165 research outputs found

    Water Demand and the Welfare Effects of Connection: Empirical Evidence from Cambodia

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    Using cross-sectional household-level data from seven provincial Cambodian towns, we estimate a water demand equation for households connected to the network, and provide an empirical measurement of the economic value of tap water connection. The use of a two-step econometric procedure allows us to analyse issues relating to household access to water and to the volume of household water consumption. We estimate that the connection elasticity with respect to the one-off initial cost of connection is -0.39; the price elasticity of water demand for the connected households lies in a range between -0.4 and -0.5; and the welfare effects of water connection are approximately 17 percent of the actual expenditure of the poor unconnected households. Furthermore, providing a network connection to all households in the sample would have the distributional consequences of decreasing the estimated Gini coefficient by three percentage points and the poverty head-count ratio by six percentage points.

    Towards a framework to ensure alignment among information security professionals, ICT security auditors and regulatory officials in implementing information security in South Africa

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    Information security in the form of IT governance is part of corporate governance. Corporate governance requires that structures and processes are in place with appropriate checks and balances to enable directors to discharge their responsibilities. Accordingly, information security must be treated in the same way as all the other components of corporate governance. This includes making information security a core part of executive and board responsibilities. Critically, corporate governance requires proper checks and balances to be established in an organisation; consequently, these must be in place for all information security implementations. In order to achieve this, it is important to have the involvement of three key role players, namely information security professionals, ICT security auditors and regulatory officials (from now on these will be referred to collectively as the ‘role players’). These three role players must ensure that any information security controls implemented are properly checked and evaluated against the organisation’s strategic objectives and regulatory requirements. While maintaining their individual independence, the three role players must work together to achieve their individual goals with a view to, as a collective, contributing positively to the overall information security of an organisation. Working together requires that each role player must clearly understand its individual role, as well the role of the other players at different points in an information security programme. In a nutshell, the role players must be aligned such that their involvement will deliver maximum value to the organisation. This alignment must be based on a common framework which is understood and accepted by all three role players. This study proposes a South African Information Security Alignment (SAISA) framework to ensure the alignment of the role players in the implementation and evaluation of information security controls. The structure of the SAISA framework is based on that of the COBIT 4.1 (Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology). Hence, the SAISA framework comprises four domains, namely, Plan and Organise Information Security (PO-IS), Acquire and Implement Information Security (AI-IS), Deliver and Support Information Security (DS-IS) and Monitor and Evaluate Information Security (ME-IS). The SAISA framework brings together the three role players with a view to assisting them to understand their respective roles, as well as those of the other role players, as they implement and evaluate information security controls. The framework is intended to improve cooperation among the role players by ensuring that they view each other as partners in this process. Through the life cycle structure it adopts, the SAISA framework provides an effective and efficient tool for rolling out an information security programme in an organisationComputer ScienceM. Sc. (Computer Science

    Legal Certainty on Sanction of Regional Regulation of Bandung City No. 7 of 2018 on Cultural Heritage Management Regarding The Renovation of Cultural Heritage in Bandung City

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    Historical buildings that spread out all over Bandung City become silent witness of the city’s establishment until the present day. Some of them currently still last in the good shape and well-maintained, while the others fall apart by modernization. It is not infrequently happening that renovation of the old building becoming the new building done without neither license nor regulation. This research aims to analyze and understand the legal sanction related to renovation of historical building as a part of cultural heritage in Indonesia, specifically Bandung City, West Java. The purpose of this research is to engage all elements of society’s concern and involvement in cultural heritage preservation. The method of this research is library research as a research in literature or an activity to compile information relevant to topic or object of research and received from books, scientific paper, thesis, dissertation, encyclopedia, internet and other resources. The research shows the result that the consequence of a construction being established as cultural heritage is maintaining the values of history, culture, knowledge, religion, even architecture. People, especially in Indonesia worry about cultural heritage construction because the citizen minds that the construction cannot be modified, tumbled down or hard to sell

    Congenital hypothyroidism presenting as isolated macroglossia in a term neonate: A case report

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    Macroglossia is a clinical condition in which the tongue protrudes beyond the teeth or alveolar ridge during resting posture, or there is an impression of a tooth on the lingual border with the mouth open. True macroglossia occurs in hypothyroidism, Beckwith–Wiedemann syndrome, and storage disorders. Apparent or pseudo macroglossia may result from neurological impairment of the tongue or a relatively small buccal cavity as in Pierre Robin syndrome and Down’s syndrome. Rarely, macroglossia is inherited as an autosomal dominant condition. A wide variety of primary conditions of the tongue can cause tongue enlargement, e.g., lingual thyroid, cysts, tumors, hemangioma, lymphatic malformations, and myositis. Symptoms associated with macroglossia include noisy breathing, stridor, snoring, and feeding difficulties. Although macroglossia is described in hypothyroidism, there are few publications on macroglossia presenting in the neonatal period. We report a case of congenital hypothyroidism presenting as isolated macroglossia at birth in a term neonate

    Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Objek Wisata Menggunakan Metode Weighted Product dan Simple Additive Weighting

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    Kalimantan Timur memiliki berbagai macam pesona alam tersendiri yang terdapat di berbagai daerah salah satunya Kota Bontang. Kota Bontang juga memiliki sektor pariwisata yang berpotensi dan dapat dikembangkan sebagai daya tarik wisata. Sektor pariwisata saat ini berpotensial untuk dikembangkan sebagai salah satu sumber pendapatan daerah. Sistem pendukung keputusan (SPK) pemilihan objek wisata ini berbasis computer. Adapun tujuan penelitian untuk membangun sistem yang dapat memberikan rekomendasi mengenai pemilihan objek wisata sehingga dapat membantu parawisatawan dalam memilih tempat wisata. Metode yang digunakan dengan cara menggabungkan metode antara WP untuk pembobotan kriteria dan SAW untuk proses perangkingan alternatif. Data yang digunakan adalah data objek wisata yang berada di Kota Bontang yang didapatkan langsung dari Dinas Pemuda Olahraga dan Pariwisata (DISPOPAR). Hasil yang didapat dari sistem berupa perangkingan dan rekomendasi data objek wisata Kota Bontang, adapun hasil rangking teratas atau rangking 1 diduduki oleh objek wisata Pulau Beras Basah dengan nilai preferensi 0.8622

    Minat Siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas dalam Mengikuti Jong Batak Art Festival IV di Taman Budaya Sumatera Utara

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    This study aims to determine the interest of YP high school students. HKBP Sidorame in following Jong Batak Art Festival IV in the North Sumatra Cultural Park and the factors that influenced the interest of YP High School students. HKBP Sidorame in following Jong Batak Art Festival IV in North Sumatra Cultural Park. The theory used in this study is the theory of interest, kinds of interests, influencing factors, jong batak which explains the feeling of being more like and feeling interested in something or activity, without being told. Basically, interest is the acceptance of a relationship between yourself and something outside of yourself, the stronger or nearer the relationship, the greater the interest. The method in this study is mixed methods. Data collection is based on library studies, observation, and documentation. The sample in this study were students of class XII IPS 1 totaling 32 people. Based on the results of the research conducted, it can be seen that the use of questionnaires as research instruments shows that students are interested in participating in the Jong Batak Art Festival IV but have not reached the highest level in the assessment category, which is Very Interested

    Pengaruh Corporate Governance, Kepemilikan Keluarga dan Ukuran Perusahaan Terhadap Tax avoidance

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    Penghindaran pajak (tax avoidance) adalah cara mengurangi pajak yang masih dalam batas ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan perpajakan dan dapat dibenarkan terutama melalui perencanaan pajak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh corporate governance, kepemilikan keluarga dan ukuran perusahaan terhadap tax avoidance pada industri manufaktur yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia tahun pada 2010-2012. Penelitian ini dikategorikan sebagai jenis penelitian deskriptif verikatif bersifat kausalitas. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah perusahaan manufaktur yang terdaftar dalam Bursa Efek Indonesia dari tahun 2010-2012 dengan sampel yang dipilih berdasarkan purposive sampling sebanyak 24 emiten. selama tiga tahun periode penelitian, sehingga diperoleh sebanyak 72 data observasi perusahaan. Metode analisis data dari penelitian ini menggunakan analisis regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) corporate governance (kepemilikan institusional, kepemilikan manajerial dan komisaris independen), kepemilikan keluarga dan ukuran perusahaan secara simultan berpengaruh terhadap tax avoidance, (2) kepemilikan institusional, komisaris independen dan ukuran perusahaan berpengaruh signifikan secara parsial terhadap tax avoidance, (3) kepemilikan manajerial dan kepemilikan keluarga tidak memiliki pengaruh secara parsial terhadap tax avoidance. Kata Kunci : corporate governance, kepemilikan keluarga, ukuran perusahaan, tax avoidance

    Enhanced Photon Routing Beyond the Blockade Limit Via Linear Optics

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    Directing indistinguishable photons from one input port into separate output ports is a fundamental operation in quantum information processing. The simplest scheme for achieving routing beyond random chance uses the photon blockade effect of a two-level emitter. But this approach is limited by a time-energy uncertainty relation. We show that a linear optical unitary transformation applied after the atom enables splitting efficiencies that exceed this time-energy limit. We show that the linear optical unitary improves the splitting efficiency from 67\% to 82\% for unentangled photon inputs, and from 77\% to 90\% for entangled photon inputs. We then optimize the temporal mode profile of the entangled photon wavefunction to attain the optimal splitting efficiency of 92\%, a significant improvement over previous limits derived using a two-level atom alone. These results provide a path towards optimizing single photon nonlinearities and engineering programmable and robust photon-photon interactions for practical, high-fidelity quantum operations.Comment: 14 pages (including appendix), 4 figure
