated the significance of using the right design elements to improve the cellular uptake of nanoparticles